



From 04/19/2020 to 05/18/2020


11:58 PM Support #4611 (New): PATC First EFT sent , autonomous body
1. Description of problems:
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' button
3. Solution : Support for au...
Evan Sharif
11:57 PM Support #4610 (New): Autonomous Grants request submissionfor Bangladesh Employee welfare board
1. Description of problems:
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : Provide support for sending Grants request sending...
Evan Sharif
11:55 PM Support #4609 (New): code mapping for project office , UAO Madhabpur
1. Description of problems:Code not found in bill section
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' butto...
Evan Sharif
11:53 PM Support #4608 (New): DDO user ID open for staff bill submit
1. Description of problems: DDO user ID open for staff bill submit
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : DDO user ope...
Evan Sharif
11:51 PM Support #4607 (New): CMH Ghatail@user id
Description of problems :CMH Ghatail@user id
How it generates :info
Solution :Done
Is there any need for developme...
Sabya Sachee
11:49 PM Support #4606 (New): ASPTS@user id
Description of problems : @user id
How it generates :info
Solution :DOne
Is there any need for development interve...
Sabya Sachee
11:48 PM Support #4605 (New): BMA@staff user id
Description of problems :borishall station hq @user id
How it generates :info
Solution :DOne
Is there any need for...
Sabya Sachee
10:56 PM Support #4604 (New): DCA RANGPUR@festival bonous
1. Description of problems: DCA RANGPUR@festival bonous
2. How it generates:lake of info
3. Solution :suggested acc...
Sabya Sachee
10:53 PM Support #4603 (New): Area HQ@civil user id
1. Description of problems:Area HQ@civil user id
2. How it generates:civil user id
3. Solution :suggested according...
Sabya Sachee
10:31 PM Support #4602 (New): chonaro ghat Post office@wrong bank info
1. Description of problems:chonaro ghat Post office@wrong bank info
2. How it generates:Bank info is wrong
3. Solut...
Sabya Sachee
06:21 PM Support #4601 (New): DDO authorization budget check and bill.
1. Description of problems:DDO authorization bill not entered.
2. Solution : By Describing authorization budget chec...
Benamin Mukammel
06:19 PM Support #4600 (New): staff bill payment and allowance update.
1. Description of problems:staff bill payment and allowance update.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :Instructed to...
Benamin Mukammel
06:17 PM Support #4599 (New): self bill submission user id problem.
1. Description of problems:after joining new office user id office not changed.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :...
Benamin Mukammel
06:14 PM Support #4598 (New): self bill submission user id problem.
1. Description of problems:Employee not found.
2. How it generates:post is different in employee info.
3. Solution...
Benamin Mukammel
06:11 PM Support #4597 (New): GPF final payment
1. Description of problems:GPF final payment bill entry.
2. How it generates:Opening balance is grater then closing ...
Benamin Mukammel
02:58 PM Support #4596 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc323ir3tz1...
Sajan Das
01:20 PM Support #4595 (New): Merge NID in DAO Khagrachhari
1. Description of problems: double NID Found
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Two NID Merge
4. How can devel...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:31 PM Support #4594 (New): Code Permission UAO debidwar
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:37 AM Support #4593 (New): Code Permission at DAO Thakurgoan
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
11:15 AM Support #4592 (New): Code Remove DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Code Double found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:00 AM Support #4591 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation UAO Satkania
1. Description of problems: Master Data Edit Problem
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solution : By pa...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:50 AM Support #4590 (New): Code Permission DAO Khagrachhari
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:43 AM Support #4589 (New): Code Permission at UAO Rajibpur
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
10:39 AM Support #4588 (New): Code Permission DAO Feni
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:37 AM Support #4587 (New): Code remove(worng coding block) from UAO Kalia
1. Description of problems: Code Double found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
Mossanna Argon
10:36 AM Support #4586 (New): DDO Open and Code Permission at UAO Chilmari
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
10:26 AM Feature #4585 (New): HRM Module - Timesheet SP
Aminul Mohaimen


11:28 PM Bug #4584 (New): Budget related issue at Sherpur sadar
1. Description of problems:Bill not entered due to insufficient budget but pay point claimed budget should be availab... Benamin Mukammel
11:23 PM Support #4583 (New): officers festival bill submission.
1. Description of problems:festival bill submission problem
2. How it generates: NID number in ibas is different fro...
Benamin Mukammel
11:20 PM Support #4582 (New): Contract revision entry problem.
1. Description of problems:Contract revision entry problem.
2. How it generates:Due to Invalid data entry
3. Solut...
Benamin Mukammel
11:17 PM Support #4581 (New): Self bill user id problem
Description of problems:Self bill user id problem.Employee information not found.
How it generates :employee informa...
Benamin Mukammel
11:12 PM Support #4580 (New): Code Permission at DAO Meherpur
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
11:07 PM Support #4579 (New): DDO link with UAO Super new ID in 11UAO
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. S...
Mossanna Argon
08:33 PM Support #4578 (New): BMA@staff user id
Description of problems :borishall station hq @user id
How it generates :info
Solution :Suggested to send info as p...
Sabya Sachee
08:30 PM Support #4577 (New): 46 bgrd@ddo mobile no not found
Description of problems :ddo mobile no not found during bill submission from ddo module
How it generates :mobile no...
Sabya Sachee
08:25 PM Support #4576 (New): FC bof@wrong coding blk
Description of problems :interest on govt loan showing double
How it generates :due to wrong coding blk
Solution :W...
Sabya Sachee
08:23 PM Support #4575 (New): borishall station hq @user id
Description of problems :borishall station hq @user id
How it generates :info
Solution :Suggested to send info as p...
Sabya Sachee
08:22 PM Support #4574 (New): 46 BRD@rt DATA
Description of problems :rt DATA entry
How it generates :Not found in pay fixation
Solution :NID bypass done
Is th...
Sabya Sachee
08:20 PM Support #4573 (New): 61 fd wrksp@staff user
Description of problems :61 fd wrksp@staff user
How it generates :info
Solution :Suggested to send info as per pro...
Sabya Sachee
08:19 PM Support #4572 (New): 43 indep FD coy engr@DDO Module data entry
Description of problems :DDO Module data entry
How it generates :RT grade not found
Solution :Suggested to send inf...
Sabya Sachee
01:36 PM Support #4571 (New): Code Permission UAO Hatia
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:33 PM Support #4570 (New): Code Remove DAO Feni
1. Description of problems: Code Double found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:15 PM Support #4569 (New): DDO link with UAO Super new ID in 6UAO
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. S...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:38 AM Support #4568 (New): DCA chittagong Debit Scroll Upload Problem april -2020
1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:54 AM Support #4567 (New): Code Permission DAO Noakhali
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:49 AM Bug #4566 (New): Code Permission at DAO Gaibandha (8112201,7215101,7215102,3111316)
Description of problems : COde not found at Bill entry
How it generates : Bill Entry code not found
Solution : DDO ...
Mossanna Argon
10:43 AM Support #4565 (New): Code Permission UAO Hatia
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:36 AM Support #4564 (New): Code Permission at DAO Magura(1090101101435-110000000-11001000-1441202-4)
Description of problems : COde not found at Bill entry
How it generates : Bill Entry code not found
Solution : D...
Mossanna Argon
10:18 AM Support #4563 (New): DDO-USer ID Open

1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddowomenp...
Mossanna Argon
09:47 AM Support #4562 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddotc5tvcevc"...
Sajan Das


08:54 PM Support #4561 (New): officers festival bill submission.
1. Description of problems:festival code not shown while submitting bill.
2. How it generates:NID no of ibas and pay...
Benamin Mukammel
08:50 PM Support #4560 (New): Self registrtion of NAVY officer.
1. Description of problems:Self registration problem
2. How it generates:Due to lack of information
3. Solution :In...
Benamin Mukammel
12:03 PM Bug #4559 (New): EFT REORDER PROBLEM
1. Description of problems- EFCA201240000315 ,,, EFCA201250006028 ,,, EFCA201260001456 THIS EFT FILE FACE REORDER PR... Sajan Das
10:13 AM Support #4558 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc17ir3tz1"...
Sajan Das
09:50 AM Support #4557 (New): Beneficiary data distribution among MSFs and collection
Aminul Mohaimen


10:39 PM Support #4556 (New): Code remove(worng coding block) from UAO Gobindaganj

1. Description of problems: Wrong Coding Block Mapping
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
Mossanna Argon
10:30 PM Support #4555 (New): Code remove(worng coding block) from DAO Gaibandha
1. Description of problems: Wrong Coding Block Mapping
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. So...
Mossanna Argon


10:07 PM Support #4554 (New): GPF loan not reflect at bill detail.
1. Description of problems:GPF loan not reflect at bill detail.
2. How it generate:wrong loan configuration.
2. So...
Benamin Mukammel
10:04 PM Support #4553 (New): DDO authorization budget.
1. Description of problems:DDO authorization bill not entered.
2. Solution : By Describing authorization budget chec...
Benamin Mukammel
10:02 PM Support #4552 (New): self bill submission
1. Description of problems:Self bill submission
2. How it generates:Due to insufficient budget.
3. Solution :budg...
Benamin Mukammel
10:00 PM Support #4551 (New): Self registrtion of ARMY officer.
1. Description of problems:Self registration problem
2. How it generates:Due to lack of information
3. Solution :In...
Benamin Mukammel
08:19 PM Support #4550 (New): DDO open UAO Fenchuganj
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Evan Sharif
08:14 PM Support #4549 (New): Code Permission DCA Sylhet
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Evan Sharif
07:28 PM Support #4548 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Configurat... Sajan Das
01:46 PM Support #4547 (New): Self reg@60DIV
Description of problems :self reg
How it generates :mobile no not match
Solution :need to contact with pay fixation...
Sabya Sachee
01:37 PM Support #4546 (New): Code Permission DAO Bandarban
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:37 PM Support #4545 (New): Office to pay point mapping at DCA Rangpur(1210514141290 ,1210512141284 )
Description of problems : New office created
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping
Is there an...
Mossanna Argon
12:29 PM Support #4544 (New): Month Close Problem (April-2020) at UAO Abhoynagar
Description of problems : rcpt payment mismatch
How it generates :
Solution : bank reconciliation report analyse...
Mossanna Argon
12:29 PM Support #4543 (New): mobile no update@ITDTE

Pl Add This Mobile Number.
User ID: 10610
Mobile No: 01521447573
[email protected]
Sabya Sachee
12:27 PM Support #4541 (New): Code Permission at DCA Rangpur
Description of problems : code not found at bill entry
How it generates :
Solution : DDO Coding-block mapping
Is t...
Mossanna Argon
12:27 PM Support #4542 (New): air officer SELF regi@Airforce
Description of problems :Army officer SELF regi
How it generates :lake of info
Solution :informed accordingly
Is t...
Sabya Sachee
12:25 PM Support #4540 (New): 7 horce@MOBILE no update of a self id
Please add new Mobile No and E-mail address in respect of following officer of 7 Horse:
Name : ...
Sabya Sachee
12:23 PM Support #4539 (New): 46 Indep Inf Bde@Present scale of RT mot found
1. Description of problems:Present scale of RT mot found
2. How it generates:Development issues
3. Solution :Forwar...
Sabya Sachee
12:21 PM Support #4538 (New): afc cumilla@DDO issues
1. Description of problems:ddo issues
2. How it generates:DDO not generated
3. Solution :DDO open request email tra...
Sabya Sachee
12:20 PM Support #4537 (New): RT NID Bypass@16 Bir
Description of problems : RT NID Bypass
How it generates :pay fixation of RT is not mandatory according to PP&A
Sabya Sachee
12:18 PM Support #4536 (New): 16bir@staff bill process
Description of problems :staff bill process
How it generates :lake of info
Solution : Supported accordingly
Is the...
Sabya Sachee
12:17 PM Support #4535 (New): Mobile no update in as user id@আইবাস++ সার্পোট সেল
Please add mobile no to get new password.
Lt Ananna, Ordep Barishal
User ID: 10610
Mobile No: 01521447573
Sabya Sachee
11:56 AM Support #4534 (New): GPF Deduction Problem UAO Shahrasti
1. Description of problems: GPF Advance Entry Problem
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solution : GP...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:49 AM Support #4533 (New): Code Remove UAO Raujan
1. Description of problems: Wrong Coding Block Mapping
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. So...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:34 AM Support #4532 (New): Online user Registration Problem DAO Brahmanbaria
1. Description of problems: Mobile number does not match
2. How it generates: When user online registration
3. Solu...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:20 AM Support #4531 (New): Code Permission at DCA Rangpur
Description of problems : code not found at bill entry
How it generates :
Solution : DDO Coding-block mapping
Is t...
Mossanna Argon
10:05 AM Support #4530 (New): Month Close Problem (April-2020) at DAO Thakurgoan

Description of problems : Bills remain without issue check /eft
How it generates :
Solution : EFT reorder entr...
Mossanna Argon
09:31 AM Support #4529 (New): User Login ID- can not found all ddo and menu as a Upazilla Super. @ UAO Khanshama

Description of problems : bill/token -all ddo not found
How it generates :
Solution :Map Post Ddo By User's Pa...
Mossanna Argon
09:25 AM Support #4528 (New): Code Permission at DAO Nilphamari

Description of problems : code not found at bill entry
How it generates :
Solution : DDO Coding-block mapping ...
Mossanna Argon


09:10 PM Support #4527 (New): wrong name showing in pay bill ID
1. Description of problems: wrong name showing in pay bill ID
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' but...
Evan Sharif
08:51 PM Support #4526 (New): Invalid configuration data problem CAO Foreign Affiars
1. Description of problems: Invalid configuration data problem
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' bu...
Evan Sharif
08:40 PM Support #4525 (New): GPF code blocking not found (dao sunamganj)
1. Description of problems: GPF code blocking not found for Education engineer department
2. How it generates: When...
Evan Sharif
06:26 PM Bug #4523 (New): Staff bill EFT
1. Description of problems:DDO module need to start at Govt college Alfadanga.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :Re...
Benamin Mukammel
06:23 PM Support #4522 (New): SFC NAVY budget problem
1. Description of problems:Budget vs actual report showing wrong in 4112101 economic code.
2. How it generates:
3. ...
Benamin Mukammel
06:20 PM Support #4521 (New): RHD Tangail bill entry problem.
1. Description of problems:Insufficient budget .
2. How it generates:While doing bill.
3. Solution :Distribution ...
Benamin Mukammel
06:18 PM Support #4520 (New): self bill submission
1. Description of problems:Self bill submission user id password forget.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :Instruct...
Benamin Mukammel
04:54 PM Support #4519 (New): Budget entry and iBAS++ Support support
Budget entry, iBAS++ Support, Finance Divexision & Line Ministries Tapas Kumar
02:52 PM Support #4518 (New): 42bir@STAFF ddo MODULE USER ID
1. Description of problems:STAFF ddo MODULE USER ID
2. How it generates:User id/pw not found
3. Solution :37 bir is...
Sabya Sachee
02:35 PM Support #4517 (New): 43 Indep Fd Coy Engrs
1. Description of problems:NID not found in pay fixation
2. How it generates: Pay fixation not found
3. Solution :P...
Sabya Sachee
02:33 PM Support #4516 (New): 46 Bde @ NID issues
1. Description of problems:NID not found in pay fixation
2. How it generates: Pay fixation not found
3. Solution :...
Sabya Sachee
01:20 PM Support #4515 (New): DDO Open UAO Bilaichhari With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:44 PM Support #4514 (New): Code Permission at DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems: code not found in bill/Journal entry screen
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : code...
Mossanna Argon
12:43 PM Support #4513 (New): DDO-USer ID Open

1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoagricu...
Mossanna Argon
12:24 PM Support #4512 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc180ir1tz9...
Sajan Das
12:23 PM Support #4511 (New): Roads Bogra- Report -Problem
1. Description of problems: Report dose not show proper data
2. How it generates: W
3. Solution : Refereed to Shaki...
Mossanna Argon
11:53 AM Support #4510 (New): DDO Open UAO Kutubdiya With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:51 AM Support #4509 (New): Month Close Problem (April-2020) at DAO Jessore
1. Description of problems:Bill(s) remians without issuing cheque(s) Token, EFT, cannot close
2. How it generates: W...
Mossanna Argon
11:50 AM Support #4508 (New): insufficient Budget Problem at DAO Jessore
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Mossanna Argon
11:49 AM Support #4507 (New): DDO Open DAO Bandarban With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:43 AM Support #4506 (New): insufficient budget problem DAO Brahmanbaria
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:14 AM Support #4505 (New): 12bengal@Staff DDO module
1. Description of problems:STAFF ddo MODULE USER ID
2. How it generates:User id/pw not found
3. Solution :37 bir is...
Sabya Sachee
11:13 AM Bug #4504 (New): GPF Subscription Problem and code not found at DAO Magura
1. Description of problems: GPF Subcription not found
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : DDO - codi...
Mossanna Argon
11:06 AM Support #4503 (New): GPF Subcription Problem UAO Hathazari
1. Description of problems: GPF Subcription Double
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : DDO - coding ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:06 AM Support #4502 (New): Code Permission at UAO Sundarganj(3111303)
1. Description of problems: code not found in mill entry screen
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : code block w...
Mossanna Argon
11:01 AM Support #4500 (New): Need NID Merge for an Officer UAO Parbatipur
1. Description of problems: Smart Card and 17 digit ID-- Two ID Have Transection.
2. How it generates:
3. Soluti...
Mossanna Argon
10:58 AM Support #4499 (New): Credit Scroll import problem at UAO Hakimpur
1. Description of problems: credit scroll File not Import
2. How it generates: When click Import
3. Solution : corr...
Mossanna Argon
10:57 AM Support #4498 (New): Credit Scroll import problem at UAO Bochaganj
1. Description of problems: credit scroll File not Import
2. How it generates: When click Import
3. Solution : corr...
Mossanna Argon
10:47 AM Support #4497 (New): Credit Scroll Import Problem DAO Chandpur
1. Description of problems: credit scroll File not Import
2. How it generates: When click Import
3. Solution : corr...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:39 AM Support #4496 (New): 37 bir jossor:Staff DDO module
1. Description of problems:STAFF ddo MODULE USER ID
2. How it generates:User id/pw not found
3. Solution :37 bir is...
Sabya Sachee
10:13 AM Support #4495 (New): More than one ddo found at DAO Nilphamari
1. Description of problems: More than one ddo found
2. How it generates: ddo module bill entry
3. Solution : Assign...
Mossanna Argon
09:49 AM Support #4494 (New): Code Permission at UAO Lohagora(Narail)-3111316
1. Description of problems: code not found in mill entry screen
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : code block w...
Mossanna Argon


11:11 PM Support #4493 (New): user id deactivation@ 101 Fd Amb
Dear Vaiya,
Please de-activate Imprest Holder User ID of 101 Fd Amb due transfer issue.
User ID is given bellow:...
Sabya Sachee
11:01 PM Support #4492 (New): ddo issuess@afc raangpur
1. Description of problems:ddo issues
2. How it generates:DDO not generated
3. Solution :DDO open request email tra...
Sabya Sachee
10:59 PM Support #4491 (New): merge issues@ssc ctg
Offical Treasury Return (TR) procedure done..
Need to delete wrong entry army no as following..
Month:April 2020
Sabya Sachee
10:40 PM Support #4490 (New): bondor post office ctg@forget password
1. Description of problems: invalid password
2. How it generates:forget password
3. Solution :suggested accordingly...
Sabya Sachee
10:38 PM Support #4489 (New): AFC cumilla@ddo issues
1. Description of problems:ddo issues
2. How it generates:DDO not generated
3. Solution :DDO open request email tra...
Sabya Sachee
10:37 PM Support #4488 (New): 12 fdwrkshop@defence service Allowance
1. Description of problems: defense service Allowance not updated with time scale
2. How it generates: lake of info/...
Sabya Sachee
08:43 PM Support #4487 (New): marge NID uao dirai, sylhet
1. Description of problems: could not submit bill properly for two outstanding NID
2. How it generates: When offic...
Evan Sharif
08:39 PM Support #4486 (New): ddo open problem of cao agriculture project
1. Description of problems: new project ddo open
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : Guide and instruct to CAO Agri...
Evan Sharif
08:36 PM Support #4485 (New): DDO open for DCA sylhet new sadar upozila education office
1. Description of problems:
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : DDO open for new upazila education office
4. How...
Evan Sharif
08:32 PM Support #4484 (New): Month close problem uao dhormopasha
1. Description of problems:Bill(s) remians without issuing cheque(s) Token, EFT, cannot close
2. How it generates: ...
Evan Sharif
05:27 PM Support #4483 (New): staff Festival bill by EFT CGDF pay points.
1. Description of problems:Staff festival bill by eft cgdf pay points.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :Discuss th...
Benamin Mukammel
05:25 PM Support #4482 (New): JCO ORS's monthly bill submission.
1. Description of problems:JCO ORS's monthly bill submission.
2. How it generates: while requisition submitted.
3. ...
Benamin Mukammel
05:21 PM Support #4481 (New): DDO user id open.
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoafcnavykhuln...
Benamin Mukammel
01:42 PM Feature #4480 (Resolved): Corona Subsidy- Menu Management And Configuration
Following Menu Need to create:
1.Import Corona Subsidy From PMO
2.Verify Im...
Mahfuzur Rahman
01:39 PM Feature #4480 (Resolved): Corona Subsidy- Menu Management And Configuration
Mahfuzur Rahman
12:39 PM Bug #4479 (New): Month Close Problem (April-2020) at DAO Jessore
1. Description of problems: Bills Remain Without Issuing Cheque(S)Token EFT,Cannot Close
2. How it generates: When M...
Mossanna Argon
12:23 PM Support #4478 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddodtldhk" , ...
Sajan Das
12:16 PM Bug #4477 (New): All DDO Mapping at DAO Kurigram

Description of problems : all DDO Not found in bill/Token Entry
How it generates :
Solution : Map Post Ddo By ...
Mossanna Argon
12:13 PM Support #4476 (New): Code Permission at DAO Magura(1250303000000-8112201, 1111101,7215101)

Description of problems : Bill entry code not found
How it generates :
Solution : DDO Coding Block mapping
Mossanna Argon
12:00 PM Support #4475 (New): Need NID Merge for an Officer DCA Rangpur
Description of problems :
How it generates : Masterdata Save-- NID Does not exist in payfixation
Solution : Mer...
Mossanna Argon
11:47 AM Support #4474 (New): Festival bill problem uao madhabpur
1. Description of problems: Festival bill showing blank
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' button
Evan Sharif
11:34 AM Support #4473 (New): Invalid configuration data at DCA Rangpur
Description of problems : Invalid configuration data.
How it generates : Online bill submission
Solution : NID ...
Mossanna Argon
11:31 AM Support #4472 (New): Month Closed UAO Sonaimuri
1. Description of problems: Bills Remain Without Issuing Cheque(S)Token EFT,Cannot Close
2. How it generates: When M...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:26 AM Support #4471 (New): Month Closed Problem UAO Begumganj
1. Description of problems: Bills Remain Without Issuing Cheque(S)Token EFT,Cannot Close
2. How it generates: When M...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:21 AM Support #4470 (New): Month Closed Problem UAO Hatiya
1. Description of problems: Bills Remain Without Issuing Cheque(S)Token EFT,Cannot Close
2. How it generates: When M...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:17 AM Support #4469 (New): Month Closed Problem UAO Satkania
1. Description of problems: Bills Remain Without Issuing Cheque(S)Token EFT,Cannot Close
2. How it generates: When M...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:16 AM Support #4468 (New): insufficient Budget Problem at UAO Sagata
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Mossanna Argon
11:13 AM Support #4467 (New): Month Closed Problem UAO Porshuram
1. Description of problems: Bills Remain Without Issuing Cheque(S)Token EFT,Cannot Close
2. How it generates: When M...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:54 AM Support #4466 (New): Bill Journal problem at UAO Sarsha
Description of problems : Bill journal code not found
How it generates :
Solution : define correct DDO and get c...
Mossanna Argon
10:42 AM Support #4465 (New): Code Permission at DAO Lalmonirhat(1250303000000-8112201)
1. Description of problems: code not found in mill entry screen
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : code block w...
Mossanna Argon
10:02 AM Bug #4464 (New): EFT Return but not shown in EFT Re-order entry at UAO Pirganj(Rangpur)
Description of problems :
How it generates : Eft reorder entry
Solution : Problem forwarded to tanvir vai, he solve...
Mossanna Argon
09:59 AM Support #4463 (New): EFT Return but not shown in EFT Re-order entry at UAO Gangachara
Description of problems :
How it generates : Eft reorder entry
Solution : Problem forwarded to tanvir vai, he so...
Mossanna Argon
09:53 AM Support #4462 (New): Dr scroll (Cheque) upload at DCA Khulna
Description of problems : After dr scroll import not uploaded directly
How it generates :
Solution : Dr scroll ...
Mossanna Argon
09:51 AM Support #4461 (New): Dr Scroll Validate at DCA Rangpur
Description of problems : After dr scroll import not uploaded directly
How it generates :
Solution : Dr scroll ...
Mossanna Argon
09:45 AM Support #4460 (New): insufficient Budget Problem at DCA Rangpur
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Mossanna Argon
09:43 AM Support #4459 (New): insufficient Budget Problem at UAO kaliganj(Jhenaidha)
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Mossanna Argon
09:40 AM Support #4458 (New): More than one ddo found at DAO Magura
1. Description of problems: More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (DAO Magura )
2. How it generates: when sta...
Mossanna Argon


11:12 PM Support #4457 (New): code mapping PATC , new autonomous office
1. Description of problems: code not found in mill entry screen
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : code block w...
Evan Sharif
10:07 PM Support #4456 (New): Economic code shows double.
1. Description of problems:Economic code shows double.
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solution : D...
Benamin Mukammel
10:07 PM Support #4455 (New): Eidul fitar problem of home minister Asaduzzaman khan
1. Description of problems: showing code blocking error
2. How it generates: when officer trying to send Eid ul fit...
Evan Sharif
10:00 PM Support #4454 (New): JCO ORS information entry.
1.Description of problems:JCO ORS information entry.
2.How it generates:query about entering bank info.
Benamin Mukammel
09:55 PM Support #4453 (New): Month Close unposted data remains.
Description of problems:Month Close unposted data remains.
How it generates:while closing month.
Solution:from toke...
Benamin Mukammel
09:51 PM Support #4452 (New): DDO authorization budget check and bill.
1. Description of problems:DDO authorization bill not entered.
2. Solution : By Describing authorization budget chec...
Benamin Mukammel
09:43 PM Support #4451 (New): credit scroll roall back uao dhormopasha
1. Description of problems: wrong data import
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Roll Back Credit Scroll
4. Ho...
Evan Sharif
09:06 PM Support #4450 (New): Budget entry support
Budget entry, iBAS++ Support, Finance Division & Line Ministries Tapas Kumar
08:00 PM Support #4449 (New): merge issues@ssc ctg
Dear Vaiya,
Offical Treasury Return (TR) procedure done..
Need to delete wrong entry army no as following..
Sabya Sachee
07:57 PM Support #4448 (New): user id creation for DDO MODULE of staff@HQ 46 indep inf Bde
HQ 46 indep inf Bde
DDO No: 2037450
Entry User: mdakarim
Approval user: mdasayed
Sabya Sachee
07:55 PM Support #4447 (New): user id creation@102 indep Bde Sig Coy
102 indep Bde Sig Coy
DDO No: 2037449
Entry User: mdramin
Approval user:kmmhaydar
Sabya Sachee
07:54 PM Support #4446 (New): 43 indep FD coy engr@user
43 indep FD coy engr
DDO No: 2037438
Entry User: mtahmed
Approval user:majkhaled
Sabya Sachee
07:54 PM Support #4445 (New): DDO Issues@afc cumilla
1. Description of problems:ddo issues
2. How it generates:DDO not generated
3. Solution :DDO open request email tra...
Sabya Sachee
07:53 PM Support #4444 (New): afc ctg_ddo open
1. Description of problems:ddo issues
2. How it generates:DDO not generated
3. Solution :DDO open request email tra...
Sabya Sachee
02:18 PM Support #4443 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc52ir2tz3"...
Sajan Das
12:17 PM Support #4442 (New): Credit Scroll Roll back at UAO Tetutlia
1. Description of problems: Wrong Data Import
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Roll Back Credit Scroll
4. Ho...
Mossanna Argon
12:15 PM Support #4441 (New): Code Permission at DAO Thakurgoan(3111303)
1. Description of problems: Code not found in Bill entry
2. How it generates: Bill entry others
3. Solution : DDO C...
Mossanna Argon
11:36 AM Support #4440 (New): DDO Re-active in DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: DDO not Found
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : DDO Re-active
4. How ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:40 AM Support #4439 (New): Employee Single Step Save Problem DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Unexpected Error
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solution : Talk To Shaki...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:33 AM Support #4438 (New): Credit Scroll Delete UAO Chatkhil
1. Description of problems: Wrong Data Import
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Roll Back Credit Scroll
4. Ho...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:26 AM Support #4437 (New): DDO Open UAO Sandwip With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
09:09 AM Feature #4436 (New): Corona Cash Incentive - MSF File Export SP
Aminul Mohaimen
09:08 AM Feature #4435 (New): Corona Cash Incentive - MSF Distribution SP
Aminul Mohaimen


10:57 PM Support #4434 (New): Invalid configuration data problem
1. Description of problems: showing Invalid configuration data problem
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'S...
Evan Sharif
10:55 PM Support #4433 (New): basic salary (officer) cannot be greater than pay fixation basic salary'
1. Description of problems: showing error : basic salary (officer) cannot be greater than pay fixation basic salary'
Evan Sharif
10:53 PM Support #4432 (New): user id creation@61 Fd Amb
61 Fd Amb
DDO No:2532406
Entry User: abuzk
Approval user:kmreza
Sabya Sachee
10:52 PM Bug #4431 (New): 61 Fd Amb@user id creation for staff
61 Fd Amb
DDO No:2532406
Entry User: abuzk
Approval user:kmreza
Sabya Sachee
10:51 PM Support #4430 (New): 15 Fd Regt Arty@user id
15 Fd Regt Arty
Entry User: mrashedulh
Approval User: msrkhan
Sabya Sachee
10:49 PM Support #4429 (New): Individual EFT Issues
1. Description of problems:EFT
2. How it generates:Token not found
3. Solution :Suggested accordingly(Token not sho...
Sabya Sachee
10:47 PM Support #4428 (New): Bank info@119 fd workshop
1. Description of problems:Bank info
2. How it generates:using special character
. Solution :Suggested accordingly(...
Sabya Sachee
10:44 PM Support #4427 (New): Name of the Festival not mentioning cao work
1. Description of problems: Festival not found in list
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' button
Evan Sharif
10:42 PM Support #4426 (New): emc record@ data load failed during requisition submission
1. Description of problems: data load failed during requisition submission
2. How it generates:basic payment screen ...
Sabya Sachee
10:00 PM Support #4423 (New): DR/CR Roll back.
1.Description of problems:Imported data showing wrong.
2.How it generates:Due to bank send wrong data to UAO.
Benamin Mukammel
09:57 PM Support #4422 (New): JCO ORS individual EFT
1.Description of problems:JCO ORS individual EFT.
2.How it generates:bill submitted but doesn't get confirmation.
Benamin Mukammel
09:53 PM Support #4421 (New): Online pay bill id log in problem.
1.Description of problems:Login problem.
2.How it generates:Due to wrong password / user id.
3.Solution :Instructed...
Benamin Mukammel
09:49 PM Support #4420 (New): Self registrtion of NAVY officer,wrong mobile number.
1.Description of problems:Self registrtion problem due to wrong phone number.
2.How it generates:in Employee info wr...
Benamin Mukammel
09:45 PM Support #4419 (New): Self registrtion of ARMY officer.
1. Description of problems:Self registration problem
2. How it generates:Due to lack of information
3. Solution :I...
Benamin Mukammel
09:41 PM Support #4418 (New): staff festival bill SFC ARMY.
1. Description of problems:Employee not shown not festival bill list.
2. How it generates:due to Double entered an e...
Benamin Mukammel
09:38 PM Support #4417 (New): Pay slip problem BD10237
1. Description of problems:pay slip not shown.
2. How it generates:due to use wrong format BD number in NID number f...
Benamin Mukammel
09:36 PM Support #4416 (New): employee not found while submitting online pay bill.
1. Description of problems:No employee found while submitting online pay bill.
2. How it generates: employee Post mi...
Benamin Mukammel
09:34 PM Support #4415 (New): Multiple pay point found.
1.Description of problems:Online pay bill submission multiple pay point found.
2.How it generates:Multiple pay point...
Benamin Mukammel
08:48 PM Support #4414 (New): Budget entry support
Budget entry, iBAS++ & MTBF Support, Finance Division & Line Ministries Tapas Kumar
06:02 PM Support #4413 (New): credit scroll roall back uao chatok
1. Description of problems: credit scroll upload problem
2. How it generates: When import credit scroll
3. Soluti...
Evan Sharif
05:59 PM Support #4412 (New): Code mapping uao diarabazar
1. Description of problems: Code not found for new office
2. How it generates: When officer try to send bill
3. Sol...
Evan Sharif
03:47 PM Support #4411 (New): Invalide configuration data at Kolaroa

1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Config...
Mossanna Argon
03:37 PM Support #4410 (New): Dr Scroll roll back at UAO Sreepur magura
__1. Description of problems:
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :Roll back
4. How can development intervention help...
Mossanna Argon
03:25 PM Support #4409 (New): Credit Scroll Roll back at UAO Hakimpur
1. Description of problems:
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :Roll back
4. How can development intervention help...
Mossanna Argon
03:24 PM Bug #4408 (New): Chalan Edit Problem at DAO Lalmonirhat
1. Description of problems: Chalan Upload Failed
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : Auto Correction and upload aga...
Mossanna Argon
03:18 PM Support #4407 (New): Code Permission at UAO Parbatipur(224232200118622)
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: bill entry
3. Solution : DDO coding B...
Mossanna Argon
01:38 PM Bug #4406 (New): Need NID Merge for an Officer DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems: double NID Found
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Two NID Merge
4. How can devel...
Mossanna Argon
01:26 PM Bug #4405 (New): Dr Scroll roll back at UAO Khanshama
Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Dr Roll back
Is there any need for development interventio...
Mossanna Argon
01:04 PM Support #4404 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddopwdedendhk...
Sajan Das
01:01 PM Support #4403 (New): Merge NID in DAO Rangamati
1. Description of problems: double NID Found
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Two NID Merge
4. How can devel...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:56 PM Support #4402 (New): DDO Open UAO Fulgazi With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:23 PM Support #4401 (New): More than one ddo found at DAO Magura
Description of problems :More than one ddo found staff pay bill at DAo Magura
How it generates :
Solution : Assign ...
Mossanna Argon
12:21 PM Support #4400 (New): Online Bill submission problem by user @ DCA khulna
NID -19714794510341634--
Change eid-ul fitare to azha(Done buy rumenl vai)
DCA Khulna
Mossanna Argon
12:18 PM Support #4399 (New): Festival Bill Submit Problem DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Festival Type Not Found
2. How it generates: When officer online bil Submit
3. Solution...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:26 AM Support #4398 (New): DDO Open DAO Bandarban With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:33 AM Support #4397 (New): All DDO Mapping at DAO Gaibandha
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in specific user id at token entry/ bill entry
2. How it generates:
3. S...
Mossanna Argon
10:10 AM Bug #4396 (New): Code Permission at DAO Nilphamari(1250303000000-8112201)
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: bill entry
3. Solution : DDO coding B...
Mossanna Argon
10:03 AM Support #4395 (New): Bypass NID for Navy Officer at UAO Mongla
1. Description of problems: Employee come from navy department
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solut...
Mossanna Argon


08:17 PM Support #4394 (New): BC2 budget entry problem
Budget entry problem MOHA, Ministry of Commerce, Health Mopa,Water,Education, Medical education, Technical and Madras... Tapas Kumar
07:08 PM Support #4393 (New): HELP DESK Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- ALL PROBLEMS FROM HELPDESK- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system sho... Sajan Das
01:00 PM Support #4392 (New): Fund distribution problem
Fund distribution problem. All projects & autonomous body,
Many calls came from op-unit, ministry and departments
Tapas Kumar
12:55 PM Bug #4391 (New): Fund distribution problem
Fund distribution problem Min127 All project & autonomous.
So many calls came from op-unit, ministry and departments
Tapas Kumar
10:47 AM Support #4390 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation DAO Rangamati
1. Description of problems: Master Data Edit Problem
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solution : By pa...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:18 AM Support #4389 (New): Code Permission at UAO Lohagara(8112201)
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: bill entry
3. Solution : DDO coding B...
Mossanna Argon


09:45 PM Bug #4388 (New): Code Permission at DAO Chuadanga
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: bill entry
3. Solution : DDO coding ...
Mossanna Argon


10:45 PM Support #4387 (New): Online Festival Bill Submission (Eidul Fitar)
1. Description of problems: Instead of selecting fiscal year, Eid -ul Fitr festival bonus is not showing in Drop down... Evan Sharif
10:31 PM Support #4386 (New): DDO user ID open for staff bill submit
1. Description of problems:
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : New DDO user id Open for staff bill entry
4. How ...
Evan Sharif
10:26 PM Support #4385 (New): code mapping uao osmaninagar
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Evan Sharif
09:58 PM Support #4384 (New): aviation maintenance workshop@salary exception
1. Description of problems:salary exception issues
2. How it generates:Advance payment done need to stop for two mon...
Sabya Sachee
09:55 PM Support #4383 (New): 22 bigred@token b+individual eft
1. Description of problems:not getting token
2. How it generates:not getting token
3. Solution :suggested according...
Sabya Sachee
09:52 PM Support #4382 (New): 41 bir @retirement entry
1. Description of problems:wrong retirement entry
2. How it generates:wrong retirement entry
3. Solution :need to u...
Sabya Sachee
09:49 PM Support #4381 (New): 66 bengal@not found in bill
1. Description of problems:not getting in bill
2. How it generates:info entry related issues
3. Solution :suggested...
Sabya Sachee
09:47 PM Support #4380 (New): 41bir @not getting in bill
1. Description of problems:not getting in bill
2. How it generates:info entry related issues
3. Solution :suggested...
Sabya Sachee
09:44 PM Support #4379 (New): 6 Podatik Bigred@duplicate issues
1. Description of problems: duplicate issues
2. How it generates:duplicate entry found need to delete one
3. Soluti...
Sabya Sachee
09:43 PM Support #4378 (New): 6 engr btln@duplicate issues
1. Description of problems: duplicate issues
2. How it generates:duplicate entry found need to delete one
3. Soluti...
Sabya Sachee
09:41 PM Support #4377 (New): festival not found@fc BOF
1. Description of problems: festival not found
2. How it generates: festival menu is not available in user id
3. So...
Sabya Sachee
09:38 PM Support #4376 (New): bill sumission issues@6 engr btln

1. Description of problems:6 engr btln@calculationa beshi
2. How it generates: additionally showing one person
Sabya Sachee
09:35 PM Support #4375 (New): 56 e bengal@month open issues
1. Description of problems:month open issues
2. How it generates: not getting month:jun2020
3. Solution: request to...
Sabya Sachee
09:31 PM Support #4374: dgfi@bank info role
paypoint:dgfi hq Sabya Sachee
09:30 PM Support #4374 (New): dgfi@bank info role
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
04:09 PM Support #4373 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation UAO Sorail
1. Description of problems: Master Data Edit Problem
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solution : By pa...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
04:04 PM Support #4372 (New): Credit Scroll Import Problem DAO Noakhali
1. Description of problems: credit scroll File not Import
2. How it generates: When click Import
3. Solution : corr...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
04:01 PM Support #4371 (New): Festival Bill Submit Problem DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Festival Type Not Found
2. How it generates: When officer online bil Submit
3. Solution...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
03:56 PM Support #4370 (New): DDO Open DAO Khagrachhari With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
03:51 PM Support #4369 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation DAO Rangamati
1. Description of problems: Master Data Edit Problem
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solution : By pa...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
03:34 PM Support #4368 (New): Dr Scroll roll back at UAO Sreepur magura
1. Description of problems: Accounts mismatch
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : Dr scroll advance -roll back
Mossanna Argon
03:27 PM Support #4367 (New): Credit Scroll upload problem at DCA khulna
1. Description of problems: Credit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Credit Scroll Import Dupli...
Mossanna Argon
02:36 PM Support #4366 (New): GPF Final payment error at UAO Patgram
1. Description of problems:
2. How it generates: Bill entry gpf final payment
3. Solution : Byp...
Mossanna Argon
02:29 PM Bug #4365 (New): insufficient Budget Problem at DCA Rangpur
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Mossanna Argon
02:27 PM Support #4364 (New): Paypoint not available or multiple Paypoint found at UAO Saidpur
1. Description of problems: Paypoint not available or multiple Paypoint found
2. How it generates: Online bill submi...
Mossanna Argon
01:40 PM Support #4363 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc63ir4tz3"...
Sajan Das
12:20 PM Support #4362 (New): GPF Opening Balance By pass DAO Feni
1. Description of problems: GPF Final bill entry
2. How it generates: When GPF Final bill entry
3. Solution : By pa...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:50 AM Support #4361 (New): RDA Bogra Festival Bill Officer Submission Problem
Problem Find out and send to shakib vai.
He is looking the matter.
Mossanna Argon
11:26 AM Support #4360 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc62ir4tz3"...
Sajan Das
11:24 AM Support #4359 (New): DCA Chittagong Credit Scroll Upload Problem april -2020
1. Description of problems: Credit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Credit Scroll Import Dupli...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:13 AM Support #4358 (New): DDO Open at DAO Chuadanga with code permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Mossanna Argon
10:59 AM Support #4357 (New): Merge NID in DAO Brahmanbaria
1. Description of problems: double NID Found
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Two NID Merge
4. How can devel...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:48 AM Support #4355 (Closed): Bank Branch Add UAO Shaharasti
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:43 AM Support #4355 (Closed): Bank Branch Add UAO Shaharasti
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:46 AM Support #4356 (New): Bank Branch Add UAO Shaharasti
1. Description of problems: Bank Branch Not Found
2. How it generates: When Master Data Entry
3. Solution : Bank Br...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar


09:32 PM Support #4354 (New): Fund distribution problem
Fund distribution withdrawal problem 1070101 224282300900586
Fund distribution withdrawal save/submit disable.
Tapas Kumar
08:55 PM Support #4353 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Configurat... Sajan Das
08:50 PM Support #4352 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc64ir4tz3"...
Sajan Das
07:41 PM Support #4351 (New): BC2 budget New EcoCode open
BC2 budget New Economic Code open for Mins of Home, Mopa, Housing Tapas Kumar
07:26 PM Support #4350 (New): Ceiling Entry problem

Ceiling Entry problem for min 13201.13206 form 2,4,6
admin reopen
Tapas Kumar
07:07 PM Support #4349 (New): 44infbde@self ID
1. Description of problems:Self registration problem
2. How it generates:due to wrong Password.
3. Solution :Reques...
Sabya Sachee
07:04 PM Support #4348 (New): user id creation for DDO MODULE of staff@57 EB
1. Description of problems:user id creation for DDO MODULE of staff
2. How it generates: will start their work from ...
Sabya Sachee
07:03 PM Support #4347: user id creation for DDO MODULE of staff@16 BIR
16 bir
Entry user ID: alielias
Approval/DDO user id: smmmsp
Sabya Sachee
07:02 PM Support #4347 (New): user id creation for DDO MODULE of staff@16 BIR
1. Description of problems:user id creation for DDO MODULE of staff
2. How it generates: will start their work from ...
Sabya Sachee
06:04 PM Support #4346 (New): self id@bd navy
1. Description of problems:Self registration problem
2. How it generates:due to wrong NID.
3. Solution :Requested t...
Sabya Sachee
06:00 PM Support #4345 (New): self id ltnt.mamun
1. Description of problems:Self registration problem
2. How it generates:due to unavlable user name
3. Solution :Re...
Sabya Sachee
05:58 PM Support #4344 (New): 66 bengal_ army no not found
1. Description of problems:missing from report
2. How it generates:due to wrong info entry
3. Solution :Requested t...
Sabya Sachee
05:56 PM Support #4343 (New): sekh hasina cant _62 bengal@self reg_user id
1. Description of problems:self reg_user id
2. How it generates: query regarding reg process
3. Solution : updated...
Sabya Sachee
05:53 PM Support #4342 (New): engg records@Army no not availabe
1. Description of problems:Army no not availabe
2. How it generates: new requite
3. Solution : Suggested according...
Sabya Sachee
05:51 PM Support #4341 (New): NDC@_REPORT issues _10MISSING IN PAY ROLL_REPORT
1. Description of problems:REPORT issues
2. How it generates: 10MISSING IN PAY ROLL_REPORT
3. Solution : suggested ...
Sabya Sachee
05:46 PM Support #4340 (New): DIV HQ SYLHET__ REPORTS
1. Description of problems: REPORTS issues
2. How it generates: unable to run reports from mobile phone
3. Solution...
Sabya Sachee
05:21 PM Support #4339 (New): User ID Problem DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Login Problem And User ID Lock
2. How it generates: When Login
3. Solution : Reset Pass...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
05:19 PM Support #4338 (New): more then one DDO Found and Loan Entry problemUAO Fulgazi
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one ddo
2. How it...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
04:10 PM Support #4335 (New): Satff information Entry problem
1. Description of problems: Satff information Entry problem
2. How it generates: when ddo try to select a ddo then t...
Evan Sharif
04:05 PM Support #4334 (New): Staff pay bill problem (CAO Water)
1. Description of problems: Could not send eft order due to Bank account name must be alphanumerical problem
2. How ...
Evan Sharif
11:10 AM Support #4332 (New): BC2 Ceiling Entry problem

Ceiling Entry problem for min 1120101 form 6b
negative value
Problem solved
Tapas Kumar


11:16 PM Support #4331 (New): Pay slip problem BD8663
1. Description of problems:pay slip not shown.
2. How it generates:due to use wrong format BD number in related fiel...
Benamin Mukammel
11:11 PM Support #4330 (New): JCO ORS individual EFT
1. Description of problems:JCO ORS individual EFT
2. How it generates:Lack of information.
3. Solution :Discuss an...
Benamin Mukammel
11:06 PM Support #4329 (New): Budget shows at progress report but bill not entered due to insufficient budget.
1. Description of problems:Budget shows at progress report but bill not entered due to insufficient budget.
2. How i...
Benamin Mukammel
11:03 PM Support #4328 (New): DDO open
1. Description of problems:DDO open
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :open new DDO from DDO info entry single step....
Benamin Mukammel
11:00 PM Support #4327 (New): Self registrtion of ARMY officer.
1. Description of problems:Self registration problem
2. How it generates:due to wrong phone number.
3. Solution :Re...
Benamin Mukammel
10:57 PM Support #4326 (New): staff festival bill
1. Description of problems:Staff festival bill by eft cgdf pay points.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :Discuss th...
Benamin Mukammel
09:47 PM Support #4325 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Configurat... Sajan Das
09:11 PM Support #4324 (New): Ceiling Entry problem
Ceiling Entry problem for min 1340101 form 6b
negetive value
Md Salahuddin
09:10 PM Support #4323 (New): Ceiling Entry problem
Ceiling Entry problem for min 15202 form 4
admin reopen
Md Salahuddin
09:09 PM Support #4322 (New): Ceiling Entry problem
Ceiling Entry problem for min 154 form 2
negetive value
Md Salahuddin
09:09 PM Support #4321 (New): Ceiling Entry problem
Ceiling Entry problem for 14404
negetive value
Md Salahuddin
09:08 PM Support #4320 (New): Ceiling Entry problem
Ceiling Entry problem for 14402
admin re-open
Md Salahuddin
09:07 PM Support #4319 (New): Ceiling Entry problem
Ceiling Entry problem for form 6b min 1420101
admin re-open
Md Salahuddin
09:05 PM Support #4318 (New): Re-appropriation
Re-appropriation in five different Medical colleges Md Salahuddin
08:53 PM Support #4317 (New): Re-appropriation
Re- appropriation From finance Divisions Un expected expenditure nursing & midwifary Md Salahuddin
08:50 PM Support #4316 (New): BC2 budget New Code problem

1. Description of problems: Open new
2. How it generates: When officer presses entry
3. Solution : After BDO's ...
Tapas Kumar
08:37 PM Support #4315 (New): BC2 budget entry problem
1. Description of problems; entry block or entry final or ceiling is not final
2. How it generates ; When they press...
Tapas Kumar
03:45 PM Support #4302: More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (CAO ird)
Evan Sharif wrote:
> 1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more t...
Evan Sharif
03:43 PM Support #4302 (New): More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (CAO ird)
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one ddo
2. How it...
Evan Sharif
03:40 PM Support #4301 (New): code permission DAO sunamganj
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Evan Sharif
03:26 PM Support #4300 (New): More than one ddo found
1. Description of problems: More than one ddo showing for staff pay bill (CAFO Agriculture)
2. How it generates: whe...
Sajan Das
01:59 PM Support #4298 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddosdivocevc"...
Sajan Das
12:23 PM Support #4297 (New): GPF Subscription inactive at RDA Bogra
1. Description of problems:
2. How it generates: Staff paybill entry screen-
3. Solution : GPF Edit Subscription- ...
Mossanna Argon
12:18 PM Support #4296 (New): Officer Pay bill problem (cao planing )
1. Description of problems: Found 2 registered NID in master data
2. How it generates: When officer try to bill send...
Evan Sharif
12:13 PM Support #4295 (New): Change User Mobile No and Reset Password at DAO Bagerhat
1. Description of problems: message not getting from iBAS++
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : Change user mobile ...
Mossanna Argon
12:02 PM Support #4294 (New): Employee information change -DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems: Employee save error--
2. How it generates: Employee information -save
3. Solution : Fi...
Mossanna Argon
11:58 AM Support #4293 (New): code permission Cao agriculture
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Evan Sharif
11:14 AM Support #4292 (New): retirement entry@2 engineer
1. Description of problems:retirement entry
2. How it generates:wrongly entered retirement
3. Solution:updated acco...
Sabya Sachee
11:12 AM Support #4291 (New): duplicate issues@RE
1. Description of problems:duplicate issues@RE
2. How it generates:duplicate army no
3. Solution:updated according...
Sabya Sachee
11:11 AM Support #4290 (New): bank info@RE postogola
1. Description of problems:bank info@RE
2. How it generates:special character in ary no
3. Solution:updated accord...
Sabya Sachee
10:58 AM Support #4288 (New): DCA Chittagong Credit Scroll Upload Problem april -2020
1. Description of problems: Credit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Credit Scroll Import Dupli...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:52 AM Support #4287 (New): more then one DDO Found UAO Longadu
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one ddo
2. How it...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:47 AM Support #4286 (New): DDO Open DAO Khagrachhari With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:41 AM Support #4283 (New): Configuration of 165 new units for individual EFT
Aminul Mohaimen
10:38 AM Feature #4282 (New): Pension Budget Estimation
Aminul Mohaimen
10:37 AM Feature #4281 (New): Summary on ePayment for Corona Virus Relief
Aminul Mohaimen
10:11 AM Support #4280 (New): Code Permission at UAO Kaliganj(Satkhira)
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
10:06 AM Support #4279 (New): Code Permission at uao Shalika(3111334,)
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
10:01 AM Support #4278 (New): DDO Open at UAO Mohammadpur(221000400362277)
1. Description of problems: DDO not found when Token entry
2. How it generates: Token entry(Others)
3. Solution : N...
Mossanna Argon
09:55 AM Support #4277 (New): Jounrnal not effect in progress report at DAO Dinajpur
Bill Journal completed but found not transfer properly.
Problem send shakib vai. He solved the problem.
Mossanna Argon
09:52 AM Support #4276 (New): Code Permission for Journal at DAO Gaibandha
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: Bill journal
3. Solution : DDO - codi...
Mossanna Argon
09:45 AM Support #4275 (New): Loans and advance configure correctly at UAO Kaharul
1. Description of problems:Loans and advance Amount shows more thats hwy bill and token amount not match.
2. How it ...
Mossanna Argon
09:33 AM Support #4274 (New): DDO Open at DAO Dinajpur with code permission(224021005351433)
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Mossanna Argon
09:29 AM Support #4273 (New): Net Amont adjustment of a Bill at UAO Kaharul
1. Description of problems:GPF Amonnt shows more thats hwy bill and token amount not match.
2. How it generates: Whe...
Mossanna Argon
09:24 AM Bug #4272 (New): Code Permission at DAO Joypurhat
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
09:22 AM Support #4271 (New): Code Permission at UAO Naldanga
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon


10:21 PM Support #4268 (New): DDO Open at UAO Birganj
1. Description of problems: DDO not found when Token entry
2. How it generates: Token entry(Others)
3. Solution : N...
Mossanna Argon
10:14 PM Support #4267 (New): Eid fitar bill submission problem.
1. Description of problems:Eid fitar bill submission problem due to wrong system control point mapped to user.
2. Ho...
Benamin Mukammel
10:10 PM Support #4266 (New): No employee found while submitting online pay bill.
1. Description of problems:No employee found while submitting online pay bill.
2. How it generates: employee Post m...
Benamin Mukammel
10:07 PM Support #4265 (New): wrong budget distibution of a project.
1. Description of problems: Distributed budget field office code is wrong.
2. How it generates:Bill entry.
3. Solut...
Benamin Mukammel
10:02 PM Support #4264 (New): JCO ORS's monthly bill submission.
1. Description of problems:JCO ORS's monthly bill submission.
2. How it generates: while requisition submitted.
Benamin Mukammel
09:57 PM Support #4263 (New): Economic code not remove from employee info.
1. Description of problems: Economic code not remove from employee info.
2. How it generates: while trying to remove...
Benamin Mukammel
09:45 PM Support #4262 (New): NHA, Change Bank Account Name.
1. Description of problems: Invalid Bank Account Name
2. How it generates: Employee Information entry
3. Solution :...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:43 PM Support #4261 (New): DAO Barguna, Open DDO
1. Description of problems: DDO not found when Token entry
2. How it generates: Token entry(Others)
3. Solution : N...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:41 PM Support #4260 (New): Kaliganj Satkhira, Economic Code Permission.
Description of problems : Economic code permission
How it generates : Bill Entry(others)
Solution : Code permission...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:39 PM Support #4259 (New): DAO Natore, Online Bill Submission Problem
1. Description of problems: Online bill submission problem.
2. How it generates: After login userid when user click ...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:30 PM Support #4258 (New): DCA Mymensing, User online bill submission problem
1. Description of problems: Online bill submission problem.
2. How it generates: After login userid when user click...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:11 PM Support #4257 (New): UAO Gabtoli, Bogra Duplicate NID
1. Description of problems: Found duplicate NID
2. How it generates: Employee Management, Employee Entry Single Step...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:08 PM Support #4256 (New): DAO Naogaon, Debit Scroll Problem
1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol...
Ashiqur Rahman
07:51 PM Support #4255 (New): DCA chittagong Debit Scroll Upload Problem april -2020
1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
05:01 PM Support #4254 (New): Code Permission at UAO Aditmari-(3111303)
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
04:59 PM Support #4253 (New): self id@ba10622
1. Description of problems:unable to download report
2. How it generates:lake of knowledge
3. Solution:updated Acco...
Sabya Sachee
04:57 PM Support #4252 (New): self id@avijit_9322
1. Description of problems:unable to login
2. How it generates:Mobile no is not updated
3. Solution:Mobile no updat...
Sabya Sachee
04:42 PM Support #4251 (New): Change User Mobile No and Reset Password at DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems: user can not get message from forget password option
2. How it generates:
3. Solution...
Mossanna Argon
04:34 PM Support #4250 (New): Code Permission at UAO Daulatpur(Kushtia)
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry-3111303
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill en...
Mossanna Argon
04:27 PM Support #4249 (New): Code Permission at DAO Magura
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
04:26 PM Support #4248 (New): Online Bill submission problem by user @ DAO Magura

1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Config...
Mossanna Argon
03:33 PM Support #4247 (New): could no send eft order entry of staff pay bill dca sylhet
1. Description of problems:Account name must be alphanumeric including space and coma
2. How it generates: When try...
Evan Sharif
01:57 PM Support #4246 (New): Staff pay bill problem (DCA Sylhet )
1. Description of problems: More than one ddo showing for staff pay bill
2. How it generates: when staff bill entry...
Evan Sharif
01:43 PM Support #4245 (New): 33mp unit@Army no correction
1. Description of problemsArmy no correction
2. How it generates:lake of knowledge
3. Solution:suggested according...
Sabya Sachee
01:35 PM Support #4244 (New): Need to delete res and recreation allowance from pay roll report@IT DTE
1. Description of problems:user id for DDO MODULE of staff
2. How it generates:N?A
3. Solution:suggested to send us...
Sabya Sachee
01:34 PM Support #4243 (New): user id for DDO MODULE of staff@PP&A
1. Description of problems:user id for DDO MODULE of staff
2. How it generates:N?A
3. Solution:suggested to send us...
Sabya Sachee
01:32 PM Support #4242 (New): Festival Staff bill submission@56 e bengal
1. Description of problems:Festival Staff bill submission
2. How it generates:Development issues
3. Solution: submi...
Sabya Sachee
01:30 PM Support #4241 (New): Festival Staff bill submission@157 FD Workshop
1. Description of problems:Festival Staff bill submission
2. How it generates:Development issues
3. Solution:Done b...
Sabya Sachee
01:29 PM Support #4240 (New): Area FC Rangpur@DDO Open request
1. Description of problems:DDO Open request
2. How it generates:DDO Open request
3. Solution:Done as per request
Sabya Sachee
01:27 PM Support #4239 (New): 55div@One missing from report
1. Description of problems:One missing from report
2. How it generates: wrong info entry
3. Solution:need to check ...
Sabya Sachee
12:59 PM Support #4238 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddotrcdemra"
Sajan Das
12:50 PM Support #4237 (New): Code Permission UAO Kutubdiya
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:45 PM Support #4236 (New): DDO Open UAO Sarail With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:35 PM Support #4235 (New): Employee Single Step Save Problem DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Unexpected Error
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solution : Talk To Shaki...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:04 PM Support #4234 (New): Bill save failed! Unauthorized data manipulation found
1. Description of problems: Error : Bill save failed! Unauthorized data manipulation found
2. How it generates: Whe...
Evan Sharif
11:52 AM Support #4233 (New): Staff pay bill problem (CAO IRD )
1. Description of problems: NID not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When DDO trying staff bill entry
3. S...
Evan Sharif
11:48 AM Support #4232 (New): insufficient budget problem DAO Comilla
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:47 AM Support #4231 (New): code permission Uao dhormopasha
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Evan Sharif
11:32 AM Support #4230 (New): Code Permission UAO Lama
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:28 AM Support #4229 (New): Multiple code remove in DAO Khagrachhari
1. Description of problems: Multiple Code found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:20 AM Support #4228 (New): Online user Bill Submit Problem DAO Lakshmipur
1. Description of problems: Multiple Paypoint Found
2. How it generates: When officer bill Submit
3. Solution : Org...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:11 AM Support #4227 (New): Code Permission UAO Bijoynagar
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:06 AM Support #4226 (New): DDO Open UAO Lama With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:59 AM Support #4225 (New): GPF Opening Balance By pass DAO Chandpur
1. Description of problems: GPF Final bill entry
2. How it generates: When GPF Final bill entry
3. Solution : By pa...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:53 AM Support #4224 (New): Code Permission UAO Moheskhali
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:39 AM Support #4223 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Configurat... Sajan Das
10:38 AM Support #4222 (New): More than one ddo found
1. Description of problems: More than one ddo showing for staff pay bill (CAFO EDUCATION)
2. How it generates: whe...
Sajan Das


12:00 AM Support #4221 (New): Issued savings Bond wrong account number (NSD)
1.Description of problems:Issued savings Bond wrong account number (NSD)
2.How it generates:wrong Data entry while i...
Benamin Mukammel
11:55 PM Support #4220 (New): Book transfer problem.
1.Description of problems:Book transfer problem due to insufficient budget.
2.How it generates:Due to insufficient b...
Benamin Mukammel
11:53 PM Support #4219 (New): Festival bill by EFT CGDF pay points.
1.Description of problems:Festival bill by EFT CGDF pay points.
2.How it generates:Feature currently not available. ...
Benamin Mukammel
11:47 PM Support #4218 (New): Self registrtion problem due to wrong phone number.
1.Description of problems:Self registrtion problem due to wrong phone number.
2.How it generates:in Employee info wr...
Benamin Mukammel
11:43 PM Support #4217 (New): Self registrtion of ARMY officer.
1.Description of problems:self registration problem.
2.How it generates:Due to wrong format of BA number is given to...
Benamin Mukammel
11:39 PM Support #4216 (New): Marge NID.
1.Description of problems:self bill submission problem.
2.How it generates:Due to double data entry with smart NID a...
Benamin Mukammel
11:37 PM Support #4215 (New): Online pay bill submission.
1.Description of problems:self bill submission problem due to house building loan amount problem .
2.How it generate...
Benamin Mukammel
09:32 PM Support #4214 (New): DAO Bhola, By Pass Employee NID
Description of problems : By Pass Employee NID
How it generates : Master Data, Employee Management, By pass employee...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:28 PM Support #4213 (New): UAO Bahubal, Sunamganj, Economic code permission
Description of problems : Economic code permission
How it generates : Bill Entry(others)
Solution : Code permission...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:27 PM Support #4212 (New): UAO Godagari, Rajshahi Open DDO.
Description of problems : DDO Open
How it generates : DDO Mnaagement- DDO Entry (Single step)
Solution : Open DDO
Ashiqur Rahman
09:26 PM Support #4211 (New): DAO Pirojpur, Journal entry, Economic code not found
Description of problems : Economic code not found
How it generates : Bill Journal
Solution : Code permission form D...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:25 PM Support #4210 (New): DAO Bogra, Economic code permission
Description of problems : Economic code not found
How it generates : Bill entry(Others)
Solution : Code permission ...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:24 PM Support #4209 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra, DDO ID not found in UserID
Description of problems : DDO not found in userid
How it generates : Bill entry screen
Solution : Map post DDO By U...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:20 PM Support #4208 (New): UAO Itna, Kishoreganj, Journal Entry
Description of problems : Journal Entry
How it generates : Journal -> Bill Journal
Solution : Bill Journal
Is the...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:15 PM Support #4207 (New): DFO Bagherhat, Add Bank Branch
Description of problems : Add Bank Branch
How it generates : Bank Branch to Pay Point Mapping
Solution : Add Bank B...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:13 PM Support #4206 (New): DCA Rajshahi, More than One DDO Found
Description of problems : More than one DDO found
How it generates : Online Staff Bill
Solution : Remove DDO from A...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:12 PM Support #4205 (New): NHA, National Housing Authority, Budget Entry(Field Distribution Entry)
Description of problems : Field Distribution Entry
How it generates : Budget Execution->Autonomous Field Distributio...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:07 PM Support #4204 (New): DCA Rajshahi, Economic code Permission
Description of problems : Economic code permission
How it generates : Bill Entry(others)
Solution : Code permission...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:06 PM Support #4203 (New): DAO Jhalakhati, Economic code permission
Description of problems : Economic code permission
How it generates : Bill Entry(others)
Solution : Code permission...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:05 PM Support #4202 (New): UAO Tanure, Rajshahi, Economic code permission.
Description of problems : Economic code permission
How it generates : Bill Entry(others)
Solution : Code permission...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:04 PM Support #4201 (New): DAO Natore, Change Employee Bank Account Number
Description of problems : Employee Bank account change
How it generates : Master Data Employee Management(Single ste...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:00 PM Support #4200 (New): UAO Bera, Economic code permission
Description of problems : Economic code permission
How it generates : Bill Entry(others)
Solution : Code permission...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:58 PM Support #4199 (New): UAO Santhia, Pabna, Open DDO
Description of problems : DDO Open
How it generates : DDO Mnaagement- DDO Entry (Single step)
Solution : Open DDO
Ashiqur Rahman
08:57 PM Support #4198 (New): DFO Sundarban West, Economic Code Permission
Description of problems : Economic code permission
How it generates : Bill Entry(others)
Solution : Code permission...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:56 PM Support #4197 (New): NHA Sylhet Division, Release an Employee and Join employee
Description of problems : Release and Join employee
How it generates : Master Data Employee Management
Solution : R...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:53 PM Support #4196 (New): DAO Kushtia, More than one DDO Found
Description of problems : More than one DDO found
How it generates : Online Staff Bill
Solution : Remove DDO from A...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:52 PM Support #4195 (New): UAO Chouhali, Open DDO
Description of problems : DDO Open
How it generates : DDO Mnaagement- DDO Entry (Single step)
Solution : Open DDO
Ashiqur Rahman
08:51 PM Support #4194 (New): DAO Chapai Open DDO
Description of problems : DDO Open
How it generates : DDO Mnaagement- DDO Entry (Single step)
Solution : Open DDO
Ashiqur Rahman
04:26 PM Support #4193 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Configurat... Sajan Das
04:19 PM Support #4192 (New): User-ID problem
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Configurat... Sajan Das
04:14 PM Support #4191 (New): More than one ddo found
1. Description of problems: More than one ddo showing for staff pay bill (CAFO Hill tracts)
2. How it generates: whe...
Sajan Das
02:14 PM Support #4190 (New): More than one ddo found staff pay bill at DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems: More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (DCA Khulna )
2. How it generates: when sta...
Mossanna Argon
02:12 PM Support #4189 (New): More than one ddo found staff pay bill at DCA Rangpur
1. Description of problems: More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (DCA Rangpur )
2. How it generates: when st...
Mossanna Argon
02:08 PM Support #4188 (New): Office to pay point mapping at DAO Satkhira(1250303141261 )

Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping at DAO Satkhira(1250303141...
Mossanna Argon
02:05 PM Support #4187 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddotemodhk"
Sajan Das
01:58 PM Support #4186 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddodro1dhk"
Sajan Das
01:47 PM Support #4185 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc222ir1tz1...
Sajan Das
01:36 PM Support #4184 (New): 127 fd workshop@outstanding due
1. Description of problems:outstanding due
2. How it generates:Not showing in Payroll unprocessed report
3. Solutio...
Sabya Sachee
01:10 PM Support #4183 (New): afc comilla@unexpected error occured
1. Description of problems:unexpected error occured
2. How it generates:Server error
3. Solution:updated accordingl...
Sabya Sachee
01:03 PM Support #4182 (New): DDO Open request@Area FC Rangpur
1. Description of problems:DDO Open request
2. How it generates:Not opened yet
3. Solution:DDO Opened as per permis...
Sabya Sachee
12:59 PM Support #4181 (New): Self id@major
1. Description of problems:how to resister self id
2. How it generates:about reg process
3. Solution:updated accord...
Sabya Sachee
12:36 PM Support #4180 (New): GPF Subscription inactive at RDA Bogra

Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution :
Is there any need for development intervention? :
Mossanna Argon
12:34 PM Support #4179 (New): More than one ddo found at DAO Nilphamari

Description of problems :
How it generates : Bill submission
Solution : Assign Post to DDO's
Is there any ne...
Mossanna Argon
12:32 PM Support #4178 (New): code mapping cao planning
1. Description of problems: code not mapped with ddo
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : code mapped with ddo
4. H...
Evan Sharif
12:23 PM Bug #4177 (New): insufficient Budget Problem at UAO Haripur
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Mossanna Argon
12:23 PM Support #4176 (New): insufficient Budget Problem at DAO Thakurgoan
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Mossanna Argon
12:17 PM Support #4175 (New): staff festival@fc bof
1. Description of problems:staff festival
2. How it generates:lake of knowledge about staff festival
3. Solution:up...
Sabya Sachee
11:48 AM Support #4173 (New): Staff pay bill problem (uao shalla)
1. Description of problems: More then one ddo problem
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'GO' button
3. Solu...
Evan Sharif
11:45 AM Support #4172 (New): Self id@Captain
1. Description of problems:how to resister self id
2. How it generates:lake of knowledge about reg process
3. Solu...
Sabya Sachee
11:28 AM Support #4171 (New): DDO Open UAO Titash With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:01 AM Support #4170 (New): Merge NID in DAO Chandpur
1. Description of problems: double NID Found
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Two NID Merge
4. How can devel...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:59 AM Support #4169 (New): Online User login problem at Kaharul Dinajpur

Description of problems :
How it generates : Cant login
Solution : user registeedr in old ibas. now register o...
Mossanna Argon
10:53 AM Bug #4168 (New): More than one ddo found at DAO Nilphamari
1. Description of problems: More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (DAO Nilphamari )
2. How it generates: when...
Mossanna Argon
10:48 AM Support #4167 (New): Adding Bank Branch

Bank : Islami Bank LTD;
Routing No: 125870223
Ref: Call No#76848
Mossanna Argon
10:48 AM Support #4166 (New): insufficient budget problem UAO Companiganj
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:44 AM Support #4165 (New): DDO Open at UAO Nagessory with code permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Mossanna Argon
10:44 AM Support #4164 (New): more then one DDO Found UAO Panchari
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one ddo
2. How it...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:42 AM Support #4163 (New): more then one DDO Found DAO Khagrachari
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one ddo
2. How it...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:37 AM Support #4162 (New): Code Permission at UAO Kaliganj(Satkhira) -8113110
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
10:25 AM Support #4161 (New): DDO Module- Bill submission problem at DAO Bagerhat

Description of problems : DDO Module- Bill submission problem at DAO Bagerhat
How it generates : Employee Pay Bi...
Mossanna Argon


11:31 AM Support #4159 (New): Staff pay bill problem (CAO IRD)
1. Description of problems: More then DDO Problem
2. How it generates: When DDO presses 'GO' button
3. Solution : F...
Evan Sharif


06:12 PM Support #4158 (New): user id for DDO MODULE of staff@1bir
1. Description of problems: user id for DDO MODULE of staff@1bir
2. How it generates: user id
3. Solution : INFORME...
Sabya Sachee
06:08 PM Support #4157 (New): DDO Open request@Area FC Rangpur
Dear Vaiya,
New DDO Open Request ...
For your consideration and permission..
please..See the attachment ...
Sabya Sachee
05:20 PM Support #4156 (New): More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (CAO information )
1. Description of problems: More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (CAO information )
2. How it generates: wh...
Evan Sharif
03:49 PM Support #4155 (New): Month Closed Problem DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Receipt payment mis mass
2. How it generates: When Month closed
3. Solution : Solved Sh...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:58 PM Support #4154 (New): DDO Open UAO Sonagazi With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:13 PM Support #4153 (New): user id problem
1. Description of problems:No menu found while login.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution- Update User By Payee Data M...
Benamin Mukammel
12:32 PM Support #4152 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Master Data Edit Problem
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solution : By pa...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:20 PM Support #4151 (New): Office to pay point mapping at DAO Lalmonirhat(1250303141268 )

Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to Paypoint Mapping
Is there any need for dev...
Mossanna Argon
12:11 PM Support #4150 (New): User id transfer
1. Description of problems:User id transfer.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution:user transfer menu.
4. Pay Point:FC ...
Benamin Mukammel
12:10 PM Support #4149 (New): more then one DDO Found DAO chandpur
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one ddo
2. How it...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:09 PM Support #4148 (New): DDO user id open.
1. Description of problems:DDO user id open.
2. Solution:open DDO id 1110206102177
3. Pay Point:CAO IRD
Benamin Mukammel
12:05 PM Support #4147 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddomdivocevc"...
Sajan Das
11:46 AM Support #4146 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc145ir3tz7...
Sajan Das
11:41 AM Support #4145 (New): pay bill submission problem of Cao home
1. Description of problems: pay bill submission problem of Cao home due to budget insufficient
2. How it generates: ...
Evan Sharif
11:21 AM Support #4144 (New): Online Staff bill entry problem @ DAO Bagerhat

Description of problems : Employee information entry new-go-error-"Could not fetch father name in bangla"
How it...
Mossanna Argon
11:06 AM Support #4143 (New): More than one ddo found at DAO Bagerhat

Description of problems : More than one ddo found at DAO Bagerhat
How it generates : Staff token entry
Mossanna Argon
10:51 AM Support #4142 (New): Online pay bill problem
1. Description of problems:Basic pay (officer) can not be greater than pay fixation basic salary
2. How it generate...
Evan Sharif
10:44 AM Support #4141 (New): Online Staff Bill DDO open UAO Ukhia
1. Description of problems: DDO ID open for Staff bill
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : DDO ID Open
4. How c...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:38 AM Support #4140 (New): Code Permission UAO Roangchhari
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:34 AM Support #4139 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit his salary he found " Basic Pay (officer) can't be greater than p... Sajan Das
10:29 AM Support #4138 (New): Coding Block have but dont show in bill @ UAO Morelganj

Description of problems :Coding Block have but dont show in bill @ UAO Morelganj
How it generates : Bill Entry
Mossanna Argon
10:21 AM Support #4137 (New): GPF Sub-ledger Correction at DCA Khulna

Description of problems : GPF Subledger shows wrong--
How it generates :
Solution : Edit GPF Subledger
Is ...
Mossanna Argon
09:59 AM Support #4136 (New): Loans and advance configure correctly at RDA Bogra

Description of problems :
How it generates : Token Entry
Solution : Loans and Advance Configure Correctly
Mossanna Argon


09:50 PM Support #4135 (New): DDO authorization budget.
1. Description of problems:DDO authorization bill not entered.
2. Solution : By Describing authorization budget chec...
Benamin Mukammel
09:43 PM Support #4134 (New): code block mapping.
1. Description of problems:code block not found 8112201.
2. How it generates:Token entered in wrong DDO.
3. Solutio...
Benamin Mukammel
09:39 PM Support #4133 (New): Bill type Buddha purnima not found in token entry.
1. Description of problems:Bill type Buddha Purnima not found in token entry.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :p...
Benamin Mukammel
09:37 PM Support #4132 (New): Staff bill entry.
1. Description of problems:staff not found on bill entry menu.
2. How it generates:staff unapproved/ wrong DDO.
3. ...
Benamin Mukammel
09:33 PM Support #4131 (New): DDO de active
1. Description of problems:Multiple DDO was found in one office.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution :De active wrong ...
Benamin Mukammel
08:59 PM Support #4129 (New): user id open for staff bill submission cao ird , tax zone 9
1. Description of problems: user id open for staff bill submission cao ird , tax zone 9
2. How it generates:
3. S...
Evan Sharif
02:25 PM Support #4128 (New): DDO Open UAO Nangalkot With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in Token entry
2. How it generates: When Others Token entry
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
02:18 PM Support #4127 (New): showing no data found when ddo try to change/edit employee information
1. Description of problems: ddo could not change the employee bank account
2. How it generates: When officer presses...
Evan Sharif
02:10 PM Support #4126 (New): economic code mapping dao hobiganj , sylhet
1. Description of problems: economic not found
2. How it generates: when ag office try to bill entry , economic code...
Evan Sharif
02:05 PM Support #4125 (New): access denied message
1. Description of problems: showing access denied massage
2. How it generates: when click pay fixation menu
3. Sol...
Evan Sharif
01:38 PM Support #4124 (New): Employee pay bill submission problem
1. Description of problems: More then one ddo problem
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' button
3. ...
Evan Sharif
01:15 PM Support #4123 (New): Invalide configuration data at UAO Bochagonj

1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Config...
Mossanna Argon
01:05 PM Support #4122 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Configurat... Sajan Das
12:58 PM Support #4121 (New): Bypass NID for Navy Officer at UAO Mongla

Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Bypass NID-5533155122 (Payfixation)
Is there any ne...
Mossanna Argon
12:55 PM Support #4120 (New): Code Permission at UAO Mongla
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
12:41 PM Support #4119 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddoc318ir2tz1...
Sajan Das
12:20 PM Support #4118 (New): Code Permission UAO Meghna
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:14 PM Support #4117 (New): Project Token Problem UAO Faridganj
1. Description of problems: Code Not Found
2. How it generates: When Others Bill entry
3. Solution : Token Entry Co...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:12 PM Support #4116 (New): User-ID problem
1. Description of problems- When the user logged into their user-id they face employee information not found problem
Sajan Das
11:54 AM Support #4115 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation DAO Khagrachhari
1. Description of problems: Master Data Edit Problem
2. How it generates: When Master Data Save
3. Solution : By pa...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:47 AM Support #4114 (New): insufficient Budget Problem at DAO Magura
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution : ...
Mossanna Argon
11:45 AM Support #4113 (New): Code Permission at UAO Nagessory
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
11:30 AM Support #4112 (New): Code Permission UAO Roangchhari
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:27 AM Support #4111 (New): insufficient budget problem UAO Burichang
1. Description of problems: Insufficient Budget Problem
2. How it generates: When Online bill Submit
3. Solution :...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:20 AM Support #4110 (New): DDO Module- GPF Subscription Problem- at DAO Magura

Description of problems : Employee GPF Can not show in gpf information
How it generates :
Solution : GPF Subsc...
Mossanna Argon
11:02 AM Support #4109 (New): Code Permission at UAO Kolaroa
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Mossanna Argon
10:58 AM Support #4108 (New): Code Permission DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:34 AM Support #4107 (New): Office to pay point mapping at DAO Meherpur(1250303141259)

Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay pointmapping
Is there any need for dev...
Mossanna Argon
10:28 AM Support #4105 (New): GPF advance stop from pay bill at UAO Sundarganj

Description of problems : GPF advance deduction over but shows in bill
How it generates :
Solution : GPF adva...
Mossanna Argon
10:03 AM Feature #4104 (New): Single click Festival EFT for a unit
Aminul Mohaimen
09:49 AM Support #4103 (New): More than one ddo found
1. Description of problems- When the user wants to enter the staff bill in EMPLOYEE PAY BILL ENTRY Screen then he fac... Sajan Das


11:38 PM Support #4102 (New): Bank Advice @32 EB
1. Description of problems : Bank Advice
2. How it generates :
3. Solution : Discuss over phone regarding month cl...
Sabya Sachee
11:37 PM Support #4101 (New): Data excess problem@Ord Record
1. Description of problems :Data excess problem@Ord Record
2. How it generates :browser issues
3. Solution :sugges...
Sabya Sachee
11:32 PM Support #4100 (New): DDO Open request@Area FC Savar
Please see the attachment Sabya Sachee
11:29 PM Support #4099 (New): Individual EFT Issues
1. Description of problems:Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates:Confused about check submission
3. Solution:Ch...
Sabya Sachee
11:28 PM Support #4098 (New): EFT
1. Description of problems:Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates:Confused about check submission
3. Solution:Ch...
Sabya Sachee
11:27 PM Support #4097 (New): Individual EFT Issues of a unit@Ramu Cantt.
1.Description of problems:JCO ORS individual EFT related query.
2.How it generates:lack of information.
3.Solution ...
Sabya Sachee
11:25 PM Support #4096 (New): Unable to download report
1. Description of problems:Unable to download report
2. How it generates:server error
3. Solution:Browser issues
Sabya Sachee
10:27 PM Support #4095 (New): bill process for next month@50re
1. Description of problems- bill process for next month
2. How it generates- instraction
3. Solution- informed ...
Sabya Sachee
10:04 PM Support #4094 (New): Month Re-open.
1.Description of problems:Monthly accounts of November was wrong.
2.How it generates:Consolidated data entry was wr...
Benamin Mukammel
10:00 PM Support #4093 (New): Car maintenance bill.
1.Description of problems:car maintenance bill payment procedure.
2.How it generates:lack of information.
Benamin Mukammel
09:56 PM Support #4092 (New): Bangla new year festival bill.
1.Description of problems:Token not entered for bangla new year festival bill.
2.How it generates:On token entry men...
Benamin Mukammel
09:55 PM Support #4091 (New): Bangla new year festival bill.
1.Description of problems:Token not entered for bangla new year festival bill.
2.How it generates:On token entry men...
Benamin Mukammel
09:40 PM Support #4090 (New): Online pay bill submission multiple pay point found.
1.Description of problems:Online pay bill submission multiple pay point found.
2.How it generates:Multiple pay point...
Benamin Mukammel
09:34 PM Support #4089 (New): User mobile number change.
1.Description of problems:Mobile number changed.
2.How it generates:wrong Mobile number entered while doing self reg...
Benamin Mukammel
09:29 PM Support #4088 (New): Self registrtion of NAVY officer,wrong mobile number.
1.Description of problems:Mobile number shows wrong while doing self registration.
2.How it generates:wrong data ent...
Benamin Mukammel
04:15 PM Support #4087 (New): Basic pay can not be greater than online pay bill submission
i found several problem regarding same issue which is not our system problem , i suggest them following way
1. De...
Evan Sharif
03:35 PM Support #4086 (New): open ID for staff pay bill submission
1. Description of problems- open ID for staff pay bill submission
2. How it generates-
3. Solution- open ID for st...
Evan Sharif
03:24 PM Support #4085 (New): pay bill submission problem DCA Sylhet
1. Description of problems- User can't submit his salary bill because of information not found
2. How it generates- ...
Evan Sharif
01:21 PM Support #4083 (New): Change User Mobile No and Reset Password at DAO Jhenaidha

Description of problems : User can not get forgot password message .
How it generates :
Solution : Change user...
Mossanna Argon
01:16 PM Support #4082 (New): Approved Bill Cancel Problem DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Token Not Found
2. How it generates: When Approved bill cancel
3. Solution : No problem...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:11 PM Support #4081 (New): Online Bill submission problem by user @ DCA Rangpur

Description of problems : User can not submit bill. Employee information not found.
How it generates :
Mossanna Argon
01:08 PM Support #4080 (New): Code Permission UAO comilla sadar Dhakhhin
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:07 PM Support #4079 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When the user wants to submit this month salary allowance then he found no information fo... Sajan Das
01:01 PM Support #4078 (New): Online user Registration Problem UAO Daudkandi
1. Description of problems: Mobile number does not match
2. How it generates: When user online registration
3. Solu...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:49 PM Feature #3866 (Resolved): Cr Report Develeopmet & Configuration- Budget Vs Actual English
Mahfuzur Rahman
12:47 PM Support #4077 (New): Economic code double(1411202) in UAO Gangachara
1. Description of problems: Code Double found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solutio...
Mossanna Argon
12:22 PM Support #4076 (New): code mapping dao hobiganj
1. Description of problems: code mapping problem
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : code mapping with ddo
4. H...
Evan Sharif
12:01 PM Support #4075 (New): credit scroll upload problem DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Invalid code edit
2. How it generates: When Invalid code edit and Save
3. Solution : P...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:25 AM Support #4074 (New): Master Data Entry Problem UAO Satkania
1. Description of problems: Master Data Edit Problem
2. How it generates: When Save Button Click
3. Solution : Pay ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:15 AM Support #4073 (New): User and DDO Mapping UAO Chhagalnaiya
1. Description of problems: DDO not found
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : Map Post Ddo By User's...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:07 AM Support #4072 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- User can't submit his salary bill because of " Invalid Configuration Data "
2. How it ...
Sajan Das
11:05 AM Support #4071 (New): EFT order entry problem UAO Kaptai
1. Description of problems: Unexpected Error
2. How it generates: When EFT order entry
3. Solution : No Problem Fun...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:04 AM Support #4070 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- User can't submit his salary bill because of " Invalid Configuration Data "
2. How it ...
Sajan Das
11:00 AM Support #4069 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- User can't submit his Baisakhi festival allowance
2. How it generates- Because in Emp...
Sajan Das
09:55 AM Bug #4068 (New): Economic code double(1411202) in dao Gaibandha
1. Description of problems: Code Double found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solutio...
Mossanna Argon


09:35 PM Support #4067 (New): DDO open.
1.Description of problems:New DDO open.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :from DDO info entry single step. poi...
Benamin Mukammel
09:33 PM Support #4066 (New): self bill submission
1.Description of problems:self bill submission problem due to insufficient budget.
2.How it generates:Due to insuff...
Benamin Mukammel
09:32 PM Support #4065 (New): RHD, Bagerhat, Need to cancel Cheque
1. Description of problems: Need to cancel Cheque
2. How it generates: Cheque Cancellation
3. Solution : Forward it...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:29 PM Support #4064 (New): Pay slip Air Hq
1.Description of problems:Pay slip not shown of an Air force officer.
2.How it generates:Data entered by NID, but us...
Benamin Mukammel
09:26 PM Support #4063 (New): User id transfer
1.Description of problems:user required transfer from one pay point to other.
2.How it generates:Due to transfer.
Benamin Mukammel
09:25 PM Support #4062 (New): UAO Bera, Pabna, No information found when user try to submit online bill
1. Description of problems: When user login to userid shown no information found
2. How it generates: After login an...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:22 PM Support #4061 (New): JCO ORS individual EFT
1.Description of problems:JCO ORS individual EFT related query.
2.How it generates:lack of information.
3.Solution ...
Benamin Mukammel
09:22 PM Support #4060 (New): UAO Lalpur, Natore, Open DDO
1. Description of problems: Need to open DDO 1370301-224215400-351523
2. How it generates: DDO Open
3. Solution : ...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:20 PM Support #4059 (New): DCA Rajshahi, Interest shown Double
1. Description of problems: When user submit online bill found interest shown double
2. How it generates: Online bil...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:18 PM Support #4058 (New): Staff bill entry.
1.Description of problems:payee not found on bill entry list.
2.How it generates:due to unapproved staff.
Benamin Mukammel
09:17 PM Support #4057 (New): DAO Sirajganj, User submitted bill but no OTP found
1. Description of problems: When user submitted his bill but no OTP found his mobile
2. How it generates: Online bil...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:16 PM Support #4056 (New): DCA Khulna, DDCA want to Audit trail Report.
1. Description of problems: DDCA Khulna want to Audit trail report
2. How it generates: Report - Audit trail Report
Ashiqur Rahman
09:13 PM Support #4055 (New): UAO Mohadevpur, Naogaon, Service stamp economic code not found.
1. Description of problems: They want to service stamp economic code from bill entry gazatted
2. How it generates: P...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:11 PM Support #4054 (New): UAO Porsha, Naogaon, No information found when user try to submit online bill
1. Description of problems: When user login to userid shown no information found
2. How it generates: After login an...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:03 PM Support #4053 (New): UAO Bera, Pay bill for officer payment code not shown
1. Description of problems: When user try to send bill only shown deduction code. i.e -16000
2. How it generates: On...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:53 PM Support #4052 (New): DCA Barisal, More than One DDO Found
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one DDO found
2. ...
Ashiqur Rahman
04:34 PM Support #4049 (New): Basic pay(officer) can not be greater than pay fixation basic salary
i found this type of problem maximum today
1. Description of problems: when officer send his on line pay bill
Evan Sharif
04:28 PM Support #4048 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When User try to submit pay bill for this month system shows that “ Invalid Configuration... Sajan Das
03:40 PM Support #4047 (New): Invalid configuration data problem
1. Description of problems: I found many problem regarding this issue : which is when officer sending online pay bill... Evan Sharif
03:26 PM Support #4046 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76445- "I cannot submit the pay bill. The screenshot has been attached herewith.... Sajan Das
03:12 PM Support #4045 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76454- " When I try to submit my pay bill for this month system shows that “ Inv... Sajan Das
02:42 PM Support #4044 (New): Online user Registration Problem UAO Daudkandi
1. Description of problems: Mobile number does not match
2. How it generates: When user online registration
3. Solu...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
02:40 PM Support #4043 (New): Code Permission at UAO Mollahat
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry(224232200118455-3111303)
2. How it generates: When officer ...
Mossanna Argon
02:37 PM Support #4042 (New): Code Permission at UAO Mohammadpur
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry(224232200118489-3111303)
2. How it generates: When officer ...
Mossanna Argon
12:41 PM Support #4041 (New): GPF Subscription inactive at UAO Morelganj

Description of problems : GPF Subscription can not inactive
How it generates :
Solution : Gpf Subscription me...
Mossanna Argon
12:16 PM Support #4040 (New): insufficient budget problem DAO Lakshmipur
1. Description of problems: Insufficient budget
2. How it generates: When officer staff bill Submit
3. Solution : P...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:05 PM Support #4039 (New): Code Permission at UAO Maheshpur

Description of problems : Need Economic code(3111316) for this 1460804130094
How it generates : Bill entry, co...
Mossanna Argon
11:58 AM Support #4038 (New): Online User login problem at DCA Rangpur

Description of problems : User can not login to system. Forgot password can not , he cant get message. Login ID(ab...
Mossanna Argon
11:34 AM Support #4037 (New): more then one DDO Found DAO Brahmanbaria
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one ddo
2. How it...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:32 AM Support #4036 (New): Economic Code Double in DAO Brahmanbaria
1. Description of problems: Code Double found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solutio...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:00 AM Support #4033 (New): DCA Barisal, More than one DDO Found
Description of problems : More than one DDO found
How it generates : Online Staff Bill
Solution : Remove DDO from A...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:58 AM Support #4032 (New): code permission
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Evan Sharif
10:32 AM Support #4029 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When the user wants to submit this month allowance then he found no information found
Sajan Das


10:53 PM Support #4028 (New): Code permission@DAO LALMonirHat
1. Description of problems:Code permission
2. How it generates:Not found in online bill
3. Solution:updated Accordi...
Sabya Sachee
10:51 PM Support #4027 (New): Area HQ ctg@Individual EFT Issues
1. Description of problems:Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates:Confused about check submission
3. Solution:Ch...
Sabya Sachee
10:50 PM Support #4026 (New): Staff Token status related@157 fd workshop
1. Description of problems:Staff Token status related
2. How it generates:Confused
3. Solution:informed accordingly...
Sabya Sachee
10:48 PM Support #4025 (New): self id /mobile no is not updated@shafkat10540
1. Description of problems:self id /mobile no is not updated
2. How it generates:mobile no is not updated
3. Soluti...
Sabya Sachee
10:47 PM Support #4024 (New): Individual EFT Issues@601 fd wrkshop
1. Description of problems:Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates:Confused about check submission
3. Solution:Ch...
Sabya Sachee
09:31 PM Support #4023 (New): user id problem.
1.Description of problems:user required pension approval menu.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :requested by DFC(019...
Benamin Mukammel
09:25 PM Support #4022 (New): Profit intimation (NSD)
1.Description of problems:Profit intimation is not sending to client.
2.How it generates:Due to unapproved premature...
Benamin Mukammel
09:22 PM Support #4021 (New): BA number Change.
Description of problems :BA number Change.
How it generates :employee info double entry.
Solution : Marge BA number...
Benamin Mukammel
09:22 PM Support #4020 (New): UAO Keraniganj, Dhaka, Economic Code Permission
Description of problems : Economic code permission
How it generates : Bill Entry(others)
Solution : Code permission...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:20 PM Support #4019 (New): DFO Sundarban West, Economic Code Permission
Description of problems : Economic code not found
How it generates : Bill (Against Contact)
Solution : Code permiss...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:18 PM Support #4018 (New): code block mapping.
Description of problems : Economic code not found
How it generates : Bill entry(Others)
Solution : Code permission ...
Benamin Mukammel
09:18 PM Support #4017 (New): DAO Sirajganj, Marge Employee NID
Description of problems : Marge Employee NID(Duplicate NID Found)
How it generates : Pay Bill Entry(Gazatted)
Ashiqur Rahman
09:15 PM Support #4016 (New): UAO Botiaghata, Khulna, Code permission
Description of problems : Economic code not found
How it generates : Bill entry(Others)
Solution : Code permission ...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:13 PM Support #4015 (New): Itna, Kishoreganj, Insufficient budget
Description of problems : Insufficient budget
How it generates : Bitt Entry(Gazatted)
Solution : Check and found in...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:12 PM Support #4014 (New): DAO Kushtia, More than one DDO Found
Description of problems : More than one DDO found
How it generates : Online Staff Bill
Solution : Remove DDO from A...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:10 PM Support #4013 (New): UAO Chouhali, Open DDO
Description of problems : DDO Open
How it generates : DDO Mnaagement- DDO Entry (Single step)
Solution : Open DDO
Ashiqur Rahman
09:08 PM Support #4012 (New): UAO Chouhali, Code not found
Description of problems : Economic code not found
How it generates : Bill entry (Gazatted)
Solution : Economic code...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:06 PM Support #4011 (New): DCA Rajshahi, DDO Bill report problem
Description of problems : Details bill report not shown
How it generates : Details Bill report
Solution : Check and...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:04 PM Support #4010 (New): DCA Khulna, LPC Reated Problem
Description of problems : LPC Not found at DCA Khulna though send from Bagerhat
How it generates : Received LPC
Ashiqur Rahman
09:02 PM Support #4009 (New): DAO Bogra, Interest on loan to Government employees shown double
Description of problems : 1411202-Interest on loan to government employees shown double 1250203-108816
How it genera...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:01 PM Support #4008 (New): Bill entry problem for special activities.
1.Description of problems:Bill entry problem for special activities.
2.How it generates:due to Wrong transaction typ...
Benamin Mukammel
08:59 PM Support #4007 (New): DAO Pirojpur, Insufficient Budget.
Description of problems : Insufficient budget
How it generates : Bill entry (Others)
Solution : Update GL and found...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:57 PM Support #4006 (New): PWD Barisal, Migration Contact
Description of problems : Need to migration contact
How it generates : Master Data, Migration
Solution : Migration...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:54 PM Support #4005 (New): DAO Pabna, Open DDO
Description of problems : DDO Open
How it generates : Bill entry (Others)
Solution : DDO Management- DDO Entry (Sin...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:52 PM Support #4004 (New): NHA Sylhet Division, Insufficient budget
Description of problems : Wehn bill entry shown insufficient budget
How it generates : Pay Bill entry(Gazatted)
Ashiqur Rahman
08:48 PM Support #4003 (New): DCA Barisal GPF subscription shown double
Description of problems : GPF subscription shown Double
How it generates : Pay bill entry(Gazatted)
Solution : Remo...
Ashiqur Rahman
08:46 PM Support #4002 (New): DDO Reactivation
1. Description of problems:DDO reactivation for projects.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :From DDO Reactive menu.
Benamin Mukammel
08:45 PM Support #4001 (New): User id transfer
1. Description of problems:User id transfer
2. How it generates:Due to concern officer transfer.
3. Solution :By us...
Benamin Mukammel
03:28 PM Support #4000 (New): More than one ddo found
1. Description of problems- When the user wants to enter the staff bill then he faces the problem that more than one ... Sajan Das
03:23 PM Support #3999 (New): Code permision
1. Description of problems- When the user wants to entry staff pay bill they didn't find washing allowance
2. How ...
Sajan Das
03:18 PM Support #3998 (New): Roads contract Organisation code change roads division Dohazari
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : Organis...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
03:01 PM Support #3997 (New): Economic Code problem UAO Anowara
1. Description of problems: Code Double found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solutio...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
02:54 PM Support #3996 (New): more then one DDO Found DAO Coxsbazar
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one ddo
2. How it...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
02:50 PM Support #3995 (New): Code Permission UAO Kutubdiya
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
02:49 PM Support #3994 (New): Month close issue(March)- DCA Khulna
Problem Send Shakib vai.
Mossanna Argon
02:37 PM Support #3993 (New): User ID Deactivate UAO Sorail
1. Description of problems: User Retried
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : User ID Deactivate
4. How can deve...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
02:36 PM Support #3992 (New): Need NID Merge for an Officer DCA Khulna
Description of problems : Merge NID(19868728202101430,8728202101430)
How it generates :
Solution :
Is there any...
Mossanna Argon
02:29 PM Support #3991 (New): Need NID Merge for an Officer DCA Khulna
Description of problems : Need NID Merge for an Officer DCA Khulna (19754713033352031,19754713033362031)
How it gen...
Mossanna Argon
02:23 PM Support #3990 (New): Oline user problem (No information found) at DCA Khulna
Description of problems : Oline user problem (No information found) at DCA Khulna
How it generates : After login, i...
Mossanna Argon
02:10 PM Support #3989 (New): Code Permission at DAO Lalmonirhat
Description of problems : Code permission at DAO Lalmonirhat (1270401140567-3111315)
How it generates :
Solution ...
Mossanna Argon
01:58 PM Support #3988 (New): More than one ddo found staff pay bill at DCA Rangpur
Description of problems :More than one ddo found staff pay bill at DCA Rangpur
How it generates :
Solution : Assi...
Mossanna Argon
01:22 PM Support #3987 (New): token entry problem CAO LGED
1. Description of problems: When auditor of cao lged try to entry token second time then its alert 'An unexpected err... Evan Sharif
01:06 PM Support #3986 (New): Staff pay bill problem (CAO Information )
1. Description of problems: More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill
2. How it generates: When officer presses ...
Evan Sharif
12:17 PM Support #3985 (New): Office to pay point mapping at DAO Gaibandha(1250303141267 )
Description of problems :Office to pay point mapping at DAO Gaibandha(1250303141267 )
How it generates :
Mossanna Argon
12:12 PM Support #3984 (New): Need NID Merge for an Officer DAO Chudanga
Description of problems : NID Merge.(19782693014947654,2693014947654)
How it generates :
Solution : NID Merge
Mossanna Argon
11:41 AM Support #3983 (New): More then one ddo showing for staff pay bill (DCA Sylhet)
1. Description of problems: When DDO try to send staff pay bill sending then its showing more then one one ddo
2. H...
Evan Sharif
11:23 AM Support #3982 (New): DDO User ID Open for online Staff bill @ DAO Magura(Accounts Office)
Description of problems : DDO USER ID Open for staff bill
How it generates :
Solution :
Is there any need for d...
Mossanna Argon
11:18 AM Support #3981 (New): DDO Could not edit/change staff information for staff pay bill submit
1. Description of problems: ddo could not change staff contact and bank information due to un approval option disable... Evan Sharif
11:10 AM Support #3980 (New): Code Permission UAO Sandwip
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:09 AM Support #3979 (New): Code Permission at DAO Lalmonirhat
Description of problems : Code not found at bill entry (8112201,3111316)
How it generates :
Solution : DDO Coding...
Mossanna Argon
11:06 AM Support #3978 (New): insufficient budget problem UAO Companiganj
1. Description of problems: Insufficient budget
2. How it generates: When officer staff bill Submit
3. Solution : P...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:02 AM Support #3977 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at DAO Lalmonirhat(1270401140567)
Description of problems : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at DAO Lalmonirhat(1270401140567)
How it gen...
Mossanna Argon
10:58 AM Support #3976 (New): Credit Scroll Roll Back DCA Chittagong Date on 30.03.2020 and 31.03.2020
1. Description of problems: Worng Data Import 26 Branch
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Roll Back
4. How ca...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:42 AM Support #3975 (New): Code Permission at UAO Phulbari(Kurigram)
Description of problems : Bill entry not found 3111303 ()
How it generates :
Solution : ddo coding block mapping
Mossanna Argon
10:35 AM Support #3974 (New): More than one ddo found at DAO Nilphamari
Description of problems :Employee pay bill Entry than system says''More than one ddo found'' pl help me how can i ent... Mossanna Argon
10:26 AM Support #3973 (New): Invalide configuration data at UAO kaliganj(Jhenaidha)
Description of problems : Online bill submission - invalid configuration data
How it generates : bill submission
Mossanna Argon
10:23 AM Support #3972 (New): Code Permission at UAO Sharankhola
Description of problems : Bill entry not found 3111303 ()
How it generates :
Solution : ddo coding block mapping
Mossanna Argon
10:20 AM Support #3971 (New): Loans and advance configure correctly at DAO Bagerhat
Description of problems :(NID| 19690110894304615 TOLEN NO 26606 DATE 23/04/2020 কর্মকর্তার 7215101 গৃহ নির্র্মান আসল ... Mossanna Argon
10:14 AM Support #3970 (New): Code Permission at UAO Fakirhat
Description of problems : Bill entry not found 3111303 ()
How it generates :
Solution : ddo coding block mapping
Mossanna Argon
09:56 AM Feature #3969 (New): DDO Module Tutorial Video
Aminul Mohaimen
09:53 AM Feature #3968 (New): HRM Module Configuration
Aminul Mohaimen
09:53 AM Feature #3967 (New): HRM Module Testing
Aminul Mohaimen
09:51 AM Support #3966 (New): DDO mobile information not found (CAO ird, devotional office )
1. Description of problems: when ddo trying to send staff pay bill then its alert 'DDO mobile information not found'
Evan Sharif


10:58 AM Support #3929 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddotkgghsdhk"...
Sajan Das
10:51 AM Support #3928 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission

1. Description of problems- When the user wants to submit April Month Salary, he saw employee not found
2. How ...
Sajan Das


10:36 AM Support #3926 (New): DDO User-ID open
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened DDO user-id "ddonssadhk"
Sajan Das
10:25 AM Support #3925 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- When the user wants to submit the April Month Salary, it showed "an unexpected error has ... Sajan Das


11:15 PM Support #3924 (New): demand submission (staff)@56 bengal
1. Description of problems:demand submission (staff)@56 bengal
2. How it generates:submission done
3. Solution:Done...
Sabya Sachee
11:03 PM Support #3923 (New): Bill Submitted But Army No 4045120 Not Found in Pay Roll.(Processed) report
1. Description of problems:Bill Submitted But Army No 4045120 Not Found in Pay Roll.(Processed) report.This number A... Sabya Sachee
10:58 PM Support #3922 (New): merge issues@18beenngal
১। আপনার ইউনিট হতে নিম্নলিখিত জেসিও এবং ও আর এর ভুল আইডি আইবাস++ সফটওয়্যার হতে মুছে ফেলার জন্য বলা হয়ঃ
Sabya Sachee
10:57 PM Support #3921 (New): merge issues@ssc
১। আপনার ইউনিট হতে নিম্নলিখিত জেসিও এবং ও আর এর ভুল আইডি আইবাস++ সফটওয়্যার হতে মুছে ফেলার জন্য বলা হয়ঃ
Sabya Sachee
10:54 PM Support #3920 (New): Self reg@JSS00477
1. Description of problems:self id /mobile no is not updated
2. How it generates:mobile no is not updated
3. Soluti...
Sabya Sachee
09:34 PM Support #3919 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Bheramara(224215400351284)
Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is there any ...
Mossanna Argon
08:14 PM Support #3918 (New): Economic code shows double.
1. Description of problems:Economic code shows double.
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solution : D...
Benamin Mukammel
08:08 PM Support #3917 (New): User id problem (NSD)
1.Description of problems:forget Password of a NSD user.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :Informed to regenerate pas...
Benamin Mukammel
08:05 PM Support #3916 (New): Profit intimation (NSD)
1.Description of problems:Profit intimation is not sending to client.
2.How it generates:Due to unapproved premature...
Benamin Mukammel
08:00 PM Support #3915 (New): DDO Reactivation
1. Description of problems:DDO reactivation for projects.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :From DDO Reactive menu.
Benamin Mukammel
07:58 PM Support #3914 (New): Month close AFC NAVY CTG
1. Description of problems:procedure of Month close AFC NAVY CTG.
2. How it generates:Lack of information.
3. Solut...
Benamin Mukammel
07:54 PM Support #3913 (New): Air force pay slip monitoring ID
1. Description of problems:Air force pay slip monitoring ID Locked.
2. How it generates:wrong user id password enter...
Benamin Mukammel
05:59 PM Support #3912 (New): Credit Scroll Roll Back DCA Chittagong Date on 29.03.2020
1. Description of problems: Worng Data Import 26 Branch
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Roll Back
4. How ca...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
05:29 PM Support #3911 (New): GPF Opening Balance By pass UAO Ukhiya
1. Description of problems: Amount miss match in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer GPF bill entry
3. Sol...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
05:20 PM Support #3910 (New): Invalid code Delete DAO brahmanbaria
1. Description of problems: same economic code show double
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solution...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
03:10 PM Support #3909 (New): Month close issue(March)- DCA Khulna

Follow up DCA Khulna, Contact with BB(Nuruzaman Vai) , Accounts Check
Accounts ok now. DCA Khulna Can close mont...
Mossanna Argon
02:36 PM Support #3908 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Lohagara (Narail)(224215400351298)
Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is there any ...
Mossanna Argon
02:27 PM Support #3907 (New): Officer Pay bill problem
1. Description of problems: interest of loan showing double when officer try to send pay bill
2. How it generates: W...
Evan Sharif
11:38 AM Support #3906 (New): Code Permission at DAO Gaibandha

Description of problems : Code not found in Book transfer(1423101,1423102)
How it generates :
Solution : Code ...
Mossanna Argon
11:14 AM Bug #3905 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Sundarganj(224215400351442)

Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is th...
Mossanna Argon
11:09 AM Support #3904 (New): All DDO Mapping at UAO Sundarganj

Description of problems : All DDO not found in UAO User ID.
How it generates : Bill entry/Approval
Solution :...
Mossanna Argon
11:02 AM Support #3903 (New): DDO id open for staff bill submit CAO Health, Divisional Health Office Dhaka
1. Description of problems: DDO id open for staff bill submin
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : ID open
4. Ho...
Evan Sharif
10:39 AM Support #3902 (New): Staff information approval problem
1. Description of problems: DDO could not approve an employee where employee status is un approved. showing this aler... Evan Sharif
10:35 AM Support #3901 (New): DDO ID open for online Staff bill submit UAO Teknaf
1. Description of problems: DDO ID open for Staff bill
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : DDO ID Open
4. How c...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:31 AM Support #3900 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76102- "When I submitted my OTP code for online pay bill submission it shows "In... Sajan Das
10:22 AM Support #3899 (New): can not close month due to un posted data remain (CAO LGD)
1. Description of problems: can not close month due to un posted data remain
2. How it generates: When officer pres...
Evan Sharif
10:20 AM Support #3898 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76130- "Showing insufficient budget in education allowance"
2. Solution- I ca...
Sajan Das
07:52 AM Feature #3895 (New): Update Corona Challenge Document based on discussion
Aminul Mohaimen
07:50 AM Bug #3894 (New): Single click EFT for a unit
Generate EFTs for all employees through a single click Aminul Mohaimen
07:49 AM Support #3893 (New): Prepare list of new accounts and send to TBL
Aminul Mohaimen


08:52 PM Support #3891 (New): GPF inactive.
1. Description of problems:GPF inactive for a staff.
2. How it generates: Mentioned staff is on LPR,his GPF will ina...
Benamin Mukammel
08:45 PM Support #3890 (New): Staff bill entry.
1. Description of problems:Approved staff info edit problem.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution:Instructed to use edi...
Benamin Mukammel
08:39 PM Support #3889 (New): EFT sms sending.
1. Description of problems:EFT sms sending procedure and related query.
2. How it generates:lack of information.
Benamin Mukammel
08:35 PM Support #3888 (New): pay bill submission problem
1. Description of problems:pay bill submission problem, fiscal year,month not shown on bill submission screen.
2. Ho...
Benamin Mukammel
07:22 PM Support #3887 (New): Error:DDO Mobile no is not found@56 e Benngal
1. Description of problems:error:DDO Mobile no is not found
2. How it generates:DDO info entry by Pay point is not ...
Sabya Sachee
07:20 PM Support #3886 (New): data load failed during festival submission@131 fd wrkshp
1. Description of problems: data load failed during festival submission@131 fd wrkshp
2. How it generates: deleted p...
Sabya Sachee
07:16 PM Support #3885 (New): duplicate issue@14fio
1. Description of problems: duplicate issue
2. How it generates:duplicate issue
3. Solution: need to follow offici...
Sabya Sachee
03:36 PM Support #3884 (New): Employee not found when ddo try to enter employee pay bill , DDO module issue (CAO IRD)
1. Description of problems: When ddo click to Employee pay bill entry and fill up the all field and click go then doe... Evan Sharif
01:45 PM Support #3883 (New): Assign Budget entity to system control point @ DAO Chuadanga

Description of problems :Assign Budget entity to system control point @ DAO Chuadanga
How it generates :
Mossanna Argon
01:41 PM Support #3882 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- Month of April bill can't submit due to budget problem
2. Solution- I called the respe...
Sajan Das
01:39 PM Support #3881 (New): Cheque Cancellation Problem at DAO Jessore

Description of problems : Cheque Cancellation Problem at DAO Jessore. Token No. 040147, Chk No. TA-829754
How it...
Mossanna Argon
11:44 AM Support #3880 (New): unexpected error when try to entry nangla new year festival bill (uao chunarughat)
1. Description of problems:unexpected error when try to entry nangla new year festival bill
2. How it generates: Whe...
Evan Sharif
11:41 AM Support #3879 (New): NID by pass DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: NID does not exit in pay Fixation
2. How it generates: When master data entry
3. Soluti...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:37 AM Support #3878 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76028- Month of April bill can't submit due to budget problem
2. Solution- I ...
Sajan Das
11:34 AM Support #3877: Self id@Captain,ctg cant
pay point:Captain,ctg cant Sabya Sachee
11:33 AM Support #3877 (New): Self id@Captain,ctg cant
1. Description of problems:self id /authentication failed
2. How it generates: trying from mobile with wrong user id...
Sabya Sachee
11:31 AM Support #3876 (New): Code Permission at UAO Damurhuda

Description of problems : Bill entry not found 7215101 code
How it generates :
Solution : DDO Code block mappi...
Mossanna Argon
11:29 AM Support #3875 (New): user open for staff bill entry and submit (Uao shalla)
1. Description of problems: DDO user id and entry user id open
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : open an id for...
Evan Sharif
11:27 AM Support #3874 (New): Deduction Code not found/confused@56 e bengal
1. Description of problems:Deduction Code not found/confused
2. How it generates: Confused about business
3. Soluti...
Sabya Sachee
11:16 AM Support #3873 (New): bank info@5 signal
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
11:13 AM Support #3872 (New): Bill Entry@AFC comilla
1. Description of problems:Bill Entry
2. How it generates: confused about Accounting month
3. Solution:suggested ac...
Sabya Sachee
11:08 AM Support #3871 (New): Gpf Advance Problem
1. Description of problems- Helpdesk#76036- In March 2020, I have completed to Refund (GPF Advance) all installment (... Sajan Das
10:32 AM Support #3870 (New): Code Permission UAO Sandwip
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
09:20 AM Feature #3867 (New): Manual Update for current Version-DDO Module
Manual Update for current Version-DDO Module Mahfuzur Rahman
09:17 AM Feature #3866 (Resolved): Cr Report Develeopmet & Configuration- Budget Vs Actual English
Cr Report- Budget Vs Actual English
Mahfuzur Rahman


10:27 PM Support #3865 (New): UAO Godagari, Rajshahi, User registration problem for online bill submission
Description of problems : Online Registration Problem
How it generates : Self registration. After self registration,...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:22 PM Support #3864 (New): UAO Amtali Barguna, Open DDO
Description of problems : Need to open DDO
How it generates : DDO Information Entry Single Step
Solution : OPen DDO...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:19 PM Support #3863 (New): UAO Badalgachi, Naogaon, Coding block not found
Description of problems : Coding Block not found (1430204122464,Upazilla agriculture Officer Badalgachi, Economic Cod... Ashiqur Rahman
10:16 PM Support #3862 (New): UAO Mehidiganj, Barisal, Open DDO
Description of problems : Need to open DDO(1370301-224215400-351014 )
How it generates : DDO Management- DDO entry S...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:13 PM Support #3861 (New): DCA Rajshahi, Interest on loan to government employees shown double
Description of problems : Interest on loan to government employees shown double
How it generates : Pay bill entry (g...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:10 PM Support #3860 (New): DAO Natore, Employee information entry Single step not save after correction
Description of problems : Employee information not save after correction bank account no.
How it generates : Employe...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:49 PM Support #3858 (New): DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. scroll
Description of problems : Dr. Scroll Import and Upload
How it generates : Debit Scroll Import(Bcheques). BB file pr...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:42 PM Support #3856 (New): DAO Kushtia, Online staff bill submission problem
Description of problems : More than one DDO found staff pay bill entry
How it generates : Employee Pay Bill Entry
Ashiqur Rahman
09:40 PM Support #3855 (New): DCA Rajshahi, Online bill submission problem(Staff Bill)
Description of problems : More than one DDO found staff pay bill entry
How it generates : Employee Pay Bill Entry
Ashiqur Rahman
06:21 PM Support #3854 (New): Self registrtion of NAVY officer,wrong mobile number.
1.Description of problems:Mobile number shows wrong while doing self registration.
2.How it generates:wrong data ent...
Benamin Mukammel
06:14 PM Support #3853 (New): Bangla new year festival bill.
1.Description of problems:Bangla new year festival bill processing.
2.How it generates:when bill submitted an error ...
Benamin Mukammel
06:11 PM Support #3852 (New): All DDO not found in a user.
Description of problems:All DDO not found in a user.
How it generates:On bill entry.
Solution :from the menu "Map P...
Benamin Mukammel
06:04 PM Support #3851 (New): DDO Reactivation
Description of problems:DDO inactive.
How it generates:
Solution :From DDO Reactive menu.
Pay point:UAO kotiadi.
Benamin Mukammel
04:39 PM Support #3845: Insufficient budget at code 3111310, 3111306
Evan Sharif wrote:
> 1. Description of problems: insufficient budget (3111310 - House rent allowance )
> 2. How it ...
Evan Sharif
01:37 PM Support #3845 (New): Insufficient budget at code 3111310, 3111306
1. Description of problems: insufficient budget (3111310 - House rent allowance )
2. How it generates: When officer ...
Evan Sharif
03:43 PM Support #3850 (New): 1411202-Interest on loan to government employees Shows Double in Bill-- DAO Bagerhat
Description of problems :
How it generates : Pay bill entry gazetted.
Solution : remove one coding block (invalid) ...
Mossanna Argon
03:36 PM Support #3849 (New): GPF Code Permission @ UAO Birol
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: bill entry
3. Solution : DDO - codin...
Mossanna Argon
03:30 PM Support #3848 (New): DDO User-ID
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened two DDO user-id
3. Paypoi...
Sajan Das
03:11 PM Support #3847 (New): EFT Permission For UAO Digholia
Description of problems : eft permission for UAO Login ID
How it generates :
Solution : Done
Is there any need...
Mossanna Argon
02:51 PM Support #3846 (New): User-ID problem
1. Description of problems- When the user logged into their user-id they face employee information not found problem
Sajan Das
01:18 PM Support #3844 (New): Unmaping DDO Coding Block DAO Madaripur
1. Description of problems: 246+246 code UAO Saril and UAO Faridganj mapping DAO madaripur
2. How it generates: N/A
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:17 PM Support #3843 (New): report not generated
1. Description of problems: Bill submitted bt no pdf file found after clicking on OK button. How to get that pdf file... Evan Sharif
01:13 PM Support #3842 (New): abnormal bill in officer pay bill at DCA Khulna
Description of problems :Token no: 115339, in this pay Bill an officer of KMP submitted his pay Bill of march'2020. ... Mossanna Argon
01:01 PM Support #3841 (New): an unexpected error showing when budget user try to field distribution
1. Description of problems: an unexpected error showing when budget user try to field distribution
2. How it genera...
Evan Sharif
12:24 PM Support #3840 (New): Online Bill submission problem by user @ DCA Khulna
Description of problems : when Submitting bill , error message. (Invalid configuration data)
How it generates : P...
Mossanna Argon
11:31 AM Support #3839 (New): Online User login problem at UAO Palshbari
1. Description of problems: Do not Login
2. How it generates: When user login
3. Solution : first user password res...
Mossanna Argon
11:29 AM Support #3838 (New): On line Bill submission problem at UAO Palashbai
Description of problems : Online paybill submission (Multiple paypoint found)
How it generates : Press submit butt...
Mossanna Argon
11:07 AM Support #3837 (New): when submit monthly bill, it shows pin code sent to registered mobile number but no sms received at all
1. Description of problems:No pin code sms received in mobile
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' bu...
Evan Sharif
10:41 AM Support #3836 (New): allowance cannot be more than 60% of the basic pay
1. Description of problems: allowance/House rent cannot be more than 60% of the basic pay
2. How it generates: When...
Evan Sharif
10:30 AM Support #3834 (New): Online user Password Problem UAO Anowara
1. Description of problems: Do not Login
2. How it generates: When user login
3. Solution : first user password res...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
08:38 AM Feature #3833 (New): HRM Module Design Document
Aminul Mohaimen


11:35 PM Support #3832 (New): UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj self bill entry problem.
1. Description of Problems: User Can't submit self bill
2. How it generates: Online Pay Bill Submission. When User c...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:30 PM Support #3831 (New): DAO Bogra, Book transfer Cr. Code not found.
1. Description of Problems: Book transfer Cr. Code not found.
1460301000000-120007500 -11001000-1131101-4 (cr)...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:24 PM Support #3830 (New): DAO Sirajganj DDO Open
Description of Problems: Need to open DDO (1250303 141266)
1. How it generates: DDO Entry Single Step
2. Solution: ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:22 PM Support #3829 (New): DAO Natore, EFT Cancel
1. Description of Problems: Cancel EFT
2. Solution: EFT cancel menu is not available to our ID's. So collect DAO's I...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:19 PM Support #3828 (New): DCA Rajshahi, User ID Transfer from Chapai to DCA Rajshahi
1. Description of Problems: Need to transfer userif to DCA Rajshahi
2. Solution: Forward it to Atair Bhai
3. Pay Po...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:17 PM Support #3827 (New): UAO Atrai, LPC Related Issued.
1. Description of Problems: LPC Related Issue
2. Solution: Forward it to Siddique Bhai
3. Pay point: UAO Atrai, Nao...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:14 PM Support #3826 (New): UAO Hatibandha, Gaibandha Interest on Govt. Employee Double.
1. Description of Problems: Double shown Interest on loan gov. Employee
2. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:14 PM Support #3825 (New): salary demand proceess@56 ebengal
1. Description of problems:salary demand proceess
2. How it generates: demand process not clear
3. Solution: Info...
Sabya Sachee
10:12 PM Support #3824 (New): Token delete@fc misc
1. Description of problems:how to delete token
2. How it generates: Wrong submission
3. Solution: token cancellati...
Sabya Sachee
10:09 PM Support #3822 (New): merge issues@ sscc hattogram
1. Pl take necessary step to marge the following Army Numbers:
a. Incorrect Number: 1612617 (Addition...
Sabya Sachee
10:06 PM Support #3820 (New): merge issues@18beenngal
Need to Merge pl.
1. Incorrect Number: 1436624 (Additional Entry)
1. Correct Number: 1436642 (Actual Use)...
Sabya Sachee
10:02 PM Support #3819 (New): Bank info related issues
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
10:01 PM Support #3818 (New): employee joining@afc comilla
1. Description of problems: employee joining
2. How it generates: not getting in database
3. Solution: need too j...
Sabya Sachee
06:52 PM Support #3817 (New): Self bill user id problem
Description of problems:Self bill user id problem.Employee information not found.
How it generates :employee informa...
Benamin Mukammel
06:20 PM Support #3816 (New): Report not shows to a user.
Description of problems:Report not shows to a user.
How it generates:while checking reports.
Solution:Clear all cac...
Benamin Mukammel
06:15 PM Support #3815 (New): DDO creation for project 224215400351221
Description of problems:DDO creation for project 224215400351221
How it generates:Project distribution is not mapped...
Benamin Mukammel
06:10 PM Support #3814 (New): Officer's pay bill.
Description of problems:Pay bill not submitted.
How it generates: Due to lack of budget.
Solution: checking budget...
Benamin Mukammel
06:02 PM Support #3813 (New): Month close FC pay 1
Description of problems:Receipt payment mismatch.
How it generates:while closing month.
Solution:sent an email to ...
Benamin Mukammel
03:39 PM Support #3812 (New): Month close problem due to un-posted data remain
Description of problems : Unposted Document remains
How it generates : Submit Month close button
Solution : Take un...
Evan Sharif
02:54 PM Support #3811 (New): Month close problem due to FA double posting (DFO Rajshahi)
1. Description of problems: Forest advance posted double amount and approved
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : ca...
Evan Sharif
12:27 PM Support #3810 (New): Month Close Problem (March-2020) at DAO Thakurgoan
Description of problems : Unposted Document remains
How it generates : Submit Month close button
Solution : T...
Mossanna Argon
12:22 PM Support #3809 (New): Bill Journal(Authorization) problem at DAO Jhenaidha
Description of problems :Bill Journal can not affect budget
How it generates :
Solution : Problem send to Shakib...
Mossanna Argon
12:08 PM Support #3808 (New): EFT Permission For UAO Gobindaganj
Description of problems : EFT permission for UAO(Transfer from another Paypoint)
How it generates : N/A
Mossanna Argon
11:38 AM Support #3807 (New): Credit Scroll Problem UAO chandina
1. Description of problems: credit scroll not upload
2. How it generates: When click upload
3. Solution : correct i...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:26 AM Support #3806 (New): Code Permission UAO Kawkhali
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:46 AM Support #3805 (New): Online pay bill ID problem . 'Employees information not found".
1. Description of problems: Through budget execution>it's showing 'Employees information not found".
2. How it gener...
Evan Sharif
10:38 AM Support #3804 (New): UAO Borhanuddin, Bhola, DDO Open
Description of Problems: Open DDO (1370301-224215400-351018)
1. How it generates: DDO Information Entry(Single Step)...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:32 AM Support #3803 (New): UAO Nandigram, Bogra, DDO Open
Description of Problems: Open DDO
1. How it generates: DDO Information Entry(Single Step)
2. Solution: Open DDO
Ashiqur Rahman
09:22 AM Bug #3802 (New): PEDP 4 DDO Module Roll out Report Review
Aminul Mohaimen
09:21 AM Feature #3801 (New): DLR Achievement Status - March 2020 - Update
Aminul Mohaimen
09:20 AM Feature #3800 (New): Pensioner New Year Allowance Exception SP
Aminul Mohaimen


11:49 PM Support #3799 (New): NHA Chittagonj Circle, Bill Passing Problem.
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted)
2. Solution: Contact with Shakib Bhai
3. Is...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:47 PM Support #3798 (New): UAO Shajahanpur, Bogra, Re - active DDO.
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: DDO Reactive(1370101-221000400-362336)
2. Solution: They De activatio...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:45 PM Support #3797 (New): DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. Scroll
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll Import(Cheque)
2. Solution: Import and upload Dated. 08/...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:43 PM Support #3796 (New): UAO Mathbaria, Pirojpur Cr. Scroll Problem
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Credit Scroll Import
2. Solution: .XML File Problem. Advice them to c...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:41 PM Support #3795 (New): DAO Bogra, Debit Scroll Problem. Dated: 05/03/2020
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll EFT file upload Double
2. Solution: Contact with Shakib ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:38 PM Support #3794 (New): PWD Barisal, Budget not available.
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Bill Entry Screen. The following message found "Budget not available f...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:34 PM Support #3793 (New): DAO Pirojpur, Month Close Problem
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Month Colse. When Click validate, The following Message Shown "UNPOSTE...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:31 PM Support #3792 (New): UAO Galachipa, Patuakhali, 23/03/2020 Cr. Scroll Problem
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Credit Scroll Import
2. Solution: .xml file problem. Advice them to c...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:28 PM Support #3791 (New): DCA Barisal Codding Block mapping
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted/non gazatted)
2. Solution: coding block from ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:22 PM Support #3790 (New): UAO Biswamvpur, Sunamganj, Code block mapping.
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted/non gazatted)
2. Solution: coding block from ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:18 PM Support #3789 (New): UAO Bamna, Patuakhali, Code block mapping.
Description of problems:
1. How it generates: Pay Bill entry(Gazetted)
2. Solution: Coding Block from code block ma...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:14 PM Support #3788 (New): UAO Rangabali, Patuakhali Month close problem
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates:Debit Scroll(Advanced)
2. When upload the following message found "Deb...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:06 PM Support #3787 (New): DAO Bogra, Debit Scroll Import and upload
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll Import(Cheque)
2. Solution: After correction(Old Code mi...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:59 PM Support #3786 (New): DFO wild Life management Khulan, Code Block Mapping
Description of problems:
1. How it generates: Temporary Advance(To sub-division Adjustment)
2. Solution: Code Permi...
Ashiqur Rahman
07:55 PM Support #3785 (New): JCO ORS's Festival Bill submission.
1.Description of problems:Wrong festival bill submitted by Unit.
2.How it generates:By mistake.
3.Solution:After ch...
Benamin Mukammel
07:45 PM Support #3784 (New): Month close receipt payment mismatch
1.Description of problems:Month close receipt payment mismatch.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution:Need to check from d...
Benamin Mukammel
05:04 PM Support #3783 (New): MERGE ISSUE@ssc chattogram
Pl take necessary step to marge the following Army Numbers:
1. - Incorrect Number: 1612617 (Additional Entry)-...
Sabya Sachee
05:00 PM Support #3782 (New): MERGE ISSUE@18engrbn

Need to Marge
1. Incorrect Number: 1436624 (Additional Entry)
1. Correct Number: 1436642 (...
Sabya Sachee
04:57 PM Support #3781 (New): Wrong bank info entry@15 fd mirpur
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
04:55 PM Support #3780 (New): NEW JCO info Entry
1. Description of problems:NEW JCO info Entry
2. How it generates:NID BLOCKED
3. Solution: suggested to ignore NID
Sabya Sachee
04:50 PM Support #3779 (New): 1411202-Interest on loan to government employees Shows Double in Bill-- DAO Jessore
Description of problems :
How it generates : Pay bill entry gazetted.
Solution : remove one coding block from co...
Mossanna Argon
04:40 PM Support #3778 (New): unable to login
1. Description of problems:unable to login
2. How it generates: Due to system deployment
3. Solution: requests to...
Sabya Sachee
04:38 PM Support #3777 (New): UNABLE TO CHANGE DDO
1. Description of problems:UNABLE TO CHANGE DDO
2. How it generates: Employee was release state
3. Solution: Empl...
Sabya Sachee
04:36 PM Support #3776 (New): salary submission@157 beengal

1. Description of problems:salary submission@157 beengal
2. How it generates: salary submission@157 beengal
3. ...
Sabya Sachee
04:32 PM Support #3775 (New): BD Army_-Staff bill: DDO changes Automatically between 157 fd workshop and 56 E Bengal
DDO ofz this Employee (NID:: 19751553798741518) is 157 fd workshop but DDO changes Automatically to 56 e Bengal. Get... Sabya Sachee
04:31 PM Support #3774 (New): DCA Khulna Dr import and upload prroblem

Dr Scroll (Cheque) import problem due 13 digit old code.
All problem mail to Bangladesh bank(Md. Nuruzzaman vai, c...
Mossanna Argon
04:26 PM Support #3773 (New): Challan upload problem at UAO Paikgacha
Description of problems : Challan can not upload(due to invalid code-23-03-2020)
How it generates : challan upload ...
Mossanna Argon
03:38 PM Support #3772 (New): Budget issue at UH&FP Narayanganj.
1.Description of problems:Insufficient budget for pay bill officers.
2.How it generates:Due to lack of budget at off...
Benamin Mukammel
03:30 PM Support #3771 (New): Budget related information and answering related query
1.Description of problems:Discuss with FC pay 2 about budget checking and related query.
2.How it generates:lack of ...
Benamin Mukammel
03:23 PM Support #3770 (New): Bangla new year festival bill processing.
1. Description of problems:Bangla new year festival bill processing.
2.How it generates:when bill submitted an error...
Benamin Mukammel
03:15 PM Support #3769 (New): Staff bill submission user id recovery
1. Description of problems:Staff bill submission user id recovery.
2. How it generates:by Lost/forgotten
3. solutio...
Benamin Mukammel
03:05 PM Support #3768 (New): Token not generate for pay bill.
1. Description of problems:Token not generate for pay bill.
2. How it generates:Token already submitted for the paye...
Benamin Mukammel
02:58 PM Support #3767 (New): Rest and recreation bill submission
1. Description of problems:Rest and recreation bill submission procedure.
2. How it generates:lack of information
Benamin Mukammel
02:24 PM Support #3766 (New): Officer want to add Residential telephone encashment allowance in salary code no 3111313
1. Description of problems: Officer want to add Residential telephone encashment allowance in salary code no 3111313
Evan Sharif
2. How it generates...
Evan Sharif
02:08 PM Support #3764 (New): OTP Can not send to user mobile no @UAO Mohammadpur
Description of problems :
How it generates : User can not get 4 digit otp when submitting paybill.
Solution :Chec...
Mossanna Argon
12:15 PM Support #3763 (New): Double NID Marge in DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Double NID one Employee
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : NID Marge
4. How can de...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:01 PM Support #3762 (New): DDO Open UAO Meghna With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: No DDO 1610306140473 code
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : New DDO open and relat...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:58 AM Support #3761 (New): USER ID problem at UAO Gobindaganj
1. Description of problems: UAO transfer from UAO Thanchi to UAO Gobindaganj but he cant submit his online pay bill
Mossanna Argon
11:46 AM Support #3760 (New): insufficient budget problem UAO Chawkaria
1. Description of problems: insufficient budget at code .......
2. How it generates: When officer bill submit
3. So...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:42 AM Support #3759 (New): DDO Open (Project - 224021005351249) at UAO Mongla
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Contigency bill entry
3. Solution...
Mossanna Argon
11:35 AM Support #3758 (New): NID By pass UAO Fulgazi
1. Description of problems: When bill submit Error: more than one this fiscal Year
2. How it generates: When online ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:29 AM Support #3757 (New): Code Permission at UAO Kolaroa
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When staff bill entry
3. Solution : D...
Mossanna Argon
11:06 AM Support #3756 (New): USER ID problem at DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems: Supper transfer from DAO Satkhira to DCA Khulna but he cant submit his online pay bill
Mossanna Argon
10:49 AM Support #3755 (New): DDO Open (Project - 224215400351424) at UAO Birol
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Contigency bill entry
3. Solutio...
Mossanna Argon
10:39 AM Support #3754 (New): Code Permission at UAO Debiganj
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When staff bill entry
3. Solution : D...
Mossanna Argon
09:44 AM Feature #3753 (New): JCO ORs Bill List (Individual) Report SP
Aminul Mohaimen

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