



From 03/25/2020 to 04/23/2020


11:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3924 (New): demand submission (staff)@56 bengal
1. Description of problems:demand submission (staff)@56 bengal
2. How it generates:submission done
3. Solution:Done...
Sabya Sachee
11:03 PM Implementation Support Support #3923 (New): Bill Submitted But Army No 4045120 Not Found in Pay Roll.(Processed) report
1. Description of problems:Bill Submitted But Army No 4045120 Not Found in Pay Roll.(Processed) report.This number A... Sabya Sachee
10:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3922 (New): merge issues@18beenngal
১। আপনার ইউনিট হতে নিম্নলিখিত জেসিও এবং ও আর এর ভুল আইডি আইবাস++ সফটওয়্যার হতে মুছে ফেলার জন্য বলা হয়ঃ
Sabya Sachee
10:57 PM Implementation Support Support #3921 (New): merge issues@ssc
১। আপনার ইউনিট হতে নিম্নলিখিত জেসিও এবং ও আর এর ভুল আইডি আইবাস++ সফটওয়্যার হতে মুছে ফেলার জন্য বলা হয়ঃ
Sabya Sachee
10:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3920 (New): Self reg@JSS00477
1. Description of problems:self id /mobile no is not updated
2. How it generates:mobile no is not updated
3. Soluti...
Sabya Sachee
09:34 PM Implementation Support Support #3919 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Bheramara(224215400351284)
Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is there any ...
Mossanna Argon
08:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3918 (New): Economic code shows double.
1. Description of problems:Economic code shows double.
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solution : D...
Benamin Mukammel
08:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3917 (New): User id problem (NSD)
1.Description of problems:forget Password of a NSD user.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :Informed to regenerate pas...
Benamin Mukammel
08:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3916 (New): Profit intimation (NSD)
1.Description of problems:Profit intimation is not sending to client.
2.How it generates:Due to unapproved premature...
Benamin Mukammel
08:00 PM Implementation Support Support #3915 (New): DDO Reactivation
1. Description of problems:DDO reactivation for projects.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution :From DDO Reactive menu.
Benamin Mukammel
07:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3914 (New): Month close AFC NAVY CTG
1. Description of problems:procedure of Month close AFC NAVY CTG.
2. How it generates:Lack of information.
3. Solut...
Benamin Mukammel
07:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3913 (New): Air force pay slip monitoring ID
1. Description of problems:Air force pay slip monitoring ID Locked.
2. How it generates:wrong user id password enter...
Benamin Mukammel
05:59 PM Implementation Support Support #3912 (New): Credit Scroll Roll Back DCA Chittagong Date on 29.03.2020
1. Description of problems: Worng Data Import 26 Branch
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Roll Back
4. How ca...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
05:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3911 (New): GPF Opening Balance By pass UAO Ukhiya
1. Description of problems: Amount miss match in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer GPF bill entry
3. Sol...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
05:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3910 (New): Invalid code Delete DAO brahmanbaria
1. Description of problems: same economic code show double
2. How it generates: When officer bill entry
3. Solution...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
03:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3909 (New): Month close issue(March)- DCA Khulna

Follow up DCA Khulna, Contact with BB(Nuruzaman Vai) , Accounts Check
Accounts ok now. DCA Khulna Can close mont...
Mossanna Argon
02:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3908 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Lohagara (Narail)(224215400351298)
Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is there any ...
Mossanna Argon
02:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3907 (New): Officer Pay bill problem
1. Description of problems: interest of loan showing double when officer try to send pay bill
2. How it generates: W...
Evan Sharif
11:38 AM Implementation Support Support #3906 (New): Code Permission at DAO Gaibandha

Description of problems : Code not found in Book transfer(1423101,1423102)
How it generates :
Solution : Code ...
Mossanna Argon
11:14 AM Implementation Support Bug #3905 (New): Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation at UAO Sundarganj(224215400351442)

Description of problems :
How it generates :
Solution : Office to pay point mapping and DDO Creation
Is th...
Mossanna Argon
11:09 AM Implementation Support Support #3904 (New): All DDO Mapping at UAO Sundarganj

Description of problems : All DDO not found in UAO User ID.
How it generates : Bill entry/Approval
Solution :...
Mossanna Argon
11:02 AM Implementation Support Support #3903 (New): DDO id open for staff bill submit CAO Health, Divisional Health Office Dhaka
1. Description of problems: DDO id open for staff bill submin
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : ID open
4. Ho...
Evan Sharif
10:39 AM Implementation Support Support #3902 (New): Staff information approval problem
1. Description of problems: DDO could not approve an employee where employee status is un approved. showing this aler... Evan Sharif
10:35 AM Implementation Support Support #3901 (New): DDO ID open for online Staff bill submit UAO Teknaf
1. Description of problems: DDO ID open for Staff bill
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : DDO ID Open
4. How c...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:31 AM Implementation Support Support #3900 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76102- "When I submitted my OTP code for online pay bill submission it shows "In... Sajan Das
10:22 AM Implementation Support Support #3899 (New): can not close month due to un posted data remain (CAO LGD)
1. Description of problems: can not close month due to un posted data remain
2. How it generates: When officer pres...
Evan Sharif
10:20 AM Implementation Support Support #3898 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76130- "Showing insufficient budget in education allowance"
2. Solution- I ca...
Sajan Das
07:52 AM Implementation Support Feature #3895 (New): Update Corona Challenge Document based on discussion
Aminul Mohaimen
07:50 AM Implementation Support Bug #3894 (New): Single click EFT for a unit
Generate EFTs for all employees through a single click Aminul Mohaimen
07:49 AM Implementation Support Support #3893 (New): Prepare list of new accounts and send to TBL
Aminul Mohaimen


08:52 PM Implementation Support Support #3891 (New): GPF inactive.
1. Description of problems:GPF inactive for a staff.
2. How it generates: Mentioned staff is on LPR,his GPF will ina...
Benamin Mukammel
08:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3890 (New): Staff bill entry.
1. Description of problems:Approved staff info edit problem.
2. How it generates:
3. Solution:Instructed to use edi...
Benamin Mukammel
08:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3889 (New): EFT sms sending.
1. Description of problems:EFT sms sending procedure and related query.
2. How it generates:lack of information.
Benamin Mukammel
08:35 PM Implementation Support Support #3888 (New): pay bill submission problem
1. Description of problems:pay bill submission problem, fiscal year,month not shown on bill submission screen.
2. Ho...
Benamin Mukammel
07:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3887 (New): Error:DDO Mobile no is not found@56 e Benngal
1. Description of problems:error:DDO Mobile no is not found
2. How it generates:DDO info entry by Pay point is not ...
Sabya Sachee
07:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3886 (New): data load failed during festival submission@131 fd wrkshp
1. Description of problems: data load failed during festival submission@131 fd wrkshp
2. How it generates: deleted p...
Sabya Sachee
07:16 PM Implementation Support Support #3885 (New): duplicate issue@14fio
1. Description of problems: duplicate issue
2. How it generates:duplicate issue
3. Solution: need to follow offici...
Sabya Sachee
03:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3884 (New): Employee not found when ddo try to enter employee pay bill , DDO module issue (CAO IRD)
1. Description of problems: When ddo click to Employee pay bill entry and fill up the all field and click go then doe... Evan Sharif
01:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3883 (New): Assign Budget entity to system control point @ DAO Chuadanga

Description of problems :Assign Budget entity to system control point @ DAO Chuadanga
How it generates :
Mossanna Argon
01:41 PM Implementation Support Support #3882 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- Month of April bill can't submit due to budget problem
2. Solution- I called the respe...
Sajan Das
01:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3881 (New): Cheque Cancellation Problem at DAO Jessore

Description of problems : Cheque Cancellation Problem at DAO Jessore. Token No. 040147, Chk No. TA-829754
How it...
Mossanna Argon
11:44 AM Implementation Support Support #3880 (New): unexpected error when try to entry nangla new year festival bill (uao chunarughat)
1. Description of problems:unexpected error when try to entry nangla new year festival bill
2. How it generates: Whe...
Evan Sharif
11:41 AM Implementation Support Support #3879 (New): NID by pass DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: NID does not exit in pay Fixation
2. How it generates: When master data entry
3. Soluti...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:37 AM Implementation Support Support #3878 (New): Online Pay Bill Submission
1. Description of problems- HELPDESK#76028- Month of April bill can't submit due to budget problem
2. Solution- I ...
Sajan Das
11:34 AM Implementation Support Support #3877: Self id@Captain,ctg cant
pay point:Captain,ctg cant Sabya Sachee
11:33 AM Implementation Support Support #3877 (New): Self id@Captain,ctg cant
1. Description of problems:self id /authentication failed
2. How it generates: trying from mobile with wrong user id...
Sabya Sachee
11:31 AM Implementation Support Support #3876 (New): Code Permission at UAO Damurhuda

Description of problems : Bill entry not found 7215101 code
How it generates :
Solution : DDO Code block mappi...
Mossanna Argon
11:29 AM Implementation Support Support #3875 (New): user open for staff bill entry and submit (Uao shalla)
1. Description of problems: DDO user id and entry user id open
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : open an id for...
Evan Sharif
11:27 AM Implementation Support Support #3874 (New): Deduction Code not found/confused@56 e bengal
1. Description of problems:Deduction Code not found/confused
2. How it generates: Confused about business
3. Soluti...
Sabya Sachee
11:16 AM Implementation Support Support #3873 (New): bank info@5 signal
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
11:13 AM Implementation Support Support #3872 (New): Bill Entry@AFC comilla
1. Description of problems:Bill Entry
2. How it generates: confused about Accounting month
3. Solution:suggested ac...
Sabya Sachee
11:08 AM Implementation Support Support #3871 (New): Gpf Advance Problem
1. Description of problems- Helpdesk#76036- In March 2020, I have completed to Refund (GPF Advance) all installment (... Sajan Das
10:32 AM Implementation Support Support #3870 (New): Code Permission UAO Sandwip
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
09:20 AM Implementation Support Feature #3867 (New): Manual Update for current Version-DDO Module
Manual Update for current Version-DDO Module Mahfuzur Rahman
09:17 AM Implementation Support Feature #3866 (Resolved): Cr Report Develeopmet & Configuration- Budget Vs Actual English
Cr Report- Budget Vs Actual English
Mahfuzur Rahman


10:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3865 (New): UAO Godagari, Rajshahi, User registration problem for online bill submission
Description of problems : Online Registration Problem
How it generates : Self registration. After self registration,...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3864 (New): UAO Amtali Barguna, Open DDO
Description of problems : Need to open DDO
How it generates : DDO Information Entry Single Step
Solution : OPen DDO...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:19 PM Implementation Support Support #3863 (New): UAO Badalgachi, Naogaon, Coding block not found
Description of problems : Coding Block not found (1430204122464,Upazilla agriculture Officer Badalgachi, Economic Cod... Ashiqur Rahman
10:16 PM Implementation Support Support #3862 (New): UAO Mehidiganj, Barisal, Open DDO
Description of problems : Need to open DDO(1370301-224215400-351014 )
How it generates : DDO Management- DDO entry S...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:13 PM Implementation Support Support #3861 (New): DCA Rajshahi, Interest on loan to government employees shown double
Description of problems : Interest on loan to government employees shown double
How it generates : Pay bill entry (g...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3860 (New): DAO Natore, Employee information entry Single step not save after correction
Description of problems : Employee information not save after correction bank account no.
How it generates : Employe...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:49 PM Implementation Support Support #3858 (New): DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. scroll
Description of problems : Dr. Scroll Import and Upload
How it generates : Debit Scroll Import(Bcheques). BB file pr...
Ashiqur Rahman
09:42 PM Implementation Support Support #3856 (New): DAO Kushtia, Online staff bill submission problem
Description of problems : More than one DDO found staff pay bill entry
How it generates : Employee Pay Bill Entry
Ashiqur Rahman
09:40 PM Implementation Support Support #3855 (New): DCA Rajshahi, Online bill submission problem(Staff Bill)
Description of problems : More than one DDO found staff pay bill entry
How it generates : Employee Pay Bill Entry
Ashiqur Rahman
06:21 PM Implementation Support Support #3854 (New): Self registrtion of NAVY officer,wrong mobile number.
1.Description of problems:Mobile number shows wrong while doing self registration.
2.How it generates:wrong data ent...
Benamin Mukammel
06:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3853 (New): Bangla new year festival bill.
1.Description of problems:Bangla new year festival bill processing.
2.How it generates:when bill submitted an error ...
Benamin Mukammel
06:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3852 (New): All DDO not found in a user.
Description of problems:All DDO not found in a user.
How it generates:On bill entry.
Solution :from the menu "Map P...
Benamin Mukammel
06:04 PM Implementation Support Support #3851 (New): DDO Reactivation
Description of problems:DDO inactive.
How it generates:
Solution :From DDO Reactive menu.
Pay point:UAO kotiadi.
Benamin Mukammel
04:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3845: Insufficient budget at code 3111310, 3111306
Evan Sharif wrote:
> 1. Description of problems: insufficient budget (3111310 - House rent allowance )
> 2. How it ...
Evan Sharif
01:37 PM Implementation Support Support #3845 (New): Insufficient budget at code 3111310, 3111306
1. Description of problems: insufficient budget (3111310 - House rent allowance )
2. How it generates: When officer ...
Evan Sharif
03:43 PM Implementation Support Support #3850 (New): 1411202-Interest on loan to government employees Shows Double in Bill-- DAO Bagerhat
Description of problems :
How it generates : Pay bill entry gazetted.
Solution : remove one coding block (invalid) ...
Mossanna Argon
03:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3849 (New): GPF Code Permission @ UAO Birol
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: bill entry
3. Solution : DDO - codin...
Mossanna Argon
03:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3848 (New): DDO User-ID
1. Description of problems- User-id needed for DDO staff bill entry
2. Solution- Opened two DDO user-id
3. Paypoi...
Sajan Das
03:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3847 (New): EFT Permission For UAO Digholia
Description of problems : eft permission for UAO Login ID
How it generates :
Solution : Done
Is there any need...
Mossanna Argon
02:51 PM Implementation Support Support #3846 (New): User-ID problem
1. Description of problems- When the user logged into their user-id they face employee information not found problem
Sajan Das
01:18 PM Implementation Support Support #3844 (New): Unmaping DDO Coding Block DAO Madaripur
1. Description of problems: 246+246 code UAO Saril and UAO Faridganj mapping DAO madaripur
2. How it generates: N/A
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:17 PM Implementation Support Support #3843 (New): report not generated
1. Description of problems: Bill submitted bt no pdf file found after clicking on OK button. How to get that pdf file... Evan Sharif
01:13 PM Implementation Support Support #3842 (New): abnormal bill in officer pay bill at DCA Khulna
Description of problems :Token no: 115339, in this pay Bill an officer of KMP submitted his pay Bill of march'2020. ... Mossanna Argon
01:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3841 (New): an unexpected error showing when budget user try to field distribution
1. Description of problems: an unexpected error showing when budget user try to field distribution
2. How it genera...
Evan Sharif
12:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3840 (New): Online Bill submission problem by user @ DCA Khulna
Description of problems : when Submitting bill , error message. (Invalid configuration data)
How it generates : P...
Mossanna Argon
11:31 AM Implementation Support Support #3839 (New): Online User login problem at UAO Palshbari
1. Description of problems: Do not Login
2. How it generates: When user login
3. Solution : first user password res...
Mossanna Argon
11:29 AM Implementation Support Support #3838 (New): On line Bill submission problem at UAO Palashbai
Description of problems : Online paybill submission (Multiple paypoint found)
How it generates : Press submit butt...
Mossanna Argon
11:07 AM Implementation Support Support #3837 (New): when submit monthly bill, it shows pin code sent to registered mobile number but no sms received at all
1. Description of problems:No pin code sms received in mobile
2. How it generates: When officer presses 'Submit' bu...
Evan Sharif
10:41 AM Implementation Support Support #3836 (New): allowance cannot be more than 60% of the basic pay
1. Description of problems: allowance/House rent cannot be more than 60% of the basic pay
2. How it generates: When...
Evan Sharif
10:30 AM Implementation Support Support #3834 (New): Online user Password Problem UAO Anowara
1. Description of problems: Do not Login
2. How it generates: When user login
3. Solution : first user password res...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
08:38 AM Implementation Support Feature #3833 (New): HRM Module Design Document
Aminul Mohaimen


11:35 PM Implementation Support Support #3832 (New): UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj self bill entry problem.
1. Description of Problems: User Can't submit self bill
2. How it generates: Online Pay Bill Submission. When User c...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3831 (New): DAO Bogra, Book transfer Cr. Code not found.
1. Description of Problems: Book transfer Cr. Code not found.
1460301000000-120007500 -11001000-1131101-4 (cr)...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3830 (New): DAO Sirajganj DDO Open
Description of Problems: Need to open DDO (1250303 141266)
1. How it generates: DDO Entry Single Step
2. Solution: ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3829 (New): DAO Natore, EFT Cancel
1. Description of Problems: Cancel EFT
2. Solution: EFT cancel menu is not available to our ID's. So collect DAO's I...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:19 PM Implementation Support Support #3828 (New): DCA Rajshahi, User ID Transfer from Chapai to DCA Rajshahi
1. Description of Problems: Need to transfer userif to DCA Rajshahi
2. Solution: Forward it to Atair Bhai
3. Pay Po...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:17 PM Implementation Support Support #3827 (New): UAO Atrai, LPC Related Issued.
1. Description of Problems: LPC Related Issue
2. Solution: Forward it to Siddique Bhai
3. Pay point: UAO Atrai, Nao...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3826 (New): UAO Hatibandha, Gaibandha Interest on Govt. Employee Double.
1. Description of Problems: Double shown Interest on loan gov. Employee
2. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3825 (New): salary demand proceess@56 ebengal
1. Description of problems:salary demand proceess
2. How it generates: demand process not clear
3. Solution: Info...
Sabya Sachee
10:12 PM Implementation Support Support #3824 (New): Token delete@fc misc
1. Description of problems:how to delete token
2. How it generates: Wrong submission
3. Solution: token cancellati...
Sabya Sachee
10:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3822 (New): merge issues@ sscc hattogram
1. Pl take necessary step to marge the following Army Numbers:
a. Incorrect Number: 1612617 (Addition...
Sabya Sachee
10:06 PM Implementation Support Support #3820 (New): merge issues@18beenngal
Need to Merge pl.
1. Incorrect Number: 1436624 (Additional Entry)
1. Correct Number: 1436642 (Actual Use)...
Sabya Sachee
10:02 PM Implementation Support Support #3819 (New): Bank info related issues
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
10:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3818 (New): employee joining@afc comilla
1. Description of problems: employee joining
2. How it generates: not getting in database
3. Solution: need too j...
Sabya Sachee
06:52 PM Implementation Support Support #3817 (New): Self bill user id problem
Description of problems:Self bill user id problem.Employee information not found.
How it generates :employee informa...
Benamin Mukammel
06:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3816 (New): Report not shows to a user.
Description of problems:Report not shows to a user.
How it generates:while checking reports.
Solution:Clear all cac...
Benamin Mukammel
06:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3815 (New): DDO creation for project 224215400351221
Description of problems:DDO creation for project 224215400351221
How it generates:Project distribution is not mapped...
Benamin Mukammel
06:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3814 (New): Officer's pay bill.
Description of problems:Pay bill not submitted.
How it generates: Due to lack of budget.
Solution: checking budget...
Benamin Mukammel
06:02 PM Implementation Support Support #3813 (New): Month close FC pay 1
Description of problems:Receipt payment mismatch.
How it generates:while closing month.
Solution:sent an email to ...
Benamin Mukammel
03:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3812 (New): Month close problem due to un-posted data remain
Description of problems : Unposted Document remains
How it generates : Submit Month close button
Solution : Take un...
Evan Sharif
02:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3811 (New): Month close problem due to FA double posting (DFO Rajshahi)
1. Description of problems: Forest advance posted double amount and approved
2. How it generates:
3. Solution : ca...
Evan Sharif
12:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3810 (New): Month Close Problem (March-2020) at DAO Thakurgoan
Description of problems : Unposted Document remains
How it generates : Submit Month close button
Solution : T...
Mossanna Argon
12:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3809 (New): Bill Journal(Authorization) problem at DAO Jhenaidha
Description of problems :Bill Journal can not affect budget
How it generates :
Solution : Problem send to Shakib...
Mossanna Argon
12:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3808 (New): EFT Permission For UAO Gobindaganj
Description of problems : EFT permission for UAO(Transfer from another Paypoint)
How it generates : N/A
Mossanna Argon
11:38 AM Implementation Support Support #3807 (New): Credit Scroll Problem UAO chandina
1. Description of problems: credit scroll not upload
2. How it generates: When click upload
3. Solution : correct i...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:26 AM Implementation Support Support #3806 (New): Code Permission UAO Kawkhali
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:46 AM Implementation Support Support #3805 (New): Online pay bill ID problem . 'Employees information not found".
1. Description of problems: Through budget execution>it's showing 'Employees information not found".
2. How it gener...
Evan Sharif
10:38 AM Implementation Support Support #3804 (New): UAO Borhanuddin, Bhola, DDO Open
Description of Problems: Open DDO (1370301-224215400-351018)
1. How it generates: DDO Information Entry(Single Step)...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:32 AM Implementation Support Support #3803 (New): UAO Nandigram, Bogra, DDO Open
Description of Problems: Open DDO
1. How it generates: DDO Information Entry(Single Step)
2. Solution: Open DDO
Ashiqur Rahman
09:22 AM Implementation Support Bug #3802 (New): PEDP 4 DDO Module Roll out Report Review
Aminul Mohaimen
09:21 AM Implementation Support Feature #3801 (New): DLR Achievement Status - March 2020 - Update
Aminul Mohaimen
09:20 AM Implementation Support Feature #3800 (New): Pensioner New Year Allowance Exception SP
Aminul Mohaimen


11:49 PM Implementation Support Support #3799 (New): NHA Chittagonj Circle, Bill Passing Problem.
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted)
2. Solution: Contact with Shakib Bhai
3. Is...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:47 PM Implementation Support Support #3798 (New): UAO Shajahanpur, Bogra, Re - active DDO.
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: DDO Reactive(1370101-221000400-362336)
2. Solution: They De activatio...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3797 (New): DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. Scroll
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll Import(Cheque)
2. Solution: Import and upload Dated. 08/...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:43 PM Implementation Support Support #3796 (New): UAO Mathbaria, Pirojpur Cr. Scroll Problem
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Credit Scroll Import
2. Solution: .XML File Problem. Advice them to c...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:41 PM Implementation Support Support #3795 (New): DAO Bogra, Debit Scroll Problem. Dated: 05/03/2020
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll EFT file upload Double
2. Solution: Contact with Shakib ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:38 PM Implementation Support Support #3794 (New): PWD Barisal, Budget not available.
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Bill Entry Screen. The following message found "Budget not available f...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:34 PM Implementation Support Support #3793 (New): DAO Pirojpur, Month Close Problem
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Month Colse. When Click validate, The following Message Shown "UNPOSTE...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:31 PM Implementation Support Support #3792 (New): UAO Galachipa, Patuakhali, 23/03/2020 Cr. Scroll Problem
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Credit Scroll Import
2. Solution: .xml file problem. Advice them to c...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:28 PM Implementation Support Support #3791 (New): DCA Barisal Codding Block mapping
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted/non gazatted)
2. Solution: coding block from ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3790 (New): UAO Biswamvpur, Sunamganj, Code block mapping.
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Pay bill entry(gazetted/non gazatted)
2. Solution: coding block from ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:18 PM Implementation Support Support #3789 (New): UAO Bamna, Patuakhali, Code block mapping.
Description of problems:
1. How it generates: Pay Bill entry(Gazetted)
2. Solution: Coding Block from code block ma...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3788 (New): UAO Rangabali, Patuakhali Month close problem
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates:Debit Scroll(Advanced)
2. When upload the following message found "Deb...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:06 PM Implementation Support Support #3787 (New): DAO Bogra, Debit Scroll Import and upload
Description of Problems:
1. How it generates: Debit Scroll Import(Cheque)
2. Solution: After correction(Old Code mi...
Ashiqur Rahman
10:59 PM Implementation Support Support #3786 (New): DFO wild Life management Khulan, Code Block Mapping
Description of problems:
1. How it generates: Temporary Advance(To sub-division Adjustment)
2. Solution: Code Permi...
Ashiqur Rahman
07:55 PM Implementation Support Support #3785 (New): JCO ORS's Festival Bill submission.
1.Description of problems:Wrong festival bill submitted by Unit.
2.How it generates:By mistake.
3.Solution:After ch...
Benamin Mukammel
07:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3784 (New): Month close receipt payment mismatch
1.Description of problems:Month close receipt payment mismatch.
2.How it generates:
3.Solution:Need to check from d...
Benamin Mukammel
05:04 PM Implementation Support Support #3783 (New): MERGE ISSUE@ssc chattogram
Pl take necessary step to marge the following Army Numbers:
1. - Incorrect Number: 1612617 (Additional Entry)-...
Sabya Sachee
05:00 PM Implementation Support Support #3782 (New): MERGE ISSUE@18engrbn

Need to Marge
1. Incorrect Number: 1436624 (Additional Entry)
1. Correct Number: 1436642 (...
Sabya Sachee
04:57 PM Implementation Support Support #3781 (New): Wrong bank info entry@15 fd mirpur
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
04:55 PM Implementation Support Support #3780 (New): NEW JCO info Entry
1. Description of problems:NEW JCO info Entry
2. How it generates:NID BLOCKED
3. Solution: suggested to ignore NID
Sabya Sachee
04:50 PM Implementation Support Support #3779 (New): 1411202-Interest on loan to government employees Shows Double in Bill-- DAO Jessore
Description of problems :
How it generates : Pay bill entry gazetted.
Solution : remove one coding block from co...
Mossanna Argon
04:40 PM Implementation Support Support #3778 (New): unable to login
1. Description of problems:unable to login
2. How it generates: Due to system deployment
3. Solution: requests to...
Sabya Sachee
04:38 PM Implementation Support Support #3777 (New): UNABLE TO CHANGE DDO
1. Description of problems:UNABLE TO CHANGE DDO
2. How it generates: Employee was release state
3. Solution: Empl...
Sabya Sachee
04:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3776 (New): salary submission@157 beengal

1. Description of problems:salary submission@157 beengal
2. How it generates: salary submission@157 beengal
3. ...
Sabya Sachee
04:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3775 (New): BD Army_-Staff bill: DDO changes Automatically between 157 fd workshop and 56 E Bengal
DDO ofz this Employee (NID:: 19751553798741518) is 157 fd workshop but DDO changes Automatically to 56 e Bengal. Get... Sabya Sachee
04:31 PM Implementation Support Support #3774 (New): DCA Khulna Dr import and upload prroblem

Dr Scroll (Cheque) import problem due 13 digit old code.
All problem mail to Bangladesh bank(Md. Nuruzzaman vai, c...
Mossanna Argon
04:26 PM Implementation Support Support #3773 (New): Challan upload problem at UAO Paikgacha
Description of problems : Challan can not upload(due to invalid code-23-03-2020)
How it generates : challan upload ...
Mossanna Argon
03:38 PM Implementation Support Support #3772 (New): Budget issue at UH&FP Narayanganj.
1.Description of problems:Insufficient budget for pay bill officers.
2.How it generates:Due to lack of budget at off...
Benamin Mukammel
03:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3771 (New): Budget related information and answering related query
1.Description of problems:Discuss with FC pay 2 about budget checking and related query.
2.How it generates:lack of ...
Benamin Mukammel
03:23 PM Implementation Support Support #3770 (New): Bangla new year festival bill processing.
1. Description of problems:Bangla new year festival bill processing.
2.How it generates:when bill submitted an error...
Benamin Mukammel
03:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3769 (New): Staff bill submission user id recovery
1. Description of problems:Staff bill submission user id recovery.
2. How it generates:by Lost/forgotten
3. solutio...
Benamin Mukammel
03:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3768 (New): Token not generate for pay bill.
1. Description of problems:Token not generate for pay bill.
2. How it generates:Token already submitted for the paye...
Benamin Mukammel
02:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3767 (New): Rest and recreation bill submission
1. Description of problems:Rest and recreation bill submission procedure.
2. How it generates:lack of information
Benamin Mukammel
02:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3766 (New): Officer want to add Residential telephone encashment allowance in salary code no 3111313
1. Description of problems: Officer want to add Residential telephone encashment allowance in salary code no 3111313
Evan Sharif
2. How it generates...
Evan Sharif
02:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3764 (New): OTP Can not send to user mobile no @UAO Mohammadpur
Description of problems :
How it generates : User can not get 4 digit otp when submitting paybill.
Solution :Chec...
Mossanna Argon
12:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3763 (New): Double NID Marge in DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: Double NID one Employee
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : NID Marge
4. How can de...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3762 (New): DDO Open UAO Meghna With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: No DDO 1610306140473 code
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : New DDO open and relat...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:58 AM Implementation Support Support #3761 (New): USER ID problem at UAO Gobindaganj
1. Description of problems: UAO transfer from UAO Thanchi to UAO Gobindaganj but he cant submit his online pay bill
Mossanna Argon
11:46 AM Implementation Support Support #3760 (New): insufficient budget problem UAO Chawkaria
1. Description of problems: insufficient budget at code .......
2. How it generates: When officer bill submit
3. So...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:42 AM Implementation Support Support #3759 (New): DDO Open (Project - 224021005351249) at UAO Mongla
1. Description of problems: DDO not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Contigency bill entry
3. Solution...
Mossanna Argon
11:35 AM Implementation Support Support #3758 (New): NID By pass UAO Fulgazi
1. Description of problems: When bill submit Error: more than one this fiscal Year
2. How it generates: When online ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:29 AM Implementation Support Support #3757 (New): Code Permission at UAO Kolaroa
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When staff bill entry
3. Solution : D...
Mossanna Argon
11:06 AM Implementation Support Support #3756 (New): USER ID problem at DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems: Supper transfer from DAO Satkhira to DCA Khulna but he cant submit his online pay bill
Mossanna Argon
10:49 AM Implementation Support Support #3755 (New): DDO Open (Project - 224215400351424) at UAO Birol
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Contigency bill entry
3. Solutio...
Mossanna Argon
10:39 AM Implementation Support Support #3754 (New): Code Permission at UAO Debiganj
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When staff bill entry
3. Solution : D...
Mossanna Argon
09:44 AM Implementation Support Feature #3753 (New): JCO ORs Bill List (Individual) Report SP
Aminul Mohaimen


11:03 AM Implementation Support Feature #3750 (New): Document on Corona Virus Challenges to iBAS++ and Mitigation Strategy
Aminul Mohaimen


10:18 PM Implementation Support Support #3749 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation DAO Brahmanbaria
1. Description of problems: Master Data entry
2. How it generates: When Save click, then error does not NID in pay F...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
08:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3744 (New): JCO ORS unauthorized leave.
1. Description of problems:Due to unauthorized leave JCO will not get salary and festival bonus.
2. How it generates...
Benamin Mukammel
08:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3743 (New): FC pay 2 Budget.
Description of problems:Discuss with FC pay 2 about budget checking and related query.
How it generates:lack of info...
Benamin Mukammel
07:44 PM Implementation Support Support #3742 (New): Month close Pay 1.
1.Description of problems :Discuss with Pay1 about closing of month march'20.
2. How it generates :
3. Solution:Req...
Benamin Mukammel
07:37 PM Implementation Support Support #3741 (New): Self registrtion of NAVY officer.
1. Description of problems:Self registration of a Navy officer.
2. How it generates:Due lack of knowledge/informatio...
Benamin Mukammel
07:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3740 (New): User id transfer
1. Description of problems:User id transfer
2. How it generates:Due to concern officer transfer or retirement.
3. ...
Benamin Mukammel
06:51 PM Implementation Support Support #3739 (New): Code permission issue_3111320_3111302@157 fd wrkshp
1. Description of problems:3111320_3111302_are missing from bill
2. How it generates: Code permission not found
3. ...
Sabya Sachee
06:49 PM Implementation Support Support #3738 (New): Not found in Employee pay bill entry_staff issues@157 fd wrksh
1. Description of problems:Not found in Employee pay bill entry
2. How it generates: Wrong ddo selection
3. Solutio...
Sabya Sachee
06:45 PM Implementation Support Support #3737 (New): Total Number of Employees showing Wrong After pressing “Calculate Imprest”.
1. Description of problems:Total Number of Employees showing Wrong(showing additional 1 person) After pressing “Calcu... Sabya Sachee
06:33 PM Implementation Support Support #3736 (New): Self ID@BNS Ishakha navy,ctg
1. Description of problems:Unable to login
2. How it generates: Due to Wrong user id and pass
3. Solution:Suggested...
Sabya Sachee
06:31 PM Implementation Support Support #3735 (New): NID not found in pay fixation @56 e bengal
1. Description of problems:NID not found in pay fixation
2. How it generates: Need to bypass NID from screen
3. So...
Sabya Sachee
06:30 PM Implementation Support Support #3734 (New): bypass NID@157 fd wrkshp
1. Description of problems:NID not found in pay fixation
2. How it generates: Need to bypass NID from screen
3. So...
Sabya Sachee
06:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3733 (New): Wrong bank info entry
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
06:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3732 (New): accounting month not found@sfc Airforcee
1. Description of problems: accounting month not found
2. How it generates: Dont open Month
3. Solution:need to ope...
Sabya Sachee
01:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3730 (New): Budeget Checking problem in Bill entry screen @RDA Bogra
Description of problems : Budget partially checking in bill entry screen.
How it generates : Bill approval screen,...
Mossanna Argon
12:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3726 (New): Dr scroll imported double
1. Description of problems: Dr Scroll EFT File imported double
2. How it generates: debit scroll import advance scre...
Evan Sharif
12:52 PM Implementation Support Support #3724 (New): Gazetted officer Token Entry Problem at RDA Bogra

Description of problems : Token entry for pay bill gazetted menu.
How it generates : press save menu, error fo...
Mossanna Argon
12:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3711 (New): Budget Problem UAO Ukhia
1. Description of problems: Budget code not show in bill entry
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : B...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:23 PM Implementation Support Support #3710 (New): Discuss with DCA Khulna regarding march 2020 month close(All paypont)
1. Description of problems :Discuss with DCA Khulna regarding march 2020 month close
2. How it generates :
3. Solut...
Mossanna Argon
12:19 PM Implementation Support Feature #3709 (New): Month Close Problem (March-2020) at DCA Rangpur

Description of problems : Month close problem (March-2020) at DCA Rangpur.
How it generates : press Month close ...
Mossanna Argon
12:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3708 (New): NID by pass DCA Chittagong
1. Description of problems: NID does not Exist in Pay fixation
2. How it generates: When Master Data entry
3. Solut...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
08:52 AM Implementation Support Feature #3707 (New): SRS of Timesheet Automation System
The SRS outlines the requirements and overall design of a system which will generate timesheet from Redmine Aminul Mohaimen


11:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3706 (New): DAO Bogra, Debit Scroll Import
1. DAO Bogra, Dr Scroll EFT File imported double
2. After discussion Shakib Bhai tole me to contact Mr. Rumel
3. Af...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3705 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra Code block Mapping
1. UAO Dhunut, Bogra coding Block Mapping not found
1620412140287 economic code 3111316 & 3111335
2. Check it map i...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3704 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra Code block Mapping
1. UAO Dhunut, Bogra coding Block Mapping not found
2. Check it map it and solved
3. UAO DHu...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:27 PM Implementation Support Support #3703 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra Code block Mapping
1. UAO Dhunut, Bogra Coding Block Mapping not found
13002-224232200118534 -3111303
2. Permission it and solved.
Ashiqur Rahman
11:26 PM Implementation Support Support #3702 (New): UAO Raiganj, SIrajganj, Month close problem (March'2020)
1. UAO Raiganj, Sirajganj Month CLose problem
found Unposted documents.......
2. Check it found unposted document, ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3701 (New): UAO Nandigram, Bogra, Lonin Problem iBAS++
1. Problem to Login iBAS++
2. Solved
3. UAO Nandigram, Bogra
Ashiqur Rahman
11:23 PM Implementation Support Support #3700 (New): UAO Gouranadi, Barisal Bill Passing problem
1. UAO Gouranadi Bill Passing Problem Office Code 1370101-221000400362011
2. They missing office code 362011 after ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:21 PM Implementation Support Support #3699 (New): UAO South Sunamganj, Bangla new Year Festival bill passing problem.
1. UAO South Sunamganj, Bill already payment this year as arear(Previous Year Bill)
2. After discussion Manjur Bhai ...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:19 PM Implementation Support Support #3698 (New): DAO Patuakhali, DDO Authorization Report
1. DAO Patuakhali, DDO Authorized But not found when bill posting
2. After checking Authorized but not approved stil...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:17 PM Implementation Support Support #3697 (New): DAO Natore, Book Transfer Economic code not found.
1. DAO Natore, Book Transfer Economic code not found
Office 1610204 132733 and Economic code 1423101, 1423102
2. Af...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:14 PM Implementation Support Support #3696 (New): UAO Kamarkhanda, Sirajganj, Bangla New Year Festival Bill Problem
1. UAO Kamarkhanda, Sirajganj Bangla New Year Festival Bill Passing Problem
2. Check and Solved.
3. UAO Kamarkhanda...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:12 PM Implementation Support Support #3695: UAO Singra, Natore, Give FET Permission.
1. UAO Singra, Natore Give EFT Permission(UAO)
2. SOlved
3. UAO Singra, Natore
Ashiqur Rahman
11:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3695 (New): UAO Singra, Natore, Give FET Permission.
Ashiqur Rahman
11:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3694 (New): UAO Sujanagar, Pabna Festival Bill Send but not found in Approval Screen.
1. UAO Sujanagar, Festival Bill not found at Approval Screen.
2. Schck and found
3. Solved
4. UAO Sujanagar, Pabna
Ashiqur Rahman
07:32 PM Implementation Support Bug #3689 (New): JCO OR'S Festival (eid ul fitor) bill submission.
1. Description of problems:JCO OR'S transfer to civil but JCO name shows at festival bill list.
2. How it generates...
Benamin Mukammel
07:21 PM Implementation Support Support #3688 (New): Bill Journal entry due to monthly accounts mismatch.
1. Description of problems: Bill Journal entry due to monthly accounts mismatch.
2. How it generates: Expenditure on...
Benamin Mukammel
07:12 PM Implementation Support Support #3686 (New): Month close(March) FC miscellaneous.
1.Description of problem:unposted data remains while closing a month(March).
2.How it generates: If unposted token,b...
Benamin Mukammel
07:07 PM Implementation Support Support #3685 (New): Religious Teacher (RT) পদবী IBAS এ নাই@56bengal
1. Description of problems: Religious Teacher (RT) পদবী IBAS এ নাই
2. How it generates:Development issues
3. Solut...
Sabya Sachee
07:07 PM Implementation Support Support #3684 (New): Religious Teacher (RT) পদবী IBAS এ নাই
1. Description of problems: Religious Teacher (RT) পদবী IBAS এ নাই
2. How it generates:Development issues
3. Solut...
Sabya Sachee
07:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3683 (New): Monthly accounts mismatch.
1.Description of problems:Area FC Navy khulna monthly accounts mismatch.
2.How it generates:Total expenditure of ec...
Benamin Mukammel
07:04 PM Implementation Support Support #3682 (New): DDO Open UAO Senbagh With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Contigency bill entry
3. Solutio...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
07:02 PM Implementation Support Support #3681 (New): Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry@157fdwrkshp
1. Description of problems:Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
2. How it generates:Developmen...
Sabya Sachee
07:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3680 (New): Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry
1. Description of problems:Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
2. How it generates:Developmen...
Sabya Sachee
06:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3679 (New): Not found in Festival list@45 MLRS Regt
1. Description of problems:
নিম্নবণির্ত সৈনিকগেনর মাসিক বেতন ও ভাতায় নাম রয়েছে কিন্তু ঊৎসব ভাতায় নাম নেই:
1222747 L...
Sabya Sachee
06:00 PM Implementation Support Support #3678 (New): Bangladesh Bank Sadarghat Debit Scroll Import
1. Bangladesh Bank Sadarghat March Month Debit Scroll Import (Cheque) done
2. PayPoint- DAO DHAKA
Sajan Das
04:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3673 (New): Debit Scroll Import (EFT)
1. Bangladesh Bank March Month Debit Scroll Import (EFT) done
2. Problems were mailed to Rumel Bhai
3. PayPoint...
Sajan Das
03:16 PM Implementation Support Support #3672 (New): Bangla New Year Allowance Problem
1. Description of problems- When the user wants to submit Bangla new allowance, they saw employee not found in the Ba... Sajan Das
03:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3671 (New): DDO User ID Creation
1. Description of problems- Need user-id for online staff bill

2. Solution- Created ddo user-id for online staff ...
Sajan Das
02:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3670 (New): Employee information not found when officer log in his online paybill ID
1. Description of problems: Employee information not found
2. How it generates: When officer login his/her online pa...
Evan Sharif
02:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3669 (New): i cant access to report.
1. Description of problems: i cant access to report.
2. How it generates: When click run report
3. Solution : DDO...
Evan Sharif
01:26 PM Implementation Support Support #3668 (New): Pensioner DDO Reactive issue
1. Description of problems: ডি এক্টিভেট করা DDO Pensiooner পুনরায় একটিভ করতে হবে। সিএএফও মহোদয়ের আইডি থেকে চেস্টা করা... Evan Sharif
01:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3667 (New): User Login ID- can not found all menu as a Upazilla accounts officer. @ UAO Digholia

Description of problems : User Login ID- can not found all menu as a Upazilla accounts officer. @ UAO Dighilia
Mossanna Argon
12:25 PM Implementation Support Support #3666 (New): Dr scroll (Cheque) upload problem at DCA Rangpur
1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol...
Mossanna Argon
12:16 PM Implementation Support Support #3665 (New): Debit Scroll Upload Problem at DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol...
Mossanna Argon
12:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3664 (New): Loan Adjust ment of an officer pay bill @ RDA Bogra

Description of problems :Loan Adjust ment of an officer pay bill @ RDA Bogra
How it generates : N/A
Solution :...
Mossanna Argon
11:52 AM Implementation Support Support #3663 (New): Bangla New Year Allowance Problem
1. Description of problems- When the user wants to submit Bangla new allowance, they saw employee not found in the Ba... Sajan Das
11:42 AM Implementation Support Support #3662 (New): DCA chittagong Debit Scroll Upload Problem
1. Description of problems: Debit Scroll Import but not Upload
2. How it generates: When Debit Scroll Import
3. Sol...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:37 AM Implementation Support Support #3661 (New): DDO ID open for online Staff bill submit UAO Baghaichhari
1. Description of problems: DDO ID Open
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : DDO ID Open and Active
4. How can d...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:13 AM Implementation Support Support #3660 (New): Code Permission UAO Manohorganj
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
08:39 AM Implementation Support Feature #3659 (New): User Creation Screen Design Review
Reviewed and provided feedback to Jubaidul on User Creation Screen Design Aminul Mohaimen
08:30 AM Implementation Support Bug #3658 (New): Configuring 154 Army units for individual EFT payment
Aminul Mohaimen
08:27 AM Implementation Support Support #3657 (New): Coordinating Operations Team
Aminul Mohaimen
08:24 AM Implementation Support Support #3656 (New): EFT Information Collection for Consultants
EFT Sign-up Form developed, circulated among more than 60 consultants, help collected and follow-up, and compiled tho... Aminul Mohaimen
08:22 AM Implementation Support Feature #3655 (New): Blockchain Implementation for iBAS++ - reviewed
Reviewed the document prepared on Blockchain Implementation for iBAS++ and provided detailed feedback on how blockcha... Aminul Mohaimen
08:18 AM Implementation Support Feature #3654 (New): Religious Teacher Entry SRS
Collected information related to Religious Teacher of Army, collected JSI, its exact location for Religious Teacher i... Aminul Mohaimen
08:16 AM Implementation Support Feature #3653 (New): Summary level SRS for Fixed Value Supplier Payment Processing
Prepared a summary level SRS for Fixed Value Supplier payment processing. This SRS includes specification for supplie... Aminul Mohaimen
08:13 AM Implementation Support Support #3652 (New): Generate list of invalid accounts for Army
Prepared a list of more than 3200 bank accounts which have wrong name, bank branch or account number and sent to Army... Aminul Mohaimen


11:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3651 (New): UAO Amtali, Barguna Bangla New Year Festival Bill Problem
1. DDO sibmitted Festival Bill But UAO not found in Approval Screen
2. Solved.
3. UAO Amtali
Ashiqur Rahman
11:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3650: DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. Scroll
1. DCA Barisal Import and Upload Dr. Scroll month March'2020 All Dates.
2. Solved.
3. DCA Barisal
Ashiqur Rahman
11:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3650 (New): DCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. Scroll
Ashiqur Rahman
11:20 PM Implementation Support Support #3649 (New): UAO Biswamvpur, Sunamganj, Open DDO
1. Open DDO Office code 1610306140423
2. Solved
3. UAO Biswamvpur, Sunamganj
Ashiqur Rahman
11:18 PM Implementation Support Support #3648 (New): UAO Dhunut, Bogra, Open DDO
1. DDO Open Office code 1370301=224215400-351345
2. SOlved
3. UAO Dhunut, Bogra
Ashiqur Rahman
11:17 PM Implementation Support Support #3647 (New): UAO Puthia, Rajshahi, Open DDO in Project code.
1. Open DDO Office code 1370301=224215400-351410
2. Solved
3. UAO Puthia, Rajshahi
Ashiqur Rahman
11:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3646 (New): DAO Bhola, Challan Journal
1. DAO Bhola, Bank entry challan wrong code.
2. After Discussion Mr. Manjur Bhai tole them to Journal Entry
3. Solv...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:13 PM Implementation Support Support #3645 (New): UAO Sherpur, Bogra, Interest on Gov. Employees Found Double.
1. UAO Sherpur, Bogra found Interest on Gov. Employee Double
2. Delete one code from DDO Coding block.1270401 139128...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3644 (New): DAO Bogra Cr. Scroll Problem
1. DAO Bogra, Cr. Scroll Problem dated: 22/03/2020
2. Solved
3. DAO Bogra
Ashiqur Rahman
11:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3643 (New): DCA Rajshahi Dr. Scroll Problem Month March'2020
1. DCA Rajshahi Dr. Scroll Problem Month March'2020 Dated: 10/03/2020, 30/03/2020 and 31/03/2020
2. Solved
3. DCA R...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:07 PM Implementation Support Support #3642 (New): UAO Sariakandia, Bogra DDO Coding Block Mapping
1. UAO Sariakandia, Bogra coding block permission. Office code
2. Solved
3. UAO S...
Ashiqur Rahman
11:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3641 (New): UAO Kalapara, Patuakhali EFT Message Problem.
1. UAO Kalapara, Patuakhali user EFT Message not found.
2. Solved
3. UAO Kalapara, Patuakhali
Ashiqur Rahman
09:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3606 (New): Monthly accounts of FC Pay 2
1.Description of problems: On detail schedule report payment amount of march is not correct for MODC (1190915104384) ... Benamin Mukammel
09:00 PM Implementation Support Support #3596 (New): Self registrtion problem for defense officer.
Description of problems:while doing self registration an error massage shows "user information not found"
How it gen...
Benamin Mukammel
08:42 PM Implementation Support Support #3595 (New): Debit scroll /Credit scroll roll back.
Description of problems:wrong dr/cr file send by bank.
How it generates:By importing wrong dr/cr file to following ...
Benamin Mukammel
07:37 PM Implementation Support Support #3594 (New): Wrong bank info entry
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
07:36 PM Implementation Support Support #3593 (New): self id related
1. Description of problems: need to updated mobile no
2. How it generates: mobile no is not found at self id
3. Sol...
Sabya Sachee
07:34 PM Implementation Support Support #3592 (New): Individual EFT Issues
1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
Sabya Sachee
07:33 PM Implementation Support Support #3591 (New): Individual EFT Issues
1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
Sabya Sachee
07:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3590 (New): wrongly submitted Demand cancellation Request@155 fd wrkshp
1. Description of problems:Demand cancellation Request
2. How it generates:They Wrongly submitted demand(salary+fes...
Sabya Sachee
07:26 PM Implementation Support Support #3589 (New): Individual EFT Issues
1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
Sabya Sachee
07:24 PM Implementation Support Support #3588 (New): Individual EFT Issues
1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
Sabya Sachee
07:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3587 (New): Not found in Festival list
1. Description of problems:
নিম্নবণির্ত সৈনিকগেনর মাসিক বেতন ও ভাতায় নাম রয়েছে কিন্তু ঊৎসব ভাতায় নাম নেই:
Sabya Sachee
07:15 PM Implementation Support Support #3586 (New): Wrong bank info Related
1. Description of problems:Wrong bank info entry
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank i...
Sabya Sachee
07:13 PM Implementation Support Support #3585 (New): staff issues@PP&A
1. Description of problems:Mess waiter পদবী IBAS এ নাই& Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
Sabya Sachee
07:12 PM Implementation Support Support #3584 (New): Individual EFT Issues
1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
Sabya Sachee
07:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3583 (New): Post not found+RT Issues@56 Bengal
1. Description of problems:Mess waiter পদবী IBAS এ নাই& Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
Sabya Sachee
05:35 PM Implementation Support Support #3566: Approved bill cancellation problem at DCA Khulna
** Dev Issue Found:
1. Document Line unstable state regarding debit credit.
2. Audit trail found invalid status (bi...
Shakib Ibn Daud
12:04 PM Implementation Support Support #3566 (New): Approved bill cancellation problem at DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems : Approved bill cancellation problem at DCA Khulna: token number : 126596
2. How it gener...
Mossanna Argon
05:22 PM Implementation Support Support #3582 (New): Discuss with DCA Rangpur regarding march 2020 month close(All paypont)

1. Description of problems :Discuss with DDCA Rangpur regarding march 2020 mo...
Mossanna Argon
05:19 PM Implementation Support Support #3581 (New): User ID mapping with post at UAO Chirirbandar
1. Description of problems :user post role self bill entry.
2. How it generates : N?A
3. Solution : Mapping with c...
Mossanna Argon
01:50 PM Implementation Support Support #3580 (New): DAO user id problem DAO Coxsbazar
1. Description of problems: Accounts officer create two user ID
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : One Id Deact...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:38 PM Implementation Support Support #3579 (New): online user problem UAO Kawkhali
1. Description of problems: Information not found
2. How it generates: When login
3. Solution : user id and NID map...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:28 PM Implementation Support Support #3578 (New): online Staff Festival bill submission Problem
1. Description of problems: Online bill submission Problem
2. How it generates: When online staff festival bill subm...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
01:11 PM Implementation Support Support #3577 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (Sutrapur sub registry office)
1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen...
Evan Sharif
01:05 PM Implementation Support Support #3576 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (Uttora sub registry office)
1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen...
Evan Sharif
01:01 PM Implementation Support Support #3575 (New): Bangla New Year Allowance Problem
1. Users can't get Bangla new year allowance amount. Because of user-id post and NID post is different.
2. Updated...
Sajan Das
12:46 PM Implementation Support Support #3573 (New): DLR Achievement Status - March 2020
Aminul Mohaimen
12:43 PM Implementation Support Support #3572 (New): new user id create but All DDO not Mapping UAO Roangchori
1. Description of problems: All DDO not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When Token and bill entry
3. Solut...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:39 PM Implementation Support Support #3571 (New): Budget Problem UAO Megna, UAO Debirdar and 20+ Accounts Office
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When bill entry organaization code not...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3570 (New): By pass NID in Pay fixation UAO Sorail
1. Description of problems: Army officer master data not entry
2. How it generates: When master data entry
3. Solut...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:10 PM Implementation Support Support #3569 (New): Adding Menu in user id UAO Pekua officer
1. Description of problems: EFT menu not Found upazila accounts officer
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : Mapp...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
12:09 PM Implementation Support Support #3568 (New): Code Block not found
1. 1270208141241 (National Institute of Laboratory Medicine and Referral Centre, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka) new offi... Sajan Das
12:08 PM Implementation Support Support #3567 (New): UNPOSTED DATA REMAINS FOR THE SELECTED FISCAL_PERIOD AND PAY POINT, cannot close
1. Description of problems: can not close moth due to unposted data remains
2. How it generates: When officer pres...
Evan Sharif
11:59 AM Implementation Support Support #3565 (New): Online Staff Bill DDO open DAO Coxs Bazar
1. Description of problems: New DDO Open for online Staff bill entry
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : DDO ID ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:53 AM Implementation Support Support #3564 (New): Budget Problem DAO Noakhali
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When bill entry
3. Solution : Budget ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:48 AM Implementation Support Support #3563 (New): Festival Bill Approve Problem UAO Chandanaish
1. Description of problems: Festival Bill Approve Problem
2. How it generates: When bill approved
3. Solution : No ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:46 AM Implementation Support Support #3562 (New): Dr scroll (Cheque) upload at DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems : Dr scroll (Cheque) upload at DCA Khulna - March -2020(4/03/2020,05/03/2020)
2. How it g...
Mossanna Argon
11:40 AM Implementation Support Support #3561 (New): After study deputation, my basic pay show 15495tk. So, I can not submit my bill.
1. Description of problems: After study deputation, my basic pay show 15495tk. So, I can not submit my bill.
2. How ...
Evan Sharif
11:35 AM Implementation Support Support #3560 (New): UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj, Open DDO
1. UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj Open DDO. Office code 1370301-224215400 351418
2. Solved.
3. UAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj
Ashiqur Rahman
11:19 AM Implementation Support Support #3559 (New): DDO Open UAO Manohorganj With Code Permission
1. Description of problems: New Code open classification team then DDO open
2. How it generates: N/A
3. Solution : ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:17 AM Implementation Support Support #3558 (New): allowance cannot be more than 60% of the basic pay
1. Description of problems: I am on Study Leave with half average pay. But when I click on 'Submit' the bill, it show... Evan Sharif
11:07 AM Implementation Support Support #3557 (New): Economic Code Permission UAO Longadu
1. Description of problems: Code not found in bill entry
2. How it generates: When officer and staff bill entry
3. ...
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
11:02 AM Implementation Support Support #3556 (New): Payfixation menu can not find UAO Gobindaganj
1. Description of problems : user ID: mhadiurr, can not find fixation menu.
2. How it generates : after login
3. So...
Mossanna Argon
10:40 AM Implementation Support Support #3555 (New): Online festival bill submission problem @ DCA Khulna
1. Description of problems : Online festival bill submission problem ()
2. How it generates : when user submit festi...
Mossanna Argon
10:38 AM Implementation Support Support #3554 (New): i dont recieve any bangla noboborsho bill 2019-2020 (CAO Health)
1. Description of problems: User submit his bill but Accounts office did not receive the bill
2. How it generates: ...
Evan Sharif
10:16 AM Implementation Support Support #3553 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (Tejgaon Sub register office)
1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen...
Evan Sharif
10:12 AM Implementation Support Support #3552 (New): Month Closed Problem DAO Chandpur
1. Bill Remains Problem
2. Check It and Solved
3. DAO chandpur
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:11 AM Implementation Support Support #3551 (New): Credit Scroll Journal Problem DAO Lakshmipur
1. Credit Scroll Journal
2. Advice DAO
3. DAO Lakshmipur
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:11 AM Implementation Support Support #3550 (New): DDO Staff bill Problem UAO Sitakundu
1. Token Not Found
2. Advice Uao Sitakundu
3. UAO Sitakundu
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:10 AM Implementation Support Support #3549 (New): Report Show Problem UAO Motlab
1. Advice Report Show Problem
2. Needed Browser update problem
3. UAO Motlab
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:10 AM Implementation Support Bug #3548 (New): Report Show Problem UAO Motlab
1. Advice Report Show Problem
2. Needed Browser update problem
3. UAO Motlab
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:09 AM Implementation Support Support #3547 (New): GPF Opening Balance By pass DAO Khagrachhari
1. GPF Bill Entry Problem
2. Token No: 017796
3. By pass GPF Opening Balance
4. DAO Khagrachhari
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:09 AM Implementation Support Support #3546 (New): Code Permission DAO Khagrachhari
1. Bill Entry Problem
2. Needed Code Permission 3111316
3. DAO Khagrachhari
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:07 AM Implementation Support Support #3545 (New): Delete Credit Scroll UAO Ukhai
1. Wrong Date import
2. Date 03.03.2020
3. UAO Ukhia
Rony Md. Sohel Sharif Talukdar
10:00 AM Implementation Support Support #3544 (New): Month Close unposted data remains (CGDF)
. Description of problem:unposted data remains while closing a month.
2. How it generates: If unposted token,book ad...
Benamin Mukammel
09:56 AM Implementation Support Support #3543 (New): Returned EFT retransmit isssue.
1.Description of problems:Returned EFT reorder entry and re-transmit issue.
2. How it generates:If bank related info...
Benamin Mukammel
09:54 AM Implementation Support Support #3542 (New): JCO OR'S Festival (eid ul fitor) bill submission.
1.Description of problems:Those who will not get festival bonus but in unpressed festival report they are included.Ne... Benamin Mukammel
09:44 AM Implementation Support Support #3533 (New): Month Close issues.
1. Description of problems: informing to close month
2. How it generates: Month is Open
3. Solution: Informed Accor...
Sabya Sachee
09:43 AM Implementation Support Support #3532 (New): Staff Bill Processing issues@157 Fd Wksp EME
1. Description of problems:Mess waiter পদবী IBAS এ নাই& Religious teacher (RT) - JSI তথ্য entry Option IBAS এ নাই।
Sabya Sachee
09:42 AM Implementation Support Support #3531 (New): Wrong Retirement Entry issues
1. Description of problems: Wrong Retirement Entry issues
2. How it generates: Retirement date is Wrong
3. Solution...
Sabya Sachee
09:42 AM Implementation Support Support #3530 (New): Profit intimation related confusion of wari Post office
1. Description of problems: Profit intimation related confusion
2. How it generates:They are confused to do profit i...
Sabya Sachee
09:40 AM Implementation Support Support #3526 (New): Individual EFT Issues of a unit
1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
Sabya Sachee
09:40 AM Implementation Support Support #3525 (New): Individual EFT Issues of a unit
1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
Sabya Sachee
09:39 AM Implementation Support Support #3522 (New): Individual EFT Issues of 27RE
1. Description of problems: Individual EFT Issues
2. How it generates: lack of information/understanding about bank ...
Sabya Sachee


12:10 AM Implementation Support Support #3455 (New): JCO ORS individual EFT
1.Description of problems:JCO ORS individual EFT related information and query.
2.How it generates:Lack of informati...
Benamin Mukammel
09:18 PM Gender Budget Feature #3426 (New): Percentage for Operating Activity Approve
Percentage for Operating Activity Approve
Zainal Abedin
09:18 PM Gender Budget Feature #3425 (New): Percentage for Operating Activity Entry
Percentage for Operating Activity Entry
Zainal Abedin
09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3424 (New): Percentage for Development Project Approve
Percentage for Development Project Approve
Zainal Abedin
09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3423 (New): Percentage for Development Project Entry
Percentage for Development Project Entry
Zainal Abedin
09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3422 (New): Copy previous year’s data Screen
Copy previous year’s data Screen
Zainal Abedin
09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3421 (New): Mapping Element Data with Ministry Screen
Mapping Element Data with Ministry Screen
Zainal Abedin
09:17 PM Gender Budget Feature #3420 (New): Insert Element Data & Mapping Data
Insert Element Data & Mapping Data
Zainal Abedin
09:16 PM Gender Budget Feature #3419 (New): Create Mapping Element Data with Ministry Table
Create Mapping Element Data with Ministry Table
Zainal Abedin
09:16 PM Gender Budget Feature #3418 (New): Create Transaction Table
Create Transaction Table
Zainal Abedin
09:15 PM Gender Budget Feature #3417 (New): Create Impact Table
Create Impact Table
Zainal Abedin
09:15 PM Gender Budget Feature #3415 (New): Create Sub-Segment: Name - Indicator
Create Sub-Segment: Name - Indicator
Zainal Abedin
09:13 PM Gender Budget Feature #3413 (New): Create Segment: Name - Thematic Group
Create Segment: Name - Thematic Group
Zainal Abedin
08:58 PM Implementation Support Support #3393 (New): Can not submit pay bill due to registered by two NID (UAO Golapganj)
1. Description of problems: Can not submit pay bill due to registered by two nid
2. How it generates: When office tr...
Evan Sharif
08:54 PM Implementation Support Support #3392 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (CAO Law)
1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen...
Evan Sharif
08:51 PM Implementation Support Support #3391 (New): GPF code blocking not found (dao sunamganj)
1. Description of problems: New sub register office of dao sunamganj not found GPF code.
2. How it generates: When T...
Evan Sharif
08:46 PM Implementation Support Support #3390 (New): Online Festival Bill Coding Block Problem (cao education / research center )
1. Description of problems: Officer cannot submit festival bill because error 'Coding block not found'
2. How it gen...
Evan Sharif
08:32 PM Implementation Support Support #3388 (New): Approved bill cancel not working
1. Description of problems: Officer cannot cancel approved bill because error 'ora 20001 ..'
2. How it generates: Wh...
Evan Sharif
07:37 PM Implementation Support Feature #3373 (Resolved): Accounts summary report inconsistencies with EFT disbursed
Aminul Mohaimen
02:31 PM Implementation Support Feature #3373 (Resolved): Accounts summary report inconsistencies with EFT disbursed
Aminul Mohaimen
05:48 PM Implementation Support Support #3387 (New): Bangladesh Bank Debit Scroll Import
1. Bangladesh Bank March Month Debit Scroll Import (CHEQUE) done
2. 05.03.2020, 08.03.2020, 12.03.2020, 22.03.2020...
Sajan Das
05:29 PM Implementation Support Support #3386 (New): March Month Close
1. Already Called 24 CAFO for month close
2. 8 CAFO closed their March month accounts.
3. CAFO Education and CA...
Sajan Das

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