From 03/25/2020 to 04/23/2020
- 11:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3924 (New): demand submission (staff)@56 bengal
- 1. Description of problems:demand submission (staff)@56 bengal
2. How it generates:submission done
3. Solution:Done... - 11:03 PM Implementation Support Support #3923 (New): Bill Submitted But Army No 4045120 Not Found in Pay Roll.(Processed) report
- 1. Description of problems:Bill Submitted But Army No 4045120 Not Found in Pay Roll.(Processed) report.This number A...
- 10:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3922 (New): merge issues@18beenngal
- ১। আপনার ইউনিট হতে নিম্নলিখিত জেসিও এবং ও আর এর ভুল আইডি আইবাস++ সফটওয়্যার হতে মুছে ফেলার জন্য বলা হয়ঃ
a.... - 10:57 PM Implementation Support Support #3921 (New): merge issues@ssc
- ১। আপনার ইউনিট হতে নিম্নলিখিত জেসিও এবং ও আর এর ভুল আইডি আইবাস++ সফটওয়্যার হতে মুছে ফেলার জন্য বলা হয়ঃ
a.... - 10:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3920 (New): Self reg@JSS00477
- 1. Description of problems:self id /mobile no is not updated
2. How it generates:mobile no is not updated
3. Soluti... - 09:34 PM Implementation Support Support #3919 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Bheramara(224215400351284)
- Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is there any ... - 08:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3918 (New): Economic code shows double.
- 1. Description of problems:Economic code shows double.
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solution : D... - 08:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3917 (New): User id problem (NSD)
- 1.Description of problems:forget Password of a NSD user.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :Informed to regenerate pas... - 08:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3916 (New): Profit intimation (NSD)
- 1.Description of problems:Profit intimation is not sending to client.
2.How it generates:Due to unapproved premature... - 08:00 PM Implementation Support Support #3915 (New): DDO Reactivation
- 1. Description of problems:DDO reactivation for projects.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :From DDO Reactive menu.
... - 07:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3914 (New): Month close AFC NAVY CTG
- 1. Description of problems:procedure of Month close AFC NAVY CTG.
2. How it generates:Lack of information.
3. Solut... - 07:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3913 (New): Air force pay slip monitoring ID
- 1. Description of problems:Air force pay slip monitoring ID Locked.
2. How it generates:wrong user id password enter... - 05:59 PM Implementation Support Support #3912 (New): Credit Scroll Roll Back DCA Chittagong Date on 29.03.2020
- 1. Description of problems: Worng Data Import 26 Branch
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Roll Back
4. How ca... - 05:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3911 (New): GPF Opening Balance By pass UAO Ukhiya
- 1. Description of problems: Amount miss match in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer GPF bill entry
3. Sol... - 05:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3910 (New): Invalid code Delete DAO brahmanbaria
- 1. Description of problems: same economic code show double
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solution... - 03:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3909 (New): Month close issue(March)- DCA Khulna
Follow up DCA Khulna, Contact with BB(Nuruzaman Vai) , Accounts Check
Accounts ok now. DCA Khulna Can close mont...- 02:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3908 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Lohagara (Narail)(224215400351298)
- Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is there any ... - 02:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3907 (New): Officer Pay bill problem
- 1. Description of problems: interest of loan showing double when officer try to send pay bill
2. How it generates: W... - 11:38 AM Implementation Support Support #3906 (New): Code Permission at DAO Gaibandha
Description of problems : Code not found in Book transfer(1423101,1423102)
How it generates :
Solution : Code ...- 11:14 AM Implementation Support Bug #3905 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Sundarganj(224215400351442)
Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is th...- 11:09 AM Implementation Support Support #3904 (New): All DDO Mapping at UAO Sundarganj
Description of problems : All DDO not found in UAO User ID.
How it generates : Bill entry/Approval
Solution :...- 11:02 AM Implementation Support Support #3903 (New): DDO id open for staff bill submit CAO Health, Divisional Health Office Dhaka
- 1. Description of problems: DDO id open for staff bill submin
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : ID open
4. Ho... - 10:39 AM Implementation Support Support #3902 (New): Staff information approval problem
- 1. Description of problems: DDO could not approve an employee where employee status is un approved. showing this aler...
- 10:35 AM Implementation Support Support #3901 (New): DDO ID open for online Staff bill submit UAO Teknaf
- 1. Description of problems: DDO ID open for Staff bill
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : DDO ID Open
4. How c... - 10:31 AM Implementation Support Support #3900 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
- 1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76102- "When I submitted my OTP code for online pay bill submission it shows "In...
- 10:22 AM Implementation Support Support #3899 (New): can not close month due to un posted data remain (CAO LGD)
- 1. Description of problems: can not close month due to un posted data remain
2. How it generates: When officer pres... - 10:20 AM Implementation Support Support #3898 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
- 1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76130- "Showing insufficient budget in education allowance"
2. Solution- I ca... - 07:52 AM Implementation Support Feature #3895 (New): Update Corona Challenge Document based on discussion
- 07:50 AM Implementation Support Bug #3894 (New): Single click EFT for a unit
- Generate EFTs for all employees through a single click
- 07:49 AM Implementation Support Support #3893 (New): Prepare list of new accounts and send to TBL
- 08:52 PM Implementation Support Support #3891 (New): GPF inactive.
- 1. Description of problems:GPF inactive for a staff.
2. How it generates: Mentioned staff is on LPR,his GPF will ina... - 08:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3890 (New): Staff bill entry.
- 1. Description of problems:Approved staff info edit problem.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution:Instructed to use edi... - 08:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3889 (New): EFT sms sending.
- 1. Description of problems:EFT sms sending procedure and related query.
2. How it generates:lack of information.
3.... - 08:35 PM Implementation Support Support #3888 (New): pay bill submission problem
- 1. Description of problems:pay bill submission problem, fiscal year,month not shown on bill submission screen.
2. Ho... - 07:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3887 (New): Error:DDO Mobile no is not found@56 e Benngal
- 1. Description of problems:error:DDO Mobile no is not found
2. How it generates:DDO info entry by Pay point is not ... - 07:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3886 (New): data load failed during festival submission@131 fd wrkshp
- 1. Description of problems: data load failed during festival submission@131 fd wrkshp
2. How it generates: deleted p... - 07:16 PM Implementation Support Support #3885 (New): duplicate issue@14fio
- 1. Description of problems: duplicate issue
2. How it generates:duplicate issue
3. Solution: need to follow offici... - 03:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3884 (New): Employee not found when ddo try to enter employee pay bill , DDO module issue (CAO IRD)
- 1. Description of problems: When ddo click to Employee pay bill entry and fill up the all field and click go then doe...
- 01:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3883 (New): Assign Budget entity to system control point @ DAO Chuadanga
Description of problems :Assign Budget entity to system control point @ DAO Chuadanga
How it generates :
Solut...- 01:41 PM Implementation Support Support #3882 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
- 1. Description of problems- Month of April bill can't submit due to budget problem
2. Solution- I called the respe... - 01:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3881 (New): Cheque Cancellation Problem at DAO Jessore
Description of problems : Cheque Cancellation Problem at DAO Jessore. Token No. 040147, Chk No. TA-829754
How it...- 11:44 AM Implementation Support Support #3880 (New): unexpected error when try to entry nangla new year festival bill (uao chunarughat)
- 1. Description of problems:unexpected error when try to entry nangla new year festival bill
2. How it generates: Whe... - 11:41 AM Implementation Support Support #3879 (New): NID by pass DCA Chittagong
- 1. Description of problems: NID does not exit in pay Fixation
2. How it generates: When master data entry
3. Soluti... - 11:37 AM Implementation Support Support #3878 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
- 1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76028- Month of April bill can't submit due to budget problem
2. Solution- I ... - 11:34 AM Implementation Support Support #3877: Self id@Captain,ctg cant
- pay point:Captain,ctg cant
- 11:33 AM Implementation Support Support #3877 (New): Self id@Captain,ctg cant
- 1. Description of problems:self id /authentication failed
2. How it generates: trying from mobile with wrong user id... - 11:31 AM Implementation Support Support #3876 (New): Code Permission at UAO Damurhuda
Description of problems : Bill entry not found 7215101 code
How it generates :
Solution : DDO Code block mappi...- 11:29 AM Implementation Support Support #3875 (New): user open for staff bill entry and submit (Uao shalla)
- 1. Description of problems: DDO user id and entry user id open
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : open an id for... - 11:27 AM Implementation Support Support #3874 (New): Deduction Code not found/confused@56 e bengal
- 1. Description of problems:Deduction Code not found/confused
2. How it generates: Confused about business
3. Soluti... - 11:16 AM Implementation Support Support #3873 (New): bank info@5 signal
- 1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i... - 11:13 AM Implementation Support Support #3872 (New): Bill Entry@AFC comilla
- 1. Description of problems:Bill Entry
2. How it generates: confused about Accounting month
3. Solution:suggested ac... - 11:08 AM Implementation Support Support #3871 (New): Gpf Advance Problem
- 1. Description of problems- Helpdesk#76036- In March 2020, I have completed to Refund (GPF Advance) all installment (...
- 10:32 AM Implementation Support Support #3870 (New): Code Permission UAO Sandwip
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ... - 09:20 AM Implementation Support Feature #3867 (New): Manual Update for current Version-DDO Module
- Manual Update for current Version-DDO Module
- 09:17 AM Implementation Support Feature #3866 (Resolved): Cr Report Develeopmet & Configuration- Budget Vs Actual English
- Cr Report- Budget Vs Actual English
- 10:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3865 (New): UAO Godagari, Rajshahi, User registration problem for online bill submission
- Description of problems : Online Registration Problem
How it generates : Self registration. After self registration,... - 10:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3864 (New): UAO Amtali Barguna, Open DDO
- Description of problems : Need to open DDO
How it generates : DDO Information Entry Single Step
Solution : OPen DDO... - 10:19 PM Implementation Support Support #3863 (New): UAO Badalgachi, Naogaon, Coding block not found
- Description of problems : Coding Block not found (1430204122464,Upazilla agriculture Officer Badalgachi, Economic Cod...
- 10:16 PM Implementation Support Support #3862 (New): UAO Mehidiganj, Barisal, Open DDO
- Description of problems : Need to open DDO(1370301-224215400-351014 )
How it generates : DDO Management- DDO entry S... - 10:13 PM Implementation Support Support #3861 (New): DCA Rajshahi, Interest on loan to government employees shown double
- Description of problems : Interest on loan to government employees shown double
How it generates : Pay bill entry (g... - 10:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3860 (New): DAO Natore, Employee information entry Single step not save after correction
- Description of problems : Employee information not save after correction bank account no.
How it generates : Employe... - 09:49 PM Implementation Support Support #3858 (New): DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. scroll
- Description of problems : Dr. Scroll Import and Upload
How it generates : Debit Scroll Import(Bcheques). BB file pr... - 09:42 PM Implementation Support Support #3856 (New): DAO Kushtia, Online staff bill submission problem
- Description of problems : More than one DDO found staff pay bill entry
How it generates : Employee Pay Bill Entry
S... - 09:40 PM Implementation Support Support #3855 (New): DCA Rajshahi, Online bill submission problem(Staff Bill)
- Description of problems : More than one DDO found staff pay bill entry
How it generates : Employee Pay Bill Entry
S... - 06:21 PM Implementation Support Support #3854 (New): Self registrtion of NAVY officer,wrong mobile number.
- 1.Description of problems:Mobile number shows wrong while doing self registration.
2.How it generates:wrong data ent... - 06:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3853 (New): Bangla new year festival bill.
- 1.Description of problems:Bangla new year festival bill processing.
2.How it generates:when bill submitted an error ... - 06:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3852 (New): All DDO not found in a user.
- Description of problems:All DDO not found in a user.
How it generates:On bill entry.
Solution :from the menu "Map P... - 06:04 PM Implementation Support Support #3851 (New): DDO Reactivation
- Description of problems:DDO inactive.
How it generates:
Solution :From DDO Reactive menu.
Pay point:UAO kotiadi. - 04:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3845: Insufficient budget at code 3111310, 3111306
- Evan Sharif wrote:
> 1. Description of problems: insufficient budget (3111310 - House rent allowance )
> 2. How it ... - 01:37 PM Implementation Support Support #3845 (New): Insufficient budget at code 3111310, 3111306
- 1. Description of problems: insufficient budget (3111310 - House rent allowance )
2. How it generates: When officer ... - 03:43 PM Implementation Support Support #3850 (New): 1411202-Interest on loan to government employees Shows Double in Bill-- DAO Bagerhat
- Description of problems :
How it generates : Pay bill entry gazetted.
Solution : remove one coding block (invalid) ... - 03:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3849 (New): GPF Code Permission @ UAO Birol
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: bill entry
3. Solution : DDO - codin... - 03:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3848 (New): DDO User-ID
- 1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened two DDO user-id
3. Paypoi... - 03:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3847 (New): EFT Permission For UAO Digholia
- Description of problems : eft permission for UAO Login ID
How it generates :
Solution : Done
Is there any need... - 02:51 PM Implementation Support Support #3846 (New): User-ID problem
- 1. Description of problems- When the user logged into their user-id they face employee information not found problem
... - 01:18 PM Implementation Support Support #3844 (New): Unmaping DDO Coding Block DAO Madaripur
- 1. Description of problems: 246+246 code UAO Saril and UAO Faridganj mapping DAO madaripur
2. How it generates: N/A
... - 01:17 PM Implementation Support Support #3843 (New): report not generated
- 1. Description of problems: Bill submitted bt no pdf file found after clicking on OK button. How to get that pdf file...
- 01:13 PM Implementation Support Support #3842 (New): abnormal bill in officer pay bill at DCA Khulna
- Description of problems :Token no: 115339, in this pay Bill an officer of KMP submitted his pay Bill of march'2020. ...
- 01:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3841 (New): an unexpected error showing when budget user try to field distribution
- 1. Description of problems: an unexpected error showing when budget user try to field distribution
2. How it genera... - 12:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3840 (New): Online Bill submission problem by user @ DCA Khulna
- Description of problems : when Submitting bill , error message. (Invalid configuration data)
How it generates : P... - 11:31 AM Implementation Support Support #3839 (New): Online User login problem at UAO Palshbari
- 1. Description of problems: Do not Login
2. How it generates: When user login
3. Solution : first user password res... - 11:29 AM Implementation Support Support #3838 (New): On line Bill submission problem at UAO Palashbai
- Description of problems : Online paybill submission (Multiple paypoint found)
How it generates : Press submit butt... - 11:07 AM Implementation Support Support #3837 (New): when submit monthly bill, it shows pin code sent to registered mobile number but no sms received at all
- 1. Description of problems:No pin code sms received in mobile
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' bu... - 10:41 AM Implementation Support Support #3836 (New): allowance cannot be more than 60% of the basic pay
- 1. Description of problems: allowance/House rent cannot be more than 60% of the basic pay
2. How it generates: When... - 10:30 AM Implementation Support Support #3834 (New): Online user Password Problem UAO Anowara
- 1. Description of problems: Do not Login
2. How it generates: When user login
3. Solution : first user password res... - 08:38 AM Implementation Support Feature #3833 (New): HRM Module Design Document
- 11:35 PM Implementation Support Support #3832 (New): UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj self bill entry problem.
- 1. Description of Problems: User Can't submit self bill
2. How it generates: Online Pay Bill Submission. When User c... - 11:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3831 (New): DAO Bogra, Book transfer Cr. Code not found.
- 1. Description of Problems: Book transfer Cr. Code not found.
1460301000000-120007500 -11001000-1131101-4 (cr)... - 11:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3830 (New): DAO Sirajganj DDO Open
- Description of Problems: Need to open DDO (1250303 141266)
1. How it generates: DDO Entry Single Step
2. Solution: ... - 11:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3829 (New): DAO Natore, EFT Cancel
- 1. Description of Problems: Cancel EFT
2. Solution: EFT cancel menu is not available to our ID's. So collect DAO's I... - 11:19 PM Implementation Support Support #3828 (New): DCA Rajshahi, User ID Transfer from Chapai to DCA Rajshahi
- 1. Description of Problems: Need to transfer userif to DCA Rajshahi
2. Solution: Forward it to Atair Bhai
3. Pay Po... - 11:17 PM Implementation Support Support #3827 (New): UAO Atrai, LPC Related Issued.
- 1. Description of Problems: LPC Related Issue
2. Solution: Forward it to Siddique Bhai
3. Pay point: UAO Atrai, Nao... - 11:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3826 (New): UAO Hatibandha, Gaibandha Interest on Govt. Employee Double.
- 1. Description of Problems: Double shown Interest on loan gov. Employee
2. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted... - 10:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3825 (New): salary demand proceess@56 ebengal
- 1. Description of problems:salary demand proceess
2. How it generates: demand process not clear
3. Solution: Info... - 10:12 PM Implementation Support Support #3824 (New): Token delete@fc misc
- 1. Description of problems:how to delete token
2. How it generates: Wrong submission
3. Solution: token cancellati... - 10:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3822 (New): merge issues@ sscc hattogram
- 1. Pl take necessary step to marge the following Army Numbers:
a. Incorrect Number: 1612617 (Addition... - 10:06 PM Implementation Support Support #3820 (New): merge issues@18beenngal
- Need to Merge pl.
1. Incorrect Number: 1436624 (Additional Entry)
1. Correct Number: 1436642 (Actual Use)... - 10:02 PM Implementation Support Support #3819 (New): Bank info related issues
- 1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i... - 10:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3818 (New): employee joining@afc comilla
- 1. Description of problems: employee joining
2. How it generates: not getting in database
3. Solution: need too j... - 06:52 PM Implementation Support Support #3817 (New): Self bill user id problem
- Description of problems:Self bill user id problem.Employee information not found.
How it generates :employee informa... - 06:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3816 (New): Report not shows to a user.
- Description of problems:Report not shows to a user.
How it generates:while checking reports.
Solution:Clear all cac... - 06:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3815 (New): DDO creation for project 224215400351221
- Description of problems:DDO creation for project 224215400351221
How it generates:Project distribution is not mapped... - 06:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3814 (New): Officer's pay bill.
- Description of problems:Pay bill not submitted.
How it generates: Due to lack of budget.
Solution: checking budget... - 06:02 PM Implementation Support Support #3813 (New): Month close FC pay 1
- Description of problems:Receipt payment mismatch.
How it generates:while closing month.
Solution:sent an email to ... - 03:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3812 (New): Month close problem due to un-posted data remain
- Description of problems : Unposted Document remains
How it generates : Submit Month close button
Solution : Take un... - 02:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3811 (New): Month close problem due to FA double posting (DFO Rajshahi)
- 1. Description of problems: Forest advance posted double amount and approved
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : ca... - 12:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3810 (New): Month Close Problem (March-2020) at DAO Thakurgoan
- Description of problems : Unposted Document remains
How it generates : Submit Month close button
Solution : T... - 12:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3809 (New): Bill Journal(Authorization) problem at DAO Jhenaidha
- Description of problems :Bill Journal can not affect budget
How it generates :
Solution : Problem send to Shakib... - 12:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3808 (New): EFT Permission For UAO Gobindaganj
- Description of problems : EFT permission for UAO(Transfer from another Paypoint)
How it generates : N/A
Solution... - 11:38 AM Implementation Support Support #3807 (New): Credit Scroll Problem UAO chandina
- 1. Description of problems: credit scroll not upload
2. How it generates: When click upload
3. Solution : correct i... - 11:26 AM Implementation Support Support #3806 (New): Code Permission UAO Kawkhali
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ... - 10:46 AM Implementation Support Support #3805 (New): Online pay bill ID problem . 'Employees information not found".
- 1. Description of problems: Through budget execution>it's showing 'Employees information not found".
2. How it gener... - 10:38 AM Implementation Support Support #3804 (New): UAO Borhanuddin, Bhola, DDO Open
- Description of Problems: Open DDO (1370301-224215400-351018)
1. How it generates: DDO Information Entry(Single Step)... - 10:32 AM Implementation Support Support #3803 (New): UAO Nandigram, Bogra, DDO Open
- Description of Problems: Open DDO
1. How it generates: DDO Information Entry(Single Step)
2. Solution: Open DDO
3.... - 09:22 AM Implementation Support Bug #3802 (New): PEDP 4 DDO Module Roll out Report Review
- 09:21 AM Implementation Support Feature #3801 (New): DLR Achievement Status - March 2020 - Update
- 09:20 AM Implementation Support Feature #3800 (New): Pensioner New Year Allowance Exception SP
- 11:49 PM Implementation Support Support #3799 (New): NHA Chittagonj Circle, Bill Passing Problem.
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted)
2. Solution: Contact with Shakib Bhai
3. Is... - 11:47 PM Implementation Support Support #3798 (New): UAO Shajahanpur, Bogra, Re - active DDO.
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: DDO Reactive(1370101-221000400-362336)
2. Solution: They De activatio... - 11:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3797 (New): DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. Scroll
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll Import(Cheque)
2. Solution: Import and upload Dated. 08/... - 11:43 PM Implementation Support Support #3796 (New): UAO Mathbaria, Pirojpur Cr. Scroll Problem
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Credit Scroll Import
2. Solution: .XML File Problem. Advice them to c... - 11:41 PM Implementation Support Support #3795 (New): DAO Bogra, Debit Scroll Problem. Dated: 05/03/2020
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll EFT file upload Double
2. Solution: Contact with Shakib ... - 11:38 PM Implementation Support Support #3794 (New): PWD Barisal, Budget not available.
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Bill Entry Screen. The following message found "Budget not available f... - 11:34 PM Implementation Support Support #3793 (New): DAO Pirojpur, Month Close Problem
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Month Colse. When Click validate, The following Message Shown "UNPOSTE... - 11:31 PM Implementation Support Support #3792 (New): UAO Galachipa, Patuakhali, 23/03/2020 Cr. Scroll Problem
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Credit Scroll Import
2. Solution: .xml file problem. Advice them to c... - 11:28 PM Implementation Support Support #3791 (New): DCA Barisal Codding Block mapping
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted/non gazatted)
2. Solution: coding block from ... - 11:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3790 (New): UAO Biswamvpur, Sunamganj, Code block mapping.
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted/non gazatted)
2. Solution: coding block from ... - 11:18 PM Implementation Support Support #3789 (New): UAO Bamna, Patuakhali, Code block mapping.
- Description of problems:
1. How it generates: Pay Bill entry(Gazetted)
2. Solution: Coding Block from code block ma... - 11:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3788 (New): UAO Rangabali, Patuakhali Month close problem
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates:Debit Scroll(Advanced)
2. When upload the following message found "Deb... - 11:06 PM Implementation Support Support #3787 (New): DAO Bogra, Debit Scroll Import and upload
- Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll Import(Cheque)
2. Solution: After correction(Old Code mi... - 10:59 PM Implementation Support Support #3786 (New): DFO wild Life management Khulan, Code Block Mapping
- Description of problems:
1. How it generates: Temporary Advance(To sub-division Adjustment)
2. Solution: Code Permi... - 07:55 PM Implementation Support Support #3785 (New): JCO ORS's Festival Bill submission.
- 1.Description of problems:Wrong festival bill submitted by Unit.
2.How it generates:By mistake.
3.Solution:After ch... - 07:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3784 (New): Month close receipt payment mismatch
- 1.Description of problems:Month close receipt payment mismatch.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution:Need to check from d... - 05:04 PM Implementation Support Support #3783 (New): MERGE ISSUE@ssc chattogram
- Pl take necessary step to marge the following Army Numbers:
1. - Incorrect Number: 1612617 (Additional Entry)-... - 05:00 PM Implementation Support Support #3782 (New): MERGE ISSUE@18engrbn
Need to Marge
1. Incorrect Number: 1436624 (Additional Entry)
1. Correct Number: 1436642 (...- 04:57 PM Implementation Support Support #3781 (New): Wrong bank info entry@15 fd mirpur
- 1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i... - 04:55 PM Implementation Support Support #3780 (New): NEW JCO info Entry
- 1. Description of problems:NEW JCO info Entry
2. How it generates:NID BLOCKED
3. Solution: suggested to ignore NID
... - 04:50 PM Implementation Support Support #3779 (New): 1411202-Interest on loan to government employees Shows Double in Bill-- DAO Jessore
- Description of problems :
How it generates : Pay bill entry gazetted.
Solution : remove one coding block from co... - 04:40 PM Implementation Support Support #3778 (New): unable to login
- 1. Description of problems:unable to login
2. How it generates: Due to system deployment
3. Solution: requests to... - 04:38 PM Implementation Support Support #3777 (New): UNABLE TO CHANGE DDO
- 1. Description of problems:UNABLE TO CHANGE DDO
2. How it generates: Employee was release state
3. Solution: Empl... - 04:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3776 (New): salary submission@157 beengal
1. Description of problems:salary submission@157 beengal
2. How it generates: salary submission@157 beengal
3. ...- 04:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3775 (New): BD Army_-Staff bill: DDO changes Automatically between 157 fd workshop and 56 E Bengal
- DDO ofz this Employee (NID:: 19751553798741518) is 157 fd workshop but DDO changes Automatically to 56 e Bengal. Get...
- 04:31 PM Implementation Support Support #3774 (New): DCA Khulna Dr import and upload prroblem
Dr Scroll (Cheque) import problem due 13 digit old code.
All problem mail to Bangladesh bank(Md. Nuruzzaman vai, c...- 04:26 PM Implementation Support Support #3773 (New): Challan upload problem at UAO Paikgacha
- Description of problems : Challan can not upload(due to invalid code-23-03-2020)
How it generates : challan upload ... - 03:38 PM Implementation Support Support #3772 (New): Budget issue at UH&FP Narayanganj.
- 1.Description of problems:Insufficient budget for pay bill officers.
2.How it generates:Due to lack of budget at off... - 03:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3771 (New): Budget related information and answering related query
- 1.Description of problems:Discuss with FC pay 2 about budget checking and related query.
2.How it generates:lack of ... - 03:23 PM Implementation Support Support #3770 (New): Bangla new year festival bill processing.
- 1. Description of problems:Bangla new year festival bill processing.
2.How it generates:when bill submitted an error... - 03:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3769 (New): Staff bill submission user id recovery
- 1. Description of problems:Staff bill submission user id recovery.
2. How it generates:by Lost/forgotten
3. solutio... - 03:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3768 (New): Token not generate for pay bill.
- 1. Description of problems:Token not generate for pay bill.
2. How it generates:Token already submitted for the paye... - 02:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3767 (New): Rest and recreation bill submission
- 1. Description of problems:Rest and recreation bill submission procedure.
2. How it generates:lack of information
3... - 02:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3766 (New): Officer want to add Residential telephone encashment allowance in salary code no 3111313
- 1. Description of problems: Officer want to add Residential telephone encashment allowance in salary code no 3111313
2. How it generates... - 02:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3764 (New): OTP Can not send to user mobile no @UAO Mohammadpur
- Description of problems :
How it generates : User can not get 4 digit otp when submitting paybill.
Solution :Chec... - 12:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3763 (New): Double NID Marge in DCA Chittagong
- 1. Description of problems: Double NID one Employee
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : NID Marge
4. How can de... - 12:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3762 (New): DDO Open UAO Meghna With Code Permission
- 1. Description of problems: No DDO 1610306140473 code
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : New DDO open and relat... - 11:58 AM Implementation Support Support #3761 (New): USER ID problem at UAO Gobindaganj
- 1. Description of problems: UAO transfer from UAO Thanchi to UAO Gobindaganj but he cant submit his online pay bill
... - 11:46 AM Implementation Support Support #3760 (New): insufficient budget problem UAO Chawkaria
- 1. Description of problems: insufficient budget at code .......
2. How it generates: When officer bill submit
3. So... - 11:42 AM Implementation Support Support #3759 (New): DDO Open (Project - 224021005351249) at UAO Mongla
- 1. Description of problems: DDO not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Contigency bill entry
3. Solution... - 11:35 AM Implementation Support Support #3758 (New): NID By pass UAO Fulgazi
- 1. Description of problems: When bill submit Error: more than one this fiscal Year
2. How it generates: When online ... - 11:29 AM Implementation Support Support #3757 (New): Code Permission at UAO Kolaroa
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When staff bill entry
3. Solution : D... - 11:06 AM Implementation Support Support #3756 (New): USER ID problem at DCA Khulna
- 1. Description of problems: Supper transfer from DAO Satkhira to DCA Khulna but he cant submit his online pay bill
... - 10:49 AM Implementation Support Support #3755 (New): DDO Open (Project - 224215400351424) at UAO Birol
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Contigency bill entry
3. Solutio... - 10:39 AM Implementation Support Support #3754 (New): Code Permission at UAO Debiganj
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When staff bill entry
3. Solution : D... - 09:44 AM Implementation Support Feature #3753 (New): JCO ORs Bill List (Individual) Report SP
- 11:03 AM Implementation Support Feature #3750 (New): Document on Corona Virus Challenges to iBAS++ and Mitigation Strategy
- 10:18 PM Implementation Support Support #3749 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation DAO Brahmanbaria
- 1. Description of problems: Master Data entry
2. How it generates: When Save click, then error does not NID in pay F... - 08:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3744 (New): JCO ORS unauthorized leave.
- 1. Description of problems:Due to unauthorized leave JCO will not get salary and festival bonus.
2. How it generates... - 08:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3743 (New): FC pay 2 Budget.
- Description of problems:Discuss with FC pay 2 about budget checking and related query.
How it generates:lack of info... - 07:44 PM Implementation Support Support #3742 (New): Month close Pay 1.
- 1.Description of problems :Discuss with Pay1 about closing of month march'20.
2. How it generates :
3. Solution:Req... - 07:37 PM Implementation Support Support #3741 (New): Self registrtion of NAVY officer.
- 1. Description of problems:Self registration of a Navy officer.
2. How it generates:Due lack of knowledge/informatio... - 07:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3740 (New): User id transfer
- 1. Description of problems:User id transfer
2. How it generates:Due to concern officer transfer or retirement.
3. ... - 06:51 PM Implementation Support Support #3739 (New): Code permission issue_3111320_3111302@157 fd wrkshp
- 1. Description of problems:3111320_3111302_are missing from bill
2. How it generates: Code permission not found
3. ... - 06:49 PM Implementation Support Support #3738 (New): Not found in Employee pay bill entry_staff issues@157 fd wrksh
- 1. Description of problems:Not found in Employee pay bill entry
2. How it generates: Wrong ddo selection
3. Solutio... - 06:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3737 (New): Total Number of Employees showing Wrong After pressing “Calculate Imprest”.
- 1. Description of problems:Total Number of Employees showing Wrong(showing additional 1 person) After pressing “Calcu...
- 06:33 PM Implementation Support Support #3736 (New): Self ID@BNS Ishakha navy,ctg
- 1. Description of problems:Unable to login
2. How it generates: Due to Wrong user id and pass
3. Solution:Suggested... - 06:31 PM Implementation Support Support #3735 (New): NID not found in pay fixation @56 e bengal
- 1. Description of problems:NID not found in pay fixation
2. How it generates: Need to bypass NID from screen
3. So... - 06:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3734 (New): bypass NID@157 fd wrkshp
- 1. Description of problems:NID not found in pay fixation
2. How it generates: Need to bypass NID from screen
3. So... - 06:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3733 (New): Wrong bank info entry
- 1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i... - 06:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3732 (New): accounting month not found@sfc Airforcee
- 1. Description of problems: accounting month not found
2. How it generates: Dont open Month
3. Solution:need to ope... - 01:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3730 (New): Budeget Checking problem in Bill entry screen @RDA Bogra
- Description of problems : Budget partially checking in bill entry screen.
How it generates : Bill approval screen,... - 12:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3726 (New): Dr scroll imported double
- 1. Description of problems: Dr Scroll EFT File imported double
2. How it generates: debit scroll import advance scre... - 12:52 PM Implementation Support Support #3724 (New): Gazetted officer Token Entry Problem at RDA Bogra
Description of problems : Token entry for pay bill gazetted menu.
How it generates : press save menu, error fo...- 12:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3711 (New): Budget Problem UAO Ukhia
- 1. Description of problems: Budget code not show in bill entry
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : B... - 12:23 PM Implementation Support Support #3710 (New): Discuss with DCA Khulna regarding march 2020 month close(All paypont)
- 1. Description of problems :Discuss with DCA Khulna regarding march 2020 month close
2. How it generates :
3. Solut... - 12:19 PM Implementation Support Feature #3709 (New): Month Close Problem (March-2020) at DCA Rangpur
Description of problems : Month close problem (March-2020) at DCA Rangpur.
How it generates : press Month close ...- 12:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3708 (New): NID by pass DCA Chittagong
- 1. Description of problems: NID does not Exist in Pay fixation
2. How it generates: When Master Data entry
3. Solut... - 08:52 AM Implementation Support Feature #3707 (New): SRS of Timesheet Automation System
- The SRS outlines the requirements and overall design of a system which will generate timesheet from Redmine
- 11:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3706 (New): DAO Bogra, Debit Scroll Import
- 1. DAO Bogra, Dr Scroll EFT File imported double
2. After discussion Shakib Bhai tole me to contact Mr. Rumel
3. Af... - 11:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3705 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra Code block Mapping
- 1. UAO Dhunut, Bogra coding Block Mapping not found
1620412140287 economic code 3111316 & 3111335
2. Check it map i... - 11:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3704 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra Code block Mapping
- 1. UAO Dhunut, Bogra coding Block Mapping not found
2. Check it map it and solved
3. UAO DHu... - 11:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3703 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra Code block Mapping
- 1. UAO Dhunut, Bogra Coding Block Mapping not found
13002-224232200118534 -3111303
2. Permission it and solved.
3.... - 11:26 PM Implementation Support Support #3702 (New): UAO Raiganj, SIrajganj, Month close problem (March'2020)
- 1. UAO Raiganj, Sirajganj Month CLose problem
found Unposted documents.......
2. Check it found unposted document, ... - 11:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3701 (New): UAO Nandigram, Bogra, Lonin Problem iBAS++
- 1. Problem to Login iBAS++
2. Solved
3. UAO Nandigram, Bogra - 11:23 PM Implementation Support Support #3700 (New): UAO Gouranadi, Barisal Bill Passing problem
- 1. UAO Gouranadi Bill Passing Problem Office Code 1370101-221000400362011
2. They missing office code 362011 after ... - 11:21 PM Implementation Support Support #3699 (New): UAO South Sunamganj, Bangla new Year Festival bill passing problem.
- 1. UAO South Sunamganj, Bill already payment this year as arear(Previous Year Bill)
2. After discussion Manjur Bhai ... - 11:19 PM Implementation Support Support #3698 (New): DAO Patuakhali, DDO Authorization Report
- 1. DAO Patuakhali, DDO Authorized But not found when bill posting
2. After checking Authorized but not approved stil... - 11:17 PM Implementation Support Support #3697 (New): DAO Natore, Book Transfer Economic code not found.
- 1. DAO Natore, Book Transfer Economic code not found
Office 1610204 132733 and Economic code 1423101, 1423102
2. Af... - 11:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3696 (New): UAO Kamarkhanda, Sirajganj, Bangla New Year Festival Bill Problem
- 1. UAO Kamarkhanda, Sirajganj Bangla New Year Festival Bill Passing Problem
2. Check and Solved.
3. UAO Kamarkhanda... - 11:12 PM Implementation Support Support #3695: UAO Singra, Natore, Give FET Permission.
- 1. UAO Singra, Natore Give EFT Permission(UAO)
2. SOlved
3. UAO Singra, Natore - 11:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3695 (New): UAO Singra, Natore, Give FET Permission.
- 11:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3694 (New): UAO Sujanagar, Pabna Festival Bill Send but not found in Approval Screen.
- 1. UAO Sujanagar, Festival Bill not found at Approval Screen.
2. Schck and found
3. Solved
4. UAO Sujanagar, Pabna - 07:32 PM Implementation Support Bug #3689 (New): JCO OR'S Festival (eid ul fitor) bill submission.
- 1. Description of problems:JCO OR'S transfer to civil but JCO name shows at festival bill list.
2. How it generates... - 07:21 PM Implementation Support Support #3688 (New): Bill Journal entry due to monthly accounts mismatch.
- 1. Description of problems: Bill Journal entry due to monthly accounts mismatch.
2. How it generates: Expenditure on... - 07:12 PM Implementation Support Support #3686 (New): Month close(March) FC miscellaneous.
- 1.Description of problem:unposted data remains while closing a month(March).
2.How it generates: If unposted token,b... - 07:07 PM Implementation Support Support #3685 (New): Religious Teacher (RT) পদবী IBAS এ নাই@56bengal
- 1. Description of problems: Religious Teacher (RT) পদবী IBAS এ নাই
2. How it generates:Development issues
3. Solut... - 07:07 PM Implementation Support Support #3684 (New): Religious Teacher (RT) পদবী IBAS এ নাই
- 1. Description of problems: Religious Teacher (RT) পদবী IBAS এ নাই
2. How it generates:Development issues
3. Solut... - 07:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3683 (New): Monthly accounts mismatch.
- 1.Description of problems:Area FC Navy khulna monthly accounts mismatch.
2.How it generates:Total expenditure of ec... - 07:04 PM Implementation Support Support #3682 (New): DDO Open UAO Senbagh With Code Permission
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Contigency bill entry
3. Solutio... - 07:02 PM Implementation Support Support #3681 (New): Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry@157fdwrkshp
- 1. Description of problems:Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
2. How it generates:Developmen... - 07:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3680 (New): Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry
- 1. Description of problems:Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
2. How it generates:Developmen... - 06:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3679 (New): Not found in Festival list@45 MLRS Regt
- 1. Description of problems:
নিম্নবণির্ত সৈনিকগেনর মাসিক বেতন ও ভাতায় নাম রয়েছে কিন্তু ঊৎসব ভাতায় নাম নেই:
1222747 L... - 06:00 PM Implementation Support Support #3678 (New): Bangladesh Bank Sadarghat Debit Scroll Import
- 1. Bangladesh Bank Sadarghat March Month Debit Scroll Import (Cheque) done
2. PayPoint- DAO DHAKA - 04:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3673 (New): Debit Scroll Import (EFT)
- 1. Bangladesh Bank March Month Debit Scroll Import (EFT) done
2. Problems were mailed to Rumel Bhai
3. PayPoint... - 03:16 PM Implementation Support Support #3672 (New): Bangla New Year Allowance Problem
- 1. Description of problems- When the user wants to submit Bangla new allowance, they saw employee not found in the Ba...
- 03:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3671 (New): DDO User ID Creation
- 1. Description of problems- Need user-id for online staff bill
2. Solution- Created ddo user-id for online staff ... - 02:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3670 (New): Employee information not found when officer log in his online paybill ID
- 1. Description of problems: Employee information not found
2. How it generates: When officer login his/her online pa... - 02:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3669 (New): i cant access to report.
- 1. Description of problems: i cant access to report.
2. How it generates: When click run report
3. Solution : DDO... - 01:26 PM Implementation Support Support #3668 (New): Pensioner DDO Reactive issue
- 1. Description of problems: ডি এক্টিভেট করা DDO Pensiooner পুনরায় একটিভ করতে হবে। সিএএফও মহোদয়ের আইডি থেকে চেস্টা করা...
- 01:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3667 (New): User Login ID- can not found all menu as a Upazilla accounts officer. @ UAO Digholia
Description of problems : User Login ID- can not found all menu as a Upazilla accounts officer. @ UAO Dighilia
H...- 12:25 PM Implementation Support Support #3666 (New): Dr scroll (Cheque) upload problem at DCA Rangpur
- 1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol... - 12:16 PM Implementation Support Support #3665 (New): Debit Scroll Upload Problem at DCA Khulna
- 1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol... - 12:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3664 (New): Loan Adjust ment of an officer pay bill @ RDA Bogra
Description of problems :Loan Adjust ment of an officer pay bill @ RDA Bogra
How it generates : N/A
Solution :...- 11:52 AM Implementation Support Support #3663 (New): Bangla New Year Allowance Problem
- 1. Description of problems- When the user wants to submit Bangla new allowance, they saw employee not found in the Ba...
- 11:42 AM Implementation Support Support #3662 (New): DCA chittagong Debit Scroll Upload Problem
- 1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol... - 11:37 AM Implementation Support Support #3661 (New): DDO ID open for online Staff bill submit UAO Baghaichhari
- 1. Description of problems: DDO ID Open
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : DDO ID Open and Active
4. How can d... - 11:13 AM Implementation Support Support #3660 (New): Code Permission UAO Manohorganj
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ... - 08:39 AM Implementation Support Feature #3659 (New): User Creation Screen Design Review
- Reviewed and provided feedback to Jubaidul on User Creation Screen Design
- 08:30 AM Implementation Support Bug #3658 (New): Configuring 154 Army units for individual EFT payment
- 08:27 AM Implementation Support Support #3657 (New): Coordinating Operations Team
- 08:24 AM Implementation Support Support #3656 (New): EFT Information Collection for Consultants
- EFT Sign-up Form developed, circulated among more than 60 consultants, help collected and follow-up, and compiled tho...
- 08:22 AM Implementation Support Feature #3655 (New): Blockchain Implementation for iBAS++ - reviewed
- Reviewed the document prepared on Blockchain Implementation for iBAS++ and provided detailed feedback on how blockcha...
- 08:18 AM Implementation Support Feature #3654 (New): Religious Teacher Entry SRS
- Collected information related to Religious Teacher of Army, collected JSI, its exact location for Religious Teacher i...
- 08:16 AM Implementation Support Feature #3653 (New): Summary level SRS for Fixed Value Supplier Payment Processing
- Prepared a summary level SRS for Fixed Value Supplier payment processing. This SRS includes specification for supplie...
- 08:13 AM Implementation Support Support #3652 (New): Generate list of invalid accounts for Army
- Prepared a list of more than 3200 bank accounts which have wrong name, bank branch or account number and sent to Army...
- 11:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3651 (New): UAO Amtali, Barguna Bangla New Year Festival Bill Problem
- 1. DDO sibmitted Festival Bill But UAO not found in Approval Screen
2. Solved.
3. UAO Amtali - 11:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3650: DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. Scroll
- 1. DCA Barisal Import and Upload Dr. Scroll month March'2020 All Dates.
2. Solved.
3. DCA Barisal - 11:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3650 (New): DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. Scroll
- 11:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3649 (New): UAO Biswamvpur, Sunamganj, Open DDO
- 1. Open DDO Office code 1610306140423
2. Solved
3. UAO Biswamvpur, Sunamganj - 11:18 PM Implementation Support Support #3648 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra, Open DDO
- 1. DDO Open Office code 1370301=224215400-351345
2. SOlved
3. UAO Dhunut, Bogra - 11:17 PM Implementation Support Support #3647 (New): UAO Puthia, Rajshahi, Open DDO in Project code.
- 1. Open DDO Office code 1370301=224215400-351410
2. Solved
3. UAO Puthia, Rajshahi - 11:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3646 (New): DAO Bhola, Challan Journal
- 1. DAO Bhola, Bank entry challan wrong code.
2. After Discussion Mr. Manjur Bhai tole them to Journal Entry
3. Solv... - 11:13 PM Implementation Support Support #3645 (New): UAO Sherpur, Bogra, Interest on Gov. Employees Found Double.
- 1. UAO Sherpur, Bogra found Interest on Gov. Employee Double
2. Delete one code from DDO Coding block.1270401 139128... - 11:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3644 (New): DAO Bogra Cr. Scroll Problem
- 1. DAO Bogra, Cr. Scroll Problem dated: 22/03/2020
2. Solved
3. DAO Bogra - 11:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3643 (New): DCA Rajshahi Dr. Scroll Problem Month March'2020
- 1. DCA Rajshahi Dr. Scroll Problem Month March'2020 Dated: 10/03/2020, 30/03/2020 and 31/03/2020
2. Solved
3. DCA R... - 11:07 PM Implementation Support Support #3642 (New): UAO Sariakandia, Bogra DDO Coding Block Mapping
- 1. UAO Sariakandia, Bogra coding block permission. Office code
2. Solved
3. UAO S... - 11:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3641 (New): UAO Kalapara, Patuakhali EFT Message Problem.
- 1. UAO Kalapara, Patuakhali user EFT Message not found.
2. Solved
3. UAO Kalapara, Patuakhali - 09:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3606 (New): Monthly accounts of FC Pay 2
- 1.Description of problems: On detail schedule report payment amount of march is not correct for MODC (1190915104384) ...
- 09:00 PM Implementation Support Support #3596 (New): Self registrtion problem for defense officer.
- Description of problems:while doing self registration an error massage shows "user information not found"
How it gen... - 08:42 PM Implementation Support Support #3595 (New): Debit scroll /Credit scroll roll back.
- Description of problems:wrong dr/cr file send by bank.
How it generates:By importing wrong dr/cr file to following ... - 07:37 PM Implementation Support Support #3594 (New): Wrong bank info entry
- 1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i... - 07:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3593 (New): self id related
- 1. Description of problems: need to updated mobile no
2. How it generates: mobile no is not found at self id
3. Sol... - 07:34 PM Implementation Support Support #3592 (New): Individual EFT Issues
- 1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ... - 07:33 PM Implementation Support Support #3591 (New): Individual EFT Issues
- 1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ... - 07:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3590 (New): wrongly submitted Demand cancellation Request@155 fd wrkshp
- 1. Description of problems:Demand cancellation Request
2. How it generates:They Wrongly submitted demand(salary+fes... - 07:26 PM Implementation Support Support #3589 (New): Individual EFT Issues
- 1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ... - 07:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3588 (New): Individual EFT Issues
- 1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ... - 07:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3587 (New): Not found in Festival list
- 1. Description of problems:
নিম্নবণির্ত সৈনিকগেনর মাসিক বেতন ও ভাতায় নাম রয়েছে কিন্তু ঊৎসব ভাতায় নাম নেই:
... - 07:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3586 (New): Wrong bank info Related
- 1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i... - 07:13 PM Implementation Support Support #3585 (New): staff issues@PP&A
- 1. Description of problems:Mess waiter পদবী IBAS এ নাই& Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
2... - 07:12 PM Implementation Support Support #3584 (New): Individual EFT Issues
- 1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ... - 07:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3583 (New): Post not found+RT Issues@56 Bengal
- 1. Description of problems:Mess waiter পদবী IBAS এ নাই& Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
2... - 05:35 PM Implementation Support Support #3566: Approved bill cancellation problem at DCA Khulna
- ** Dev Issue Found:
1. Document Line unstable state regarding debit credit.
2. Audit trail found invalid status (bi... - 12:04 PM Implementation Support Support #3566 (New): Approved bill cancellation problem at DCA Khulna
- 1. Description of problems : Approved bill cancellation problem at DCA Khulna: token number : 126596
2. How it gener... - 05:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3582 (New): Discuss with DCA Rangpur regarding march 2020 month close(All paypont)
1. Description of problems :Discuss with DDCA Rangpur regarding march 2020 mo... - 05:19 PM Implementation Support Support #3581 (New): User ID mapping with post at UAO Chirirbandar
- 1. Description of problems :user post role self bill entry.
2. How it generates : N?A
3. Solution : Mapping with c... - 01:50 PM Implementation Support Support #3580 (New): DAO user id problem DAO Coxsbazar
- 1. Description of problems: Accounts officer create two user ID
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : One Id Deact... - 01:38 PM Implementation Support Support #3579 (New): online user problem UAO Kawkhali
- 1. Description of problems: Information not found
2. How it generates: When login
3. Solution : user id and NID map... - 01:28 PM Implementation Support Support #3578 (New): online Staff Festival bill submission Problem
- 1. Description of problems: Online bill submission Problem
2. How it generates: When online staff festival bill subm... - 01:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3577 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (Sutrapur sub registry office)
- 1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen... - 01:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3576 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (Uttora sub registry office)
- 1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen... - 01:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3575 (New): Bangla New Year Allowance Problem
- 1. Users can't get Bangla new year allowance amount. Because of user-id post and NID post is different.
2. Updated... - 12:46 PM Implementation Support Support #3573 (New): DLR Achievement Status - March 2020
- 12:43 PM Implementation Support Support #3572 (New): new user id create but All DDO not Mapping UAO Roangchori
- 1. Description of problems: All DDO not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Token and bill entry
3. Solut... - 12:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3571 (New): Budget Problem UAO Megna, UAO Debirdar and 20+ Accounts Office
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When bill entry organaization code not... - 12:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3570 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation UAO Sorail
- 1. Description of problems: Army officer master data not entry
2. How it generates: When master data entry
3. Solut... - 12:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3569 (New): Adding Menu in user id UAO Pekua officer
- 1. Description of problems: EFT menu not Found upazila accounts officer
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Mapp... - 12:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3568 (New): Code Block not found
- 1. 1270208141241 (National Institute of Laboratory Medicine and Referral Centre, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka) new offi...
- 12:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3567 (New): UNPOSTED DATA REMAINS FOR THE SELECTED FISCAL_PERIOD AND PAY POINT, cannot close
- 1. Description of problems: can not close moth due to unposted data remains
2. How it generates: When officer pres... - 11:59 AM Implementation Support Support #3565 (New): Online Staff Bill DDO open DAO Coxs Bazar
- 1. Description of problems: New DDO Open for online Staff bill entry
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : DDO ID ... - 11:53 AM Implementation Support Support #3564 (New): Budget Problem DAO Noakhali
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : Budget ... - 11:48 AM Implementation Support Support #3563 (New): Festival Bill Approve Problem UAO Chandanaish
- 1. Description of problems: Festival Bill Approve Problem
2. How it generates: When bill approved
3. Solution : No ... - 11:46 AM Implementation Support Support #3562 (New): Dr scroll (Cheque) upload at DCA Khulna
- 1. Description of problems : Dr scroll (Cheque) upload at DCA Khulna - March -2020(4/03/2020,05/03/2020)
2. How it g... - 11:40 AM Implementation Support Support #3561 (New): After study deputation, my basic pay show 15495tk. So, I can not submit my bill.
- 1. Description of problems: After study deputation, my basic pay show 15495tk. So, I can not submit my bill.
2. How ... - 11:35 AM Implementation Support Support #3560 (New): UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj, Open DDO
- 1. UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj Open DDO. Office code 1370301-224215400 351418
2. Solved.
3. UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj - 11:19 AM Implementation Support Support #3559 (New): DDO Open UAO Manohorganj With Code Permission
- 1. Description of problems: New Code open classification team then DDO open
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : ... - 11:17 AM Implementation Support Support #3558 (New): allowance cannot be more than 60% of the basic pay
- 1. Description of problems: I am on Study Leave with half average pay. But when I click on 'Submit' the bill, it show...
- 11:07 AM Implementation Support Support #3557 (New): Economic Code Permission UAO Longadu
- 1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ... - 11:02 AM Implementation Support Support #3556 (New): Payfixation menu can not find UAO Gobindaganj
- 1. Description of problems : user ID: mhadiurr, can not find fixation menu.
2. How it generates : after login
3. So... - 10:40 AM Implementation Support Support #3555 (New): Online festival bill submission problem @ DCA Khulna
- 1. Description of problems : Online festival bill submission problem ()
2. How it generates : when user submit festi... - 10:38 AM Implementation Support Support #3554 (New): i dont recieve any bangla noboborsho bill 2019-2020 (CAO Health)
- 1. Description of problems: User submit his bill but Accounts office did not receive the bill
2. How it generates: ... - 10:16 AM Implementation Support Support #3553 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (Tejgaon Sub register office)
- 1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen... - 10:12 AM Implementation Support Support #3552 (New): Month Closed Problem DAO Chandpur
- 1. Bill Remains Problem
2. Check It and Solved
3. DAO chandpur - 10:11 AM Implementation Support Support #3551 (New): Credit Scroll Journal Problem DAO Lakshmipur
- 1. Credit Scroll Journal
2. Advice DAO
3. DAO Lakshmipur - 10:11 AM Implementation Support Support #3550 (New): DDO Staff bill Problem UAO Sitakundu
- 1. Token Not Found
2. Advice Uao Sitakundu
3. UAO Sitakundu - 10:10 AM Implementation Support Support #3549 (New): Report Show Problem UAO Motlab
- 1. Advice Report Show Problem
2. Needed Browser update problem
3. UAO Motlab - 10:10 AM Implementation Support Bug #3548 (New): Report Show Problem UAO Motlab
- 1. Advice Report Show Problem
2. Needed Browser update problem
3. UAO Motlab - 10:09 AM Implementation Support Support #3547 (New): GPF Opening Balance By pass DAO Khagrachhari
- 1. GPF Bill Entry Problem
2. Token No: 017796
3. By pass GPF Opening Balance
4. DAO Khagrachhari - 10:09 AM Implementation Support Support #3546 (New): Code Permission DAO Khagrachhari
- 1. Bill Entry Problem
2. Needed Code Permission 3111316
3. DAO Khagrachhari - 10:07 AM Implementation Support Support #3545 (New): Delete Credit Scroll UAO Ukhai
- 1. Wrong Date import
2. Date 03.03.2020
3. UAO Ukhia - 10:00 AM Implementation Support Support #3544 (New): Month Close unposted data remains (CGDF)
- . Description of problem:unposted data remains while closing a month.
2. How it generates: If unposted token,book ad... - 09:56 AM Implementation Support Support #3543 (New): Returned EFT retransmit isssue.
- 1.Description of problems:Returned EFT reorder entry and re-transmit issue.
2. How it generates:If bank related info... - 09:54 AM Implementation Support Support #3542 (New): JCO OR'S Festival (eid ul fitor) bill submission.
- 1.Description of problems:Those who will not get festival bonus but in unpressed festival report they are included.Ne...
- 09:44 AM Implementation Support Support #3533 (New): Month Close issues.
- 1. Description of problems: informing to close month
2. How it generates: Month is Open
3. Solution: Informed Accor... - 09:43 AM Implementation Support Support #3532 (New): Staff Bill Processing issues@157 Fd Wksp EME
- 1. Description of problems:Mess waiter পদবী IBAS এ নাই& Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
2... - 09:42 AM Implementation Support Support #3531 (New): Wrong Retirement Entry issues
- 1. Description of problems: Wrong Retirement Entry issues
2. How it generates: Retirement date is Wrong
3. Solution... - 09:42 AM Implementation Support Support #3530 (New): Profit intimation related confusion of wari Post office
- 1. Description of problems: Profit intimation related confusion
2. How it generates:They are confused to do profit i... - 09:40 AM Implementation Support Support #3526 (New): Individual EFT Issues of a unit
- 1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ... - 09:40 AM Implementation Support Support #3525 (New): Individual EFT Issues of a unit
- 1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ... - 09:39 AM Implementation Support Support #3522 (New): Individual EFT Issues of 27RE
- 1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
- 12:10 AM Implementation Support Support #3455 (New): JCO ORS individual EFT
- 1.Description of problems:JCO ORS individual EFT related information and query.
2.How it generates:Lack of informati... - 09:18 PM Gender Budget Feature #3426 (New): Percentage for Operating Activity Approve
- Percentage for Operating Activity Approve
- 09:18 PM Gender Budget Feature #3425 (New): Percentage for Operating Activity Entry
- Percentage for Operating Activity Entry
- 09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3424 (New): Percentage for Development Project Approve
- Percentage for Development Project Approve
- 09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3423 (New): Percentage for Development Project Entry
- Percentage for Development Project Entry
- 09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3422 (New): Copy previous year’s data Screen
- Copy previous year’s data Screen
- 09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3421 (New): Mapping Element Data with Ministry Screen
- Mapping Element Data with Ministry Screen
- 09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3420 (New): Insert Element Data & Mapping Data
- Insert Element Data & Mapping Data
- 09:16 PM Gender Budget Feature #3419 (New): Create Mapping Element Data with Ministry Table
- Create Mapping Element Data with Ministry Table
- 09:16 PM Gender Budget Feature #3418 (New): Create Transaction Table
- Create Transaction Table
- 09:15 PM Gender Budget Feature #3417 (New): Create Impact Table
- Create Impact Table
- 09:15 PM Gender Budget Feature #3415 (New): Create Sub-Segment: Name - Indicator
- Create Sub-Segment: Name - Indicator
- 09:13 PM Gender Budget Feature #3413 (New): Create Segment: Name - Thematic Group
- Create Segment: Name - Thematic Group
- 08:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3393 (New): Can not submit pay bill due to registered by two NID (UAO Golapganj)
- 1. Description of problems: Can not submit pay bill due to registered by two nid
2. How it generates: When office tr... - 08:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3392 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (CAO Law)
- 1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen... - 08:51 PM Implementation Support Support #3391 (New): GPF code blocking not found (dao sunamganj)
- 1. Description of problems: New sub register office of dao sunamganj not found GPF code.
2. How it generates: When T... - 08:46 PM Implementation Support Support #3390 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (cao education / research center )
- 1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen... - 08:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3388 (New): Approved bill cancel not working
- 1. Description of problems: Officer cannot cancel approved bill because error 'ora 20001 ..'
2. How it generates: Wh... - 07:37 PM Implementation Support Feature #3373 (Resolved): Accounts summary report inconsistencies with EFT disbursed
- 02:31 PM Implementation Support Feature #3373 (Resolved): Accounts summary report inconsistencies with EFT disbursed
- 05:48 PM Implementation Support Support #3387 (New): Bangladesh Bank Debit Scroll Import
- 1. Bangladesh Bank March Month Debit Scroll Import (CHEQUE) done
2. 05.03.2020, 08.03.2020, 12.03.2020, 22.03.2020... - 05:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3386 (New): March Month Close
- 1. Already Called 24 CAFO for month close
2. 8 CAFO closed their March month accounts.
3. CAFO Education and CA...
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