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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4007Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDAO Pirojpur, Insufficient Budget.Ashiqur Rahman04/26/2020 08:59 PM
4006Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalPWD Barisal, Migration ContactAshiqur Rahman04/26/2020 08:57 PM
4005Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDAO Pabna, Open DDOAshiqur Rahman04/26/2020 08:54 PM
4004Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalNHA Sylhet Division, Insufficient budgetAshiqur Rahman04/26/2020 08:52 PM
4003Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDCA Barisal GPF subscription shown doubleAshiqur Rahman04/26/2020 08:48 PM
3865Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Godagari, Rajshahi, User registration problem for online bill submissionAshiqur Rahman04/21/2020 10:27 PM
3864Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Amtali Barguna, Open DDOAshiqur Rahman04/21/2020 10:22 PM
3863Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Badalgachi, Naogaon, Coding block not foundAshiqur Rahman04/21/2020 10:19 PM
3862Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Mehidiganj, Barisal, Open DDOAshiqur Rahman04/21/2020 10:16 PM
3861Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDCA Rajshahi, Interest on loan to government employees shown doubleAshiqur Rahman04/21/2020 10:13 PM
3860Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDAO Natore, Employee information entry Single step not save after correctionAshiqur Rahman04/21/2020 10:10 PM
3858Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDCA Barisal, Import and Upload Dr. scrollAshiqur Rahman04/21/2020 09:49 PM
3856Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDAO Kushtia, Online staff bill submission problemAshiqur Rahman04/21/2020 09:42 PM
3855Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDCA Rajshahi, Online bill submission problem(Staff Bill)Ashiqur Rahman04/21/2020 09:40 PM
3832Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Shahazadpur, Sirajganj self bill entry problem.Ashiqur Rahman04/20/2020 11:35 PM
3831Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDAO Bogra, Book transfer Cr. Code not found.Ashiqur Rahman04/20/2020 11:30 PM
3830Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDAO Sirajganj DDO OpenAshiqur Rahman04/20/2020 11:24 PM
3829Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDAO Natore, EFT CancelAshiqur Rahman04/20/2020 11:22 PM
3828Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalDCA Rajshahi, User ID Transfer from Chapai to DCA RajshahiAshiqur Rahman04/20/2020 11:19 PM
3827Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Atrai, LPC Related Issued.Ashiqur Rahman04/20/2020 11:17 PM
3826Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Hatibandha, Gaibandha Interest on Govt. Employee Double.Ashiqur Rahman04/20/2020 11:14 PM
3804Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Borhanuddin, Bhola, DDO OpenAshiqur Rahman04/20/2020 11:10 PM
3803Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Nandigram, Bogra, DDO OpenAshiqur Rahman04/20/2020 10:32 AM
3799Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalNHA Chittagonj Circle, Bill Passing Problem.Ashiqur Rahman04/19/2020 11:49 PM
3798Implementation SupportSupportNewNormalUAO Shajahanpur, Bogra, Re - active DDO.Ashiqur Rahman04/19/2020 11:47 PM
(51-75/112) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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